The main goal of this awesome Java Webapp is to encourage people to dive deep in Java Application Architecture and how we can make delivery pipeline faster, easier and much reliable using Continous Integration.
The list of dependencies are not quite long but yes we do have some dependencies.
- Mav 3.X
- Java 8
- Docker(Only if you are willing to create a Dockerized Setup)
This application connects with MySQL database. If you want to have a full-fledged running application, just do me a favor and edit these properties according to your database environment.
Note:- The location of file is src/main/resources/
Running this application manually is pretty straight forward.
For Compilation
mvn clean package
For Unit Tests
mvn test
For Deploying Artifact on Remote Repository
mvn deploy
There is some other cool stuff as well but I leave that up to you to explore it.
Dockerized setup is much classier than manual setup. To achieve this you just have to do this:-
docker build -t opstree/spring3hibernate:latest -f Dockerfile .
That's it. It will create Tomcat Image having the war itself. Now just go and deploy the docker image anywhere you want.