This copied from as its probably the best content and I'm not clever enough to know how to fork the file and mirror to copy it locally.
I need to go through and give attribution to the various sites and authors for these macros. I will, but want to get them all entered first.
Poltergeisha has a set of macros that I use with my custom shopping rules. You can find those here:
The easiest way to organize macros is to put them in the Attributes and Abilities tab of character sheets. Create a new character sheet for each categroy of macro, and put all your macros in. This has the added bonus of not fucking up any html character replacement in the macros. Then you can use the checkboxes under each ability macro to put it in your bar.
If you want to share macros with players, share the character sheet with them, and instruct them to put the macros in their macro bars and name them however they want.
The exception is macros that you want to use by typing insteaad of clicking a macro button. Then you should make them as regular macros so you can type #whatever to call the macro in chat.
Macros can take up a lot of space on your macro bar! The easiest way to fix this is to use emoji to name them. When renaming a macro in your macro bar, you can either copy-paste an emoji from or if you have the newest version of windows you can type Windows Key + . to bring up an emoji picker in any text box.
You can also use colors to organize macros by type. Here's what my macro bar looks like:
You can recolor and rename macro buttons by right-clicking them.
All these macros assume the following bar configuration:
Bar 1: AC
Bar 2: Other_Resource
Bar 3: HP
I use Bar 3 for HP because it sits on top of the upper edge of the token, which means that having tokens stacked above each other doesn't hide the health bar accidentally. In the settings page I recolor Bar 1 to blue, Bar 2 to red, and Bar 3 to green.
I've got these organized in the saame way I have them organized in the picture above, organized by color, with the emoji I use (if you want to copy me outright.) All macros below are stored in a character sheet called "GM" unless otherwise noted.
Coming soon!
Rolls treasure based on enemies.
Uses: Robin Kueper's Treasure
!treasure ?{Selected or manual?|
Selected,s ?{Individual or Hoard?|individual|hoard}|
Manual,?{Individual or Hoard?|individual|hoard } ?{CR } ?{How many?} }
Rolls on the Wild Magic table. Requires a table called Wild-Magic. This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it, but the GM should also keep it in their bar.
!rt &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Wild Magic Surge}} {{description=[[1t[Wild-Magic]]]}}
This is just the marching order menu.
Uses: Marching Order
Used for riding mounts or carrying torches. This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it.
Uses: Carry Tokens
Use for flying. This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it.
Uses: Flight
!fly ?{How many feet?|0}
Adds one level of exhaustion. Exhaustion must be stored in the first class resource on every PC's sheet (which you should have set up
already if you're using my long/short rest macros, right? ;)
Uses: ChatSetAttr
!setattr --modb --silent --sel --class_resource|?{Add or Subtract?|Add,+1|Subtract,-1}
/desc Exhaustion ?{Add or Subtract?|Add,gain|Subtract,lose}
This allows anyone to quickly assign a condition status marker to themself. Easy to edit to add more. Nice becaues you can type to find something in a dropdown and because this standardizes the condition markers.
This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it.
Uses: TokenMod, (optional) Status Info -- if you want to use this macro with Status Info, you will need to import my Status Settings:
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|?{Status|
―, |
―, |
―, |
―, |
―, |
Cover (half),!broken-shield:2|
Cover (three-quarters),!broken-shield:5|
Cover (full),!white-tower|
―, |
Bardic Inspiration,!half-heart|
Mage Armor,!aura|
Tides of Chaos,!rolling-bomb|
Vow of Enmity,!fist|
―, |
Dying,!skull --set tint_color|C40000|
Dead,!dead --set tint_color|ffffff|
―, |
Clear All, --set statusmarkers#-red#-blue#-green#-brown#-purple#-pink#-yellow#-dead#-skull#-sleepy#-half-heart#-half-haze#-interdiction#-snail#-lightning-helix#-spanner#-chained-heart#-chemical-bolt#-death-zone#-drink-me#-edge-crack#-ninja-mask#-stopwatch#-fishing-net#-overdrive#-strong#-fist#-padlock#-three-leaves#-fluffy-wing#-pummeled#-tread#-arrowed#-aura#-back-pain#-black-flag#-bleeding-eye#-bolt-shield#-broken-heart#-cobweb#-broken-shield#-flying-flag#-radioactive#-trophy#-broken-skull#-frozen-orb#-rolling-bomb#-white-tower#-grab#-screaming#-grenade#-sentry-gun#-all-for-one#-angel-outfit#-archery-target --set tint_color|transparent|
―, |
C O L O R S, |
U N A S S I G N E D, |
Half Haze,!half-haze|
Death Zone,!death-zone|
Drink Me,!drink-me|
Three Leaves,!three-leaves|
Fluffy Wing,!fluffy-wing|
Black Flag,!black-flag|
Broken Heart,!broken-heart|
Flying Flag,!flying-flag|
Frozen Orb,!frozen-orb|
Sentry Gun,!sentry-gun|
All For One,!all-for-one|
Set the light and sight of a token to standard values, like that of a torch or candle.
Uses: Token Mod
!token-mod --set ?{Vision|
Torch, light_radius#40 light_dimradius#20 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|
Hooded Lantern, light_radius#60 light_dimradius#30 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|
Bullseye Lantern, light_radius#120 light_dimradius#60 light_angle#60 light_hassight#yes light_otherplayers#yes|
Lamp, light_radius#30 light_dimradius#15 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|
Candle, light_radius#5 light_dimradius#=0 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|
Darkvision, light_radius#60 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|
Darkvision (90'), light_radius#90 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|
Warlock Devil's Sight, light_radius#120 light_dimradius#=120 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|
No light source(Dusk), light_radius#120 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|
Fog, light_radius#200 light_dimradius#=5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|
No light source, light_radius#5 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|
Blinded, light_hassight#no light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no}
Adds or removes inspiration from the selected PC (will also work for NPCs if you create the Inspiration attribute on their sheets.)
Uses: Robin Kueper's Inspiration Tracker
Opens combat menu. Select tokens and click Start to start combat.
Uses: Robin Kueper's Combat Tracker
Moves the turn tracker forward. This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it.
Uses: Robin Kueper's Combat Tracker
!ct next
Brings up a party sheet for the selected tokens.
Uses: GMSheet
Deals damage to a targeted token. I store this macro on the PC Macro Sheet because I have me PCs deal damage to the baddies after rolling. This saves me time, especially when the roll20 token bubbles are very slow to load.
Uses: TokenMod
!token-mod --set bar3_value|-[[(?{Damage})/?{Resistance?|No,1|Yes,2}*?{Vulnerability?|No,1|Yes,2}]] --ids @{target|Target 1|token_id}
/em damaged @{target|Target 1|token_name}.
Same as above, but can target up to 5 tokens. If you want to target less than 5, just select the same token multiple times to fill up the remaining targets (it will still only apply the damage once.)
Uses: TokenMod
!token-mod --set bar3_value|-[[(?{Damage})/?{Resistance?|No,1|Yes,2}*?{Vulnerability?|No,1|Yes,2}]] --ids @{target|Target 1|token_id} @{target|Target 2|token_id} @{target|Target 3|token_id} @{target|Target 4|token_id} @{target|Target 5|token_id}
/em damaged @{target|Target 1|token_name}, @{target|Target 2|token_name}, @{target|Target 3|token_name}, @{target|Target
4|token_name}, @{target|Target 5|token_name}.
Heals by the normal healing point amounts or a custom amount. This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it.
Uses: TokenMod
!token-mod --set bar3_value|+[[?{Type|Common,2d4+2|Greater,4d4+4|Superior,8d4+4|Supreme,10d4+20|Other,?{Custom Heal}}]] --ids @{target|Target 1|token_id}
/em healed @{target|Target 1|token_name}.
Does a group save, with option for whisper/public, kind of save, and DC.
Uses: GroupCheck
!group-check {{
--?{Ability Save|Strength,Strength Save|Dexterity,Dexterity Save|Constitution,Constitution Save|Intelligence,Intelligence Save|Wisdom,Wisdom Save|Charisma,Charisma Save}
--ro ?{Roll Type|Normal,roll1|Advantage,adv|Disadvantage,dis}
--subheader vs DC ?{DC}
Same as Group Save but with checks.
Uses: GroupCheck
!group-check {{
--?{Ability Check|Strength,Strength Check|Dexterity,Dexterity Check|Constitution,Constitution Check|Intelligence,Intelligence Check|Wisdom,Wisdom Check|Charisma,Charisma Check}
--ro ?{Roll Type|Normal,roll1|Advantage,adv|Disadvantage,dis}
--subheader vs DC ?{DC}
Same as Group Save but with skills.
Uses: GroupCheck
!group-check {{
--?{Ability Check|Acrobatics|Animal Handling|Arcana|Athletics|Deception|History|Insight|Intimidation|Investigation|Medicine|Nature|Perception|Performance|Persuasion|Religion|Sleight of Hand|Stealth|Survival}
--ro ?{Roll Type|Normal,roll1|Advantage,adv|Disadvantage,dis}
--subheader vs DC ?{DC}
Just the calendar menu because I can't remember these commands.
Uses: Calendar
Coming Soon!
Allows you and PCs to "speak" other languages. This macro should be stored in the PC Macro Sheet because PCs can also use it.
This one requires some set up: Create a character sheet for every language in your game, then assign that character to the players
whose characters can speak that language. If you have more languages or different languages than are listed in the macro, you'll
need to edit the macro to reflect that.
/w ?{What language?|Draconic|Dwarven|Chultan|Elven|Gnomish|Goblin|Halfling|Infernal|Thieves' Cant} ?{Message}
/em speaks in a language you don't understand.
This is stored in the Macro tab because it can also be called as #wch (see below.) I just like having a button for it.
Token macros require a token to be selected, so they're good for things that act on tokens. Store this macro in the normal Macro Tab and set it to be a token macro, since you'll only ever need it when having tokens selected.
Make sure you have bump set to auto push and auto slave in the script library settings, and you can basically control the whole script with this button.
Uses: Bump
Sets currently selected token as the default token for the character its assigned to. Make this a button at the beginning of the game when people are making lots of characters but after that it can just be a chat macro.
!token-mod --set defaulttoken
All the below macros should be stored on a character sheet called "Macros" that is shared with and editable by all players. Instruct your players to put these macros in their macro bar and rename/recolor them to their liking.
Find the code for these macros in the above GM section.
- Carry Tokens 🏋️♂️
- Flight 🕊
- Status ⚠
- End of Turn 🔚
- Deal Damage 💢
- Deal Multiple Damage 💢👥
- Heal 💉
- Language 🗣
All the below macros should be stored on a character sheet called "Resting" that is shared with and editable by all players.
It's important that your players use ONE of the below long rest and ONE of the below short rest macros depending on how many class resources they have which refill on a short and/or long rest. Once they choose the correct macro, they should add it to their macro bar and rename/recolor it to their liking.
You MUST instruct your players to organize their class resources from left to right, top to bottom, like this:
- Exhuastion is FIRST
- Next are all abilities that come back on a short AND/OR long rest
- Next are al abilities that come back on ONLY a long rest.
ALL of the long rest macros use these scripts: 5e OGL Companion, ChatSetAttr ALL of the short rest macros use these scripts: ChatSetAttr
Removes 1 exhaustion and refills spell slots, hp, and hd.
!longrest @{selected|character_name}
!modbattr --modb --sel --class_resource|-1 --fb-header Long Rest Taken --fb-content Refilled HP, Hit Dice, and Spell Slots. Exhaustion is _CUR0_. **Don't forget to prepare spells!**
Removes 1 exhuastion, refills spell slots, hp, and hd, and refills one class resource.
!longrest @{selected|character_name}
!modbattr --sel --class_resource|-1 --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --fb-header You took a long rest. --fb-content Refilled HP, Hit Dice, Spell Slots, and @{selected|other_resource_name}. Exhaustion is _CUR0_. **Don't forget to prepare spells!**
Same song and dance as above, 2 class resources.
!longrest @{selected|character_name}
!modbattr --sel --class_resource|-1 --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|max} --fb-header You took a long rest. --fb-content Reset HP, Hit Dice, Spell Slots, @{selected|other_resource_name}, and @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}. Exhaustion is _CUR0_. **Don't forget to prepare spells!**
Same song and dance as above, 3 class resources.
!longrest @{selected|character_name}
!modbattr --sel --class_resource|-1 --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|max} --fb-header You took a long rest. --fb-content Refilled HP, Hit Dice, Spell Slots, @{selected|other_resource_name}, @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}, and @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right_name}. Exhaustion is _CUR0_. **Don't forget to prepare spells!**
Same song and dance as above, 4 class resources.
!longrest @{selected|character_name}
!modbattr --sel --class_resource|-1 --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|max} --repeating_resource_$1_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$1_resource_left|max} --fb-header You took a long rest. --fb-content Refilled HP, Hit Dice, Spell Slots, @{selected|other_resource_name}, @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}, @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right_name}, and @{selected|repeating_resource_$1_resource_left_name}. Exhaustion is _CUR0_. **Don't forget to prepare spells!**
Basically just gives players a button to hit to roll hit dice.
!modbattr --replace --sel --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|0} --fb-header You took a short rest. --fb-content [Roll Hit Dice](~selected|hit_dice)
Refills one class resource + button to roll hit dice.
!setattr --replace --sel --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --fb-header You took a short rest. --fb-content Refilled @{selected|other_resource_name}. [Roll Hit Dice](~selected|hit_dice)
Refills two class resources + button to roll hit dice.
!setattr --replace --sel --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|max} --fb-header You took a short rest. --fb-content Refilled @{selected|other_resource_name} and @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}. [Roll Hit Dice](~selected|hit_dice)
Refills three class resources + button to roll hit dice.
!setattr --replace --sel --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|max} --fb-header You took a short rest. --fb-content Refilled @{selected|other_resource_name}, @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}, and @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right_name}. [Roll Hit Dice](~selected|hit_dice)
Refills four class resources + button to roll hit dice.
!setattr --replace --sel --other_resource|@{selected|other_resource|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left|max} --repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|@{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right|max} --repeating_resource_$1_resource_left|@{selected|repeating_resource_$1_resource_left|max} --fb-header You took a short rest. --fb-content Refilled @{selected|other_resource_name}, @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}, @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right_name}, and @{selected|repeating_resource_$1_resource_left_name}. [Roll Hit Dice](~selected|hit_dice)
These macros can be found in the collection tab or by typing # in chat. Not important enough to clutter things up with buttons. Players can add these to their macro bar if they want.
Create token actions.
Uses: Token Macro-Book Generator
**=** [[?{Calculator}]]
Post image to chat.
[Image](?{Image URL})
Post link to chat.
Link: **[?{Link Title}](?{Link URL})**
Make a pretty, formatted d20 roll.
/me rolls a [[1d20+?{modifier|0}]] for ?{reason|no reason}.
Shortens talktomyself
Whisper to a target token
/em @{selected|token_name} speaks low.
/w @{target|token_name} ?{"What"|um}
Whisper to the gm
/w gm ?{Message}
Create an FX centered on a target token
/fx ?{Type|Bomb, bomb|Bubbling,bubbling|Burn,burn|Burst,burst|Explode,explode|Glow,glow|Missile,missile|Nova,nova}-?{Color|Green Acid,acid|Blood,blood|Pink Charm,charm|Black Death,death|Fire,fire|Frost,frost|Holy Light,holy|Rainbow Magic,magic|Neon Slime,slime|Smoke,smoke|Water,water} @{target|token_id}
Create an FX in a directed line
/fx ?{Type|Beam, beam|Breath, breath|Splatter, splatter}-?{Color|Green Acid, acid|Blood, blood|Pink Charm, charm|Black Death, death|Fire, fire|Frost, frost|Holy Light, holy|Rainbow Magic, magic|Neon Slime, slime|Smoke, smoke|Water, water} @{target|Caster|token_id} @{target|Foe|token_id}
File Name | Author | Description/Requirements | Game System |
5e Buying Mundane Item | Poltergeisha | D&D 5e | |
5e Buying a Magic Item | Poltergeisha | D&D 5e | |
5e Carousing | Modnar | Powercards API | D&D 5e |
5e Roll Saving Throws all | unknown | Rolls the ALL saves for the set of characters | D&D 5e |
5e Roll Saving Throws select | unknown | Rolls the ALL saves for a selected character | D&D 5e |
5e Roll Skills all | unknown | Rolls a massive skill check for the set of characters | D&D 5e |
5e Roll Skills selected | unknown | Rolls the ALL saves for a selected character | D&D 5e |
5e Selling Mundane Items | D&D 5e | ||
5e Selling a Magic Item | D&D 5e | ||
5e Shaped AddMONSTER_TokenActions | D&D 5e | ||
5e Shaped AddPC_TokenActions | D&D 5e | ||
5e Shopping.txt Create 5e Shopping | D&D 5e | ||
Buying-Magic-Item | D&D 5e | ||
Buying-Mundane-Item | D&D 5e | ||
CoS Encounters | D&D 5e | ||
ItsATrap_trapCreationWizard | Any | ||
Loot Generation | D&D 5e | ||
Loot-Generation | D&D 5e | ||
Magical Loot | |||
MarchingOrderMenu | Any | ||
Mountain Encounter | |||
NPC Action Table | |||
NPC Action.txt | |||
NPC Perception | D&D 5e | ||
NPC Reaction | |||
NPC Traits | |||
PartyConnection | Any | ||
Powercards Background | Any | ||
Roll Ability Check all | |||
Roll Ability Check select | |||
Roll Initative Target | |||
Show Miniblock | |||
Show Spellbook | |||
StartingMoney{DMGpg38} | |||
StatRollNPC | D&D | ||
StatRollPC | D&D | ||
Talk-to-another | Any | ||
Tavern Name | Any | ||
Tavern-Names | Any | ||
TokenMod Concentration | |||
TokenMod Dead | Any | ||
TokenMod Dying | Any | ||
TokenMod Grappled | Any | ||
TokenMod Minionify | |||
TokenMod Prone | Any | ||
TokenMod Reset Token | Any | ||
TokenMod Restrained | Any | ||
TokenMod Reveal NPC target | Any | ||
TokenMod Save as Default | Any | ||
TokenMod SetPC Token | Any | ||
TokenMod Show_Hide Name | Any | ||
WHISPER-2-Token | Any | ||
WildMage_SURGE | D&D 5e | ||
WhisperToken | Any |