This is the WW3 bin directory which mostly serves to create the make file and set up the environment. Below we have three sections, build environment varibles, quick start instructions and information from various centers that use WW3.
Requires CMake 3.19 or greated.
To do an out-of-source build:
Create a build directory in the top-level directory:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DSWITCH=<switch_file> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<dir>
make <-jn>
make install
The CMake build builds all available executables with the given switches.
This is the WW3 bin directory which mostly serves to create the make file and set up the environment
WW3 build can have the following env variables set:
WW3_PARCOMPN = <how many parallel make tasks to use, default to 4 if not set >
The requirements for NetCDF are:
- NetCDF version 4.1.1 or higher (Use "nc-config --version" to check)
- NetCDF-4 API enabled (Use "nc-config --has-nc4" to check)
- Define NETCDF_CONFIG env variable
NETCDF_CONFIG = < path to NetCDF-4 nc-config utility >
METIS_PATH = < path before lib/libparmetis.a and lib/libmetis.a >
The following paths/libraries are expected to be set:
If using NCEP hpc-stack, you just need to set the following:
the other vairables should already be appropriately set.
After cloning and changing into the WW3 directory:
Run the w3_setup script:
./model/bin/w3_setup model -c <comp> -s <switch>
Build a WW3 exe after setting up any appropraite environment variables described above.
cd model/bin/
./w3_make ww3_grid
At Ifremer we run several wave models routinely using the WAVEWATCH codes, these are part of the MARC system and are reported under "LOPS" in the monthly JCOMM verification reports. The switch files and namelist values (other than default settings) for the different models are given below. Please note that we use different parameter settings for hindcasts and forecasts to adjust for the wind biases.
globmulti : A routine run global wave model driven by ECMWF winds
switch file : switch_Ifremer1
Namelist values (for forecasts, as of 2014/03/18 ):
&MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 /
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.45 /
Namelist values for hindcasts with CFSR winds (1994 to 2006) :
&MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 /
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.33
medmulti : A routine run driven by ECMWF winds
switch file : switch_Ifremer1
Namelist values :
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.50, ZALP=0.006, ZWND = 5.,
Z0MAX = 0.0020, TAUWSHELTER = 0.0 /
&SDS4 SDSBR = 0.00085,
SDSC2 = -2.2E-5, SDSCUM = 0.000, FXFM3= 2.5 /
&SNL1 NLPROP = 2.7E7 /
norgasug : a 110 k node mesh of the French Atlantic + Channel + North sea
switch file : switch_Ifremer1
Namelist values :
At the NCEP operational center we run several wave models using the WAVEWATCH III codes. The switch files and namelist values (other than default settings) for the different models are given below
multi_1 : An operational global wave model driven by GFS winds (retired system)
switch file : switch_NCEP_st4sbs
Namelist values :
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.33 /
&MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 /
multi_2 : An operational global hurricane wave model driven by a blend of hurricane / atmospheric winds (retired system)
switch file : switch_NCEP_st2
Namelist values :
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.019 /
&PRO3 WDTHCG = 4.00, WDTHTH = 4.00 /
&MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 /
Great Lakes: the GLW/GLWN system caters for the five great lakes between USA and Canada. Settings for ST4 differ to account for specific wind forcing and dissipation designs
switch file : switch_NCEP_st4
Namelist values :
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.55, Z0MAX = 1.002 /
&SDS4 SDSC1 = 1.0, SDSC2 = 0.0, SDSBCK = 0.185, SDSHCK = 1.5, SDSDTH = 0 /
&SNL1 NLPROP = 2.5E7 /
&MISC FLAGTR = 0, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 /
The Oceanography Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is an R&D organization that, in addition to a number of other missions, supports model development and testing for Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), a U.S. Navy operational center.
NRL circa 2012 & NAVO circa 2013/2014
switch_file : switch_NRL1
Namelist values :
&MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 /
NRL circa 2014
switch_file : switch_NRL2
Namelist values :
&MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 /
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /
NRL experimental model circa 2014
switch_file : switch_NRL3
Namelist values :
&MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 /
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /
&FLX4 CDFAC = 1.230E-4 /
NRL pre-operational model circa 2018
switch_file : switch_NRL4
Namelist values :
IC4FC = 0.045 , 0.055 , 0.10 , 0.15 , 0.20 ,
0.25 , 0.30 , 0.35 , 0.40 , 99.0
IC4KI = 1.0e-6 , 2.0e-6 , 2.94e-06, 4.27e-06, 7.95e-06,
2.95e-05, 1.12e-04, 2.74e-04, 4.95e-04, 8.94e-04
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.2000 /
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /
At writing (October 2018) the Met Office run operational models based on WAVEWATCH III v4.18. Models using version 6 will be used for R&D and operational implementation at a future date. Version 6 switch settings and namelist values for Global and UK operational configurations are provided as follows:
Global wave model (25-12-6-3km SMC grid)
switch file : switch_UKMO_gbl
Namelist settings :
&PSMC DTIME = 57600.0, LATMIN=85.0, RFMAXD = 36.0, AVERG=.TRUE.,
LvSMC=4, JEQT=2816 /
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.36 /
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /
&SDB1 BJALFA = 0.2 /
&MISC CICE0 = 0.5, CICEN = 0.5, FLAGTR = 2, PTM = 2 /
&FLX3 CDMAX = 3.5E-3 , CTYPE = 0 /
UK regional model (7km regular grid)
switch file : switch_UKMO_reg
Namelist settings :
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.45 /
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /
&SDB1 BJALFA = 0.2 /
&PRO3 WDTHCG = 3.0, WDTHTH = 3.0 /
&MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4, PTM = 2 /
&FLX3 CDMAX = 3.5E-3 , CTYPE = 0 /
UK wave model (3-1.5km SMC grid)
switch file : switch_UKMO_uk
Namelist settings :
&PSMC DTIME = 10800.0, LATMIN=85.0, RFMAXD = 36.0, AVERG=.TRUE.,
LvSMC=2, NBISMC=1711, /
&ROTD PLAT=37.50, PLON=177.50 /
&SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.45 /
&SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /
&SDB1 BJALFA = 0.2 /
&MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.25, FLAGTR = 1, PTM = 2 /
&FLX3 CDMAX = 3.5E-3 , CTYPE = 0 /
The Ocean Engineering Center at the University of Melbourne, closely collaborating with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, has put extensive research effort into the development of source terms for spectral wave models, such as the ST6 source term package (Sin, Sds, Sswl), IC5 (Sice). A new nonlinear term based on the Generalized Kenitic Equation is also under preparation.
Since version 6.05, we run ST6 in two different ways (By default, UPROXY = 32 * UST):
[switch_UoM_nl1] for ST6+DIA (the default setup of ST6) Namelist values:
&FLX4 CDFAC = 1.0 / &SIN6 SINA0 = 0.090, SINFC = 6.00 / &SDS6 SDSA1 = 4.75E-06, SDSA2 = 7E-05 / &SWL6 SWLB1 = 0.41E-02 /
[switch_UoM_nl3] for ST6+GMD Namelist values:
$ $ ST6 parameters $ &FLX4 CDFAC = 1.0 / &SIN6 SINA0 = 0.05, SINFC = 6.00 / &SDS6 SDSA1 = 4.75E-06, SDSA2 = 7E-05 / &SWL6 SWLB1 = 6E-3 / $ $ G35 for ST6 $ &SNL3 NQDEF = 5, MSC = 0.00, NSC = -3.50 / &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.127, 0.000, 3.0, 0.488E+08, 0.000E+00 , 0.127, 0.097, 21.0, 0.126E+09, 0.000E+00 , 0.233, 0.098, 26.5, 0.620E+08, 0.000E+00 , 0.283, 0.237, 24.7, 0.283E+08, 0.000E+00 , 0.355, 0.183, 0.0, 0.117E+08, 0.000E+00 /
[switch_UoM_nl3s] for ST6+GMD+Nonlinear filter
Same as 2) but NLS is included in the switch file, which is helpful to suppress the spurious high-frequency noise in the wave spectrum when a high-resolution spectral grid is used (say, Δθ <= 5 deg).