This is an unofficial fork of the excellent CodeGlance plugin, which unfortunately no longer seems to be maintained.
- Works correctly with virtual space enabled
- Minimap can be used as a scrollbar
Latest build:
Jetbrains IDE plugin that displays a zoomed out overview, or minimap, similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane. The minimap allows for quick scrolling letting you jump straight to sections of code.
- Works with both light and dark themes using your customized colors for syntax highlighting.
- Color rendering using IntelliJ's tokenizer
- Scrollable!
- Embedded into editor window
git clone Minimap
cd MiniMap
# run the tests
./gradlew test
# build the plugin and install it in the sandbox then start idea
./gradlew runIde
# build a release
./gradlew buildPlugin
The result will be saved as build/distributions/MiniMap-{version}.zip
Import the gradle project and run the runIde
- Ctrl-Shift-G to toggle minimap.
- Settings > Other Settings > CodeGlance
我的另一个插件也挺有意思的。推荐给大家。 中文字符替换插件 感兴趣的可以试试看