Computer-Aided SEgmentation of REtinal Layers in optical coherence tomography images
The aim of this project, caserel`, is to build an open-source software suite for computer-aided segmentation and analysis of retinal layers in optical coherence tomography images.
This project is at its infancy stage. Currently, the software supports segmentation of 6 retinal layers by automatically delineating 7 boundaries (ILM, NFL/GCL, IPL/INL, INL/OPL, OPL/ONL, IS/OS,RPE). An image browser/editor is provided for manual or semi-automated correction of the segmented retinal boundaries. The segmentation algorithms used are based on graph-theory and is written in Matlab. You will need Matlab to execute this software.
For a demonstration, run script 'getRetinalLayersExample.m'.
` How to pronounce CASeReL? say is like casserole
- Retinal Thickness Output
- Macula detection
- Vessel detection
- Minimize the use of constants