Based on CentOS7 original mariadb Dockerfile, based on Stephen Tweedie's mariadb Dockerfile...
This repo contains a recipe for making Docker container for mariadb on CentOS7.
Check your Docker version
# docker version
Perform the build
# docker build --rm --tag <yourname>/mariadb55 .
Check the image out.
# docker images
# docker run --name=mariadb -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> <yourname>/mariadb
To use a separate data volume for /var/lib/mysql (recommended, to allow image update without losing database contents):
Create a data volume container: (it doesn't matter what image you use here, we'll never run this container again; it's just here to reference the data volume)
# docker run --name=mariadb-data -v /var/lib/mysql <yourname>/mariadb55 true
And now create the daemonized mariadb container:
# docker run --name=mariadb -d -p 3306:3306 --volumes-from=mariadb-data -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> <yourname>/mariadb55
You could also create an additional database by passing MYSQL_DATABASE and/or create an additional user passing MYSQL_USER to the container.
Keep in mind the initial password set for mariadb is: mysqlPassword. Change it now:
# mysqladmin --protocol=tcp -u testdb -p<password> password myNewPass
Connecting to mariadb:
# mysql --protocol=tcp -utestdb -pmyNewPass
Create a sample table:
\> CREATE TABLE test (name VARCHAR(10), owner VARCHAR(10),
-> species VARCHAR(10), birth DATE, death DATE);