Common development tools in one app.
- Json Editor
- UUID/Password Generator
- Hash Calculator
- Epoch Converter
- Regular Expression Tester
- Rest API Tester
- ASCII Graphics
- Logs Generator
This is a Maven JavaFX application.
Build an executable jar from the source:
mvn package
Build native application using Gluon Client plugin:
mvn clean client:build
or download the latest release.
JavaFx is not a part of Java SDK as of JDK 11.
- Json Pretty Print with Highlighting
- Json Validation
- Search Bar (Ctrl+F)
- UUID Generator
- Password Generator
- Hash Functions
- URL Encode/Decode
- Base64 Encode/Decode
- Current Unix Epoch Time
- Timestamp to Human Date
- Human Date to Timestamp
- Regex Flags
- Capturing Groups
- Rest API Testing Client
- Convert text to ASCII
- Generate log using given format and fake data
- Write to console
- Write to file
If you find this project useful and want to contribute, please open an issue or create a PR.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.