A Flutter K Chart.And easy to use.
k_chart: ^0.1.1
or use latest:
url: https://github.com/mafanwei/k_chart
When you change the data, you must call this:
DataUtil.calculate(datas); //This function has some optional parameters: n is BOLL N-day closing price. k is BOLL param.
use k line chart:
height: 450,
width: double.infinity,
child: KChartWidget(
datas,// Required,Data must be an ordered list,(history=>now)
isLine: isLine,// Decide whether it is k-line or time-sharing
mainState: _mainState,// Decide what the main view shows
secondaryState: _secondaryState,// Decide what the sub view shows
fixedLength: 2,// Displayed decimal precision
timeFormat: TimeFormat.YEAR_MONTH_DAY,
onLoadMore: () {},// Called when the list is swiped to the far left,use it load history.
maDayList: [5,10,20],// Display of MA,This parameter must be equal to DataUtil.calculate‘s maDayList
bgColor: [Colors.black, Colors.black],// The background color of the chart is gradient
isChinese: true,// Graphic language
isOnDrag: (isDrag){},// true is on Drag.Don't load data while Draging.
use depth chart:
DepthChart(_bids, _asks) //Note: Datas must be an ordered list,
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