Cross-platform multi-protocol VPN software. Pull requests are welcome. The stable version is available at
Open source smart card tools and middleware. PKCS#11/MiniDriver/Tokend
Fast multi-core TCP and WebSockets load generator.
add the feature of tcp proxy with nginx, with health check and status monitor
OpenSIPS is a GPL implementation of a multi-functionality SIP Server that targets to deliver a high-level technical solution (performance, security and quality) to be used in professional SIP serve…
Library for SRTP (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol)
This repository applies all Versions of the Original TrueCrypt Source Files in order
Automatically exported from
SIPGREP: Display and Troubleshoot SIP signaling over IP networks in console
My collection of monitoring plugins for Nagios and similar monitoring systems.
Intel IPP audio codecs including G.729 and G.723.1 adapted for Asterisk
seanbright / asterisk-opus
Forked from meetecho/asterisk-opusOpus (transcoding) and VP8 (passthrough) support for Asterisk, needed for a better WebRTC integration
The ITU G.722 codec, Copyright (C) 2005 Steve Underwood, Copyright (c) CMU 1993 Computer Science, Speech Group Chengxiang Lu and Alex Hauptmann
[SVN copy of..] High-performance free open source TURN and STUN Server implementation. VoIP media traffic NAT traversal and gateway.
zmq/json support asterisk AMI module. (zeromq, 0MQ)
Non-official repository of old released libre packages
An asterisk translation module that wraps Skype's SILK codec library
Customizable toolbar plugin for DeadBeeF music player
pasichnichenko / libharu
Forked from libharu/libharulibharu - free PDF library