pyetrade Public
Forked from jessecooper/pyetradePython E-Trade API Wrapper
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2018 -
sqlalchemy-teradata Public
Forked from Teradata/sqlalchemy-teradataA SQLAlchemy dialect for Teradata
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 5, 2018 -
ipython Public
Forked from ipython/ipythonOfficial repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
Python Other UpdatedApr 21, 2015 -
devpi-ldap Public
Forked from devpi/devpi-ldapPlugin for devpi-server which provides LDAP authentication.
Python UpdatedDec 16, 2014 -
repoze.who-use_beaker Public
Forked from akissa/repoze.who-use_beakerIdentifier plugin for repoze.who with beaker.session cache implementation
Python UpdatedJun 14, 2010