A CDK construct to deploy a NextJS 12.3.0+ app using AWS CDK.
Uses the standalone output build mode.
import path from 'path';
import { Nextjs } from 'cdk-nextjs-standalone';
new Nextjs(this, 'Web', {
path: './web', // relative path to nextjs project root
If your NextJS app is not at the root, you will need to point your next.config.js
at the project root:
const path = require("path");
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
outputFileTracingRoot: path.join(__dirname, '..'), // if your nextjs app lives one level deep
module.exports = nextConfig;
Available on Construct Hub.
We're in the #nextjs channel on the Serverless Stack Discord.
Deploys a NextJs static site with server-side rendering and API support. Uses AWS lambda and CloudFront.
There is a new (since Next 12) standalone output mode which uses output tracing to generate a minimal server and static files. This standalone server can be converted into a CloudFront distribution and a lambda handler that translates between a APIGatewayProxyV2 request/response and Next request/response.
The CloudFront default origin first checks S3 for static files and falls back to an HTTP origin using a lambda function URL.
This approach is most compatible with new NextJs features such as ESM configuration and middleware.
The @serverless-nextjs project uses the deprecated serverless
NextJs build target which prevents the use of new features.
This construct was created to use the new standalone
output build and newer AWS features like lambda function URLs and fallback origins.
This is experimental and a work in progress. I hope others can benefit from it and contribute to make it more stable and featureful.
I have managed to get the server bundling working even under the most finicky of circumstances (pnpm monorepo). Server-side rendering works. Static files and public files work.
NextJs requires the sharp
native library. It is provided in a zip file from lambda-layer-sharp.
All other required dependencies should be bundled by NextJs output tracing. This standalone output is included in the lambda function bundle.
Testing with sst-prisma
Duration: 616.43 ms Billed Duration: 617 ms Memory Size: 2048 MB Max Memory Used: 131 MB Init Duration: 481.08 ms
Duration: 957.56 ms Billed Duration: 958 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 127 MB Init Duration: 530.86 ms
- https://github.com/iiroj/iiro.fi/commit/bd43222032d0dbb765e1111825f64dbb5db851d9
- https://github.com/sladg/nextjs-lambda
- https://github.com/serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js/tree/master/packages/compat-layers/apigw-lambda-compat
- Serverless Stack
- RemixSite construct
- NextjsSite construct
This module is largely made up of code from the above projects.
- Do we need to manually handle CloudFront invalidation? It looks like
takes care of that for us - How is the
dir supposed to be handled? (Right now using an OriginGroup to look in the S3 origin first and if 403/404 then try lambda origin) - Is there anything we should be doing with the various manifests nextjs spits out? (e.g., not sure what the purpose of this is)
- Do we need to create static routes? Or anything else?
- Do we need to handle ISR?
- How should images be handled?
(TODO: will be moved to SST at some point)
import {
} from "cdk-nextjs-standalone";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { App, Stack } from "@serverless-stack/resources";
import path from "path";
import { CfnOutput } from "aws-cdk-lib";
export interface NextjsSstProps extends NextjsProps {
app: App;
class NextjsSst extends Nextjs {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NextjsSstProps) {
const app = props.app;
super(scope as any, id, {
isPlaceholder: app.local,
tempBuildDir: app.buildDir,
// make path relative to the app root
nextjsPath: path.isAbsolute(props.nextjsPath) ? path.relative(app.appPath, props.nextjsPath) : props.nextjsPath,
if (props.environment) this.registerSiteEnvironment(props.environment);
protected registerSiteEnvironment(environment: Record<string, string>) {
const environmentOutputs: Record<string, string> = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(environment)) {
const outputId = `SstSiteEnv_${key}`;
const output = new CfnOutput(this, outputId, { value });
environmentOutputs[key] = Stack.of(this).getLogicalId(output);
const app = this.node.root as App;
id: this.node.id,
path: this.props.nextjsPath,
stack: Stack.of(this).node.id,
} as BaseSiteEnvironmentOutputsInfo);
- Support deployment as a Lambda@Edge function if this is even desirable
- Serverless stack integration