This sample provides a Python package cutensor
with bindings for PyTorch and Tensorflow that provides an einsum style interface that leverages cuTENSOR and can be used similar to PyTorch's and Tensorflow's native einsum implementations.
Download and extract the cuTENSOR library. Visit for instructions. For the purpose of this sample, we assume that cuTENSOR is extracted in the current working directory.
Start a docker container that has access to the cuTENSOR library and set the
environment variable appropriately.# PyTorch host$ docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $PWD/libcutensor:/cutensor --env CUTENSOR_ROOT=/cutensor # Tensorflow host$ docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $PWD/libcutensor:/cutensor --env CUTENSOR_ROOT=/cutensor
Clone this repository in the docker container, and install this package.
docker$ git clone docker$ cd CUDALibrarySamples/cuTENSOR/python docker$ pip install .
Run the tests.
docker$ pip install parameterized docker$ TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 python cutensor/tensorflow/ docker$ python cutensor/torch/
All PyTorch functionality is part of the cutensor.torch
In particular, it provides einsum
function that performs a single binary einsum, a EinsumFunction
that performs an einsum operation with gradient support, a Einsum
and an EinsumGeneral
function that provides support for einsum operations with more than two input tensors.
Among those, EinsumGeneral
is easiest to use, see the following example (for more samples, see the tests in cutensor/torch/
from cutensor.torch import EinsumGeneral
def batched_1x1_convolution(weight_tensor, activation_tensor)
return EinsumGeneral('kc,nchw->nkhw', weight_tensor, activation_tensor)
All Tensorflow functionality can be found as part of the cutensor.tensorflow
It provides a single function einsum
that provides an accelerated unary or binary einsum operation.
The following example shows how that function can be used (for more samples, see the tests in cutensor/tensorflow/
from cutensor.tensorflow import einsum
def batched_1x1_convolution(weight_tensor, activation_tensor):
return einsum('kc,nchw->nkhw', weight_tensor, activation_tensor)