To run the full TCK against Payara Server using the managed Arquillian container, first edit the pom and define your payara.version.
You CANNOT simply override this with -Dpayara.version
- Shrinkwrap will ignore this and ALWAYS read the pom as-is.
Once you have defined your payara version, execute:
mvn clean verify
To run the full TCK against Payara Server using remote Arquillian container, activate the payara-server-remote
profile and specify payara.home
mvn clean verify -Dpayara.home=/path/to/payara6 -Ppayara-server-remote
If you wish to skip the test setup (for example if re-running against a remote server), add the -Dskip.setup
mvn clean verify -Dpayara.home=/path/to/payara6 -Dskip.setup -Ppayara-server-remote
This module is composed of 2 modules, which are executed from the root module:
- apitests - executes API behavior tests against a running Payara server
- sigtest - executes API signature tests against Payara classes