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734 lines (591 loc) · 25.5 KB

English version of TRON Protocol

File metadata and controls

734 lines (591 loc) · 25.5 KB

Protobuf protocol

The protocol of TRON is defined by Google Protobuf and contains a range of layers, from account, block to transfer.

  • There are 3 types of account—basic account, asset release account and contract account, and attributes included in each account are name, types, address, balance and related asset.

  • A basic account is able to apply to be a validation node, which has serval parameters, including extra attributes, public key, URL, voting statistics, history performance, etc.

    There are three different Account types: Normal, AssetIssue, Contract.

    enum AccountType {
       Normal = 0;
       AssetIssue = 1;
       Contract = 2;

    An Account contains 7 parameters:
    account_name: the name for this account – e.g. “BillsAccount”.
    type: what type of this account is – e.g. 0 stands for type Normal.
    balance: balance of this account – e.g. 4213312.
    votes: received votes on this account – e.g. {(“0x1b7w…9xj3”,323), (“0x8djq…j12m”,88),…,(“0x82nd…mx6i”,10001)}.
    asset: other assets expect TRX in this account – e.g. {<“WishToken”,66666>,<”Dogie”,233>}. latest_operation_time: the latest operation time of this account.

    // Account

    message Account {
      message Vote {
         bytes vote_address = 1;
         int64 vote_count = 2;
      bytes accout_name = 1;
      AccountType type = 2;
      bytes address = 3;
      int64 balance = 4;
      repeated Vote votes = 5;
      map<string, int64> asset = 6;
      int64 latest_operation_time = 10;


    A Witness contains 8 parameters:
    address: the address of this witness – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    voteCount: number of received votes on this witness – e.g. 234234.
    pubKey: the public key for this witness – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    url: the url for this witness – e.g. “”.
    totalProduced: the number of blocks this witness produced – e.g. 2434.
    totalMissed: the number of blocks this witness missed – e.g. 7.
    latestBlockNum: the latest height of block – e.g. 4522. isjobs: a bool flag.

    // Witness

    message Witness{
      bytes address = 1;
      int64 voteCount = 2;
      bytes pubKey = 3;
      string url = 4;
      int64 totalProduced = 5;
      int64 totalMissed = 6;
      int64 latestBlockNum = 7;

      bool isJobs = 9;
  • A block typically contains transaction data and a blockheader, which is a list of basic block information, including timestamp, signature, parent hash, root of Merkle tree and so on.

    A block contains transactions and a block_header.
    transactions: transaction data of this block.
    block_header: one part of a block.

     // block
message Block {
       repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
       BlockHeader block_header = 2;


    A BlockHeader contains raw_data and witness_signature.
    raw_data: a raw message.
    witness_signature: signature for this block header from witness node.

    A message raw contains 6 parameters:
    timestamp: timestamp of this message – e.g. 14356325.
    txTrieRoot: the root of Merkle Tree in this block – e.g. “7dacsa…3ed.”
    parentHash: the hash of last block – e.g. “7dacsa…3ed.”
    number: the height of this block – e.g. 13534657.
    witness_id: the id of witness which packed this block – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    witness_address: the adresss of the witness packed this block – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.

     message BlockHeader {
       message raw {
         int64 timestamp = 1;
         bytes txTrieRoot = 2;
         bytes parentHash = 3;
         //bytes nonce = 5;
         //bytes difficulty = 6;
         uint64 number = 7;
         uint64 witness_id = 8;
         bytes witness_address = 9;
      raw raw_data = 1;
      bytes witness_signature = 2;


    message ChainInventory contains BlockId and remain_num.
    BlockId: the identification of block.
    remain_num:the remain number of blocks in the synchronizing process.

    A BlockId contains 2 parameters:
    hash: the hash of block.
    number: the hash and height of block.

     message ChainInventory {
        message BlockId {
           bytes hash = 1;
           int64 number = 2;
         repeated BlockId ids = 1;
         int64 remain_num = 2;
  • Transaction contracts mainly includes account create contract, account update contract transfer contract, transfer asset contract, vote asset contract, vote witness contract, witness creation contract, witness update contract, asset issue contract, participate asset issue contract and deploy contract.

    An AccountCreateContract contains 3 parameters:
    type: What type this account is – e.g. 0 stands for Normal.
    account_name: the name for this account – e.g.”Billsaccount”.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.

     message AccountCreateContract {
       AccountType type = 1;
       bytes account_name = 2;
       bytes owner_address = 3;


    A AccountUpdateContract contains 2 paremeters:
    account_name: the name for this account – e.g.”Billsaccount”.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.

     message AccountUpdateContract {
       bytes account_name = 1;
       bytes owner_address = 2;

    A TransferContract contains 3 parameters:
    amount: the amount of TRX – e.g. 12534.
    to_address: the receiver address – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.

     message TransferContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       bytes to_address = 2;
       int64 amount = 3;

    A TransferAssetContract contains 4 parameters:
    asset_name: the name for asset – e.g.”Billsaccount”.
    to_address: the receiver address – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    amount: the amount of target asset - e.g.12353.

     message TransferAssetContract {
       bytes asset_name = 1;
       bytes owner_address = 2;
       bytes to_address = 3;
       int64 amount = 4;


    A VoteAssetContract contains 4 parameters:
    vote_address: the voted address of the asset.
    support: is the votes supportive or not – e.g. true.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    count: the count number of votes- e.g. 2324234.

     message VoteAssetContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       repeated bytes vote_address = 2;
       bool support = 3;
       int32 count = 5;


    A VoteWitnessContract contains 4 parameters:
    vote_address: the addresses of those who voted.
    support: is the votes supportive or not - e.g. true.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    count: - e.g. the count number of vote – e.g. 32632.

     message VoteWitnessContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       repeated bytes vote_address = 2;
       bool support = 3;
       int32 count = 5;

    A WitnessCreateContract contains 3 parameters:
    private_key: the private key of contract– e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    url: the url for the witness – e.g. “”.

     message WitnessCreateContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       bytes private_key = 2;
       bytes url = 12;


    A WitnessUpdateContract contains 2 parameters:
    owner_address: the address of contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    update_url: the url for the witness – e.g. “”.

     message WitnessUpdateContract {
        bytes owner_address = 1;
        bytes update_url = 12;

    An AssetIssueContract contains 11 parameters:
    owner_address: the address for contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    name: the name for this contract – e.g. “Billscontract”.
    total_supply: the maximum supply of this asset – e.g. 1000000000.
    trx_num: the number of TRONIX – e.g.232241.
    num: number of corresponding asset.
    start_time: the starting date of this contract – e.g.20170312.
    end_time: the expiring date of this contract – e.g. 20170512. vote_score: the vote score of this contract received – e.g. 12343.
    description: the description of this contract – e.g.”trondada”.
    url: the url of this contract – e.g. “”.

     message AssetIssueContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       bytes name = 2;
       int64 total_supply = 4;
       int32 trx_num = 6;
       int32 num = 8;
       int64 start_time = 9;
       int64 end_time = 10;
       int32 vote_score = 16;
       bytes description = 20;
       bytes url = 21;


    A ParticipateAssetIssueContract contains 4 parameters:
    owner_address: the address for contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    to_address: the receiver address – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.
    asset_name: the name of target asset.
    amount: the amount of drops.

     message ParticipateAssetIssueContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       bytes to_address = 2;
       bytes asset_name = 3; 
       int64 amount = 4; 

    A DeployContract contains 2 parameters:
    script: the script of this contract.
    owner_address: the address for contract owner – e.g. “0xu82h…7237”.

     message DeployContract {
       bytes owner_address = 1;
       bytes script = 2;
}                       t
  • Each transaction contains several TXInputs, TXOutputs and other related qualities. Input, transaction and head block all require signature.

    message Transaction contains raw_data and signature.
    raw_data: message raw.
    signature: signatures form all input nodes.

    raw contains 8 parameters:
    type: the transaction type of raw message.
    vin: input values.
    vout: output values.
    expiration: the expiration date of transaction – e.g.20170312.
    data: data.
    contract: contracts in this transaction.
    scripts:scripts in the transaction. timestamp: timestamp of this raw data – e.g. 14356325.

    message Contract contains type and parameter.
    type: what type of the message contract.
    parameter: It can be any form.

    There are 8 different of contract types: AccountCreateContract, TransferContract, TransferAssetContract, VoteAssetContract, VoteWitnessContract,WitnessCreateContract, AssetIssueContract and DeployContract.
    TransactionType have two types: UtxoType and ContractType.

    message Transaction {
      enum TranscationType {
        UtxoType = 0;
        ContractType = 1;
       message Contract {
         enum ContractType {
           AccountCreateContract = 0;
           TransferContract = 1;
           TransferAssetContract = 2;
           VoteAssetContract = 3;
           VoteWitnessContract = 4;
           WitnessCreateContract = 5;
           AssetIssueContract = 6;
           DeployContract = 7;

           WitnessUpdateContract = 8;
           ParticipateAssetIssueContract = 9    
          ContractType type = 1;
          google.protobuf.Any parameter = 2;
        message raw {
          TranscationType type = 2;
          repeated TXInput vin = 5;
          repeated TXOutput vout = 7;
          int64 expiration = 8;
          bytes data = 10;
          repeated Contract contract = 11;
          bytes scripts = 16;
          int64 timestamp = 17;
         raw raw_data = 1;
         repeated bytes signature = 5;

    message TXOutputs contains outputs.
    outputs: an array of TXOutput.

    message TXOutputs {
       repeated TXOutput outputs = 1;


    message TXOutput contains value and pubKeyHash.
    value: output value.
    pubKeyHash: Hash of public key

    message TXOutput {
       int64 value = 1;
       bytes pubKeyHash = 2;


    message TXInput contains raw_data and signature.
    raw_data: a message raw.
    signature: signature for this TXInput.

    message raw contains txID, vout and pubKey.
    txID: transaction ID.
    vout: value of last output.
    pubKey: public key.

    message TXInput {
       message raw {
       bytes txID = 1;
       int64 vout = 2;
       bytes pubKey = 3;
     raw raw_data = 1;
     bytes signature = 4;

    message Result contains fee and ret.
    ret: the state of transaction.
    fee: the fee for transaction.

    code is definition of ret and contains 2 types:SUCCESS and FAILED.

    message Result {
      enum code {
        SUCESS = 0;
        FAILED = 1;
      int64 fee = 1;
      code ret = 2;
  • Inventory is mainly used to inform peer nodes the list of items.

    Inventory contains type and ids.
    type: what type this Inventory is. – e.g. 0 stands for TRX.
    ids: ID of things in this Inventory.

    Two Inventory types: TRX and BLOCK.
    TRX: transaction.
    BLOCK: block.

    // Inventory

    message Inventory {
      enum InventoryType {
        TRX = 0;
        BLOCK = 1;
       InventoryType type = 1;
       repeated bytes ids = 2;


    message Items contains 4 parameters:
    type: type of items – e.g. 1 stands for TRX.
    blocks: blocks in Items if there is any.
    block_headers: block headers if there is any.
    transactions: transactions if there is any.

    Items have four types: ERR, TRX, BLOCK and BLOCKHEADER.
    ERR: error.
    TRX: transaction.
    BLOCK: block.
    BLOCKHEADER: block header.

    message Items {
      enum ItemType {
        ERR = 0;
        TRX = 1;
        BLOCK = 2;
        BLOCKHEADER = 3;
       ItemType type = 1;
       repeated Block blocks = 2;
       repeated BlockHeader 
       block_headers = 3;
       repeated Transaction transactions = 4;

    InventoryItems contains type and items.
    type: what type of item.
    items: items in an InventoryItems.

    message InventoryItems {
      int32 type = 1;
      repeated bytes items = 2;

    message BlockInventory contains type.
    type: what type of inventory.

    There are 3 types:SYNC, ADVTISE, FETCH.

    // Inventory
     message BlockInventory {
       enum Type {
         SYNC = 0;
         ADVTISE = 1;
         FETCH = 2;

    message BlockId contains ids and type.
    ids: the identification of block.
    type: what type of the block.

    ids contains 2 paremeters:
    hash: the hash of block.
    number: the hash and height of block.

     message BlockId {
        bytes hash = 1;
        int64 number = 2;
      repeated BlockId ids = 1;
      Type type = 2;

    ReasonCode: the type of reason.

    ReasonCode contains 15 types of disconnect reasons:

    enum ReasonCode {
      REQUESTED = 0;
      TCP_ERROR = 1;
      BAD_PROTOCOL = 2;
      USELESS_PEER = 3;
      TOO_MANY_PEERS = 4;
      NULL_IDENTITY = 7;
      PEER_QUITING = 8;
      LOCAL_IDENTITY = 10;
      PING_TIMEOUT = 11;
      USER_REASON = 12;
      RESET = 16;
      UNKNOWN = 255;

    messageDisconnectMessage contains reason.
    DisconnectMessage: the message when disconnection occurs.
    reason: the reason for disconnecting.

    messageHelloMessage contains 2 parameters:
    HelloMessage: the message for building connection.
    from: the nodes that request for building connection.
    version: the version when connection is built.

  • Wallet Service RPC and blockchain explorer

Wallet service contains several RPCs.
GetBalance :
Return balance of an Account.
Create a transaction by giving a TransferContract. A Transaction containing a transaction creation will be returned.
BroadcastTransaction :
Broadcast a Transaction. A Return will be returned indicating if broadcast is success of not.
CreateAccount :
Create an account by giving a AccountCreateContract.
CreatAssetIssue :
Issue an asset by giving a AssetIssueContract.
Check out the list of accounts by giving a ListAccounts.
Issue an asset by giving a UpdateAccountContract.
Issue an asset by giving a VoteWitnessContract.
Check out the list of witnesses by giving a WitnessList.
Issue an asset by giving a WitnessUpdateContract.
Issue an asset by giving a WitnessCreateContract.
Issue an asset by giving a TransferAssetContract.
Issue an asset by giving a ParticipateAssetIssueContract.
Check out the list of nodes by giving a ListNodes.
Get the list of issue asset by giving a GetAssetIssueList.
Get issue asset by giving a Account.
Get issue asset by giving aName.
Get block.
Get block by block number.
Check out the total transaction.

  service Wallet {
    rpc GetAccount (Account) returns (Account) {
    rpc CreateTransaction (TransferContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc BroadcastTransaction (Transaction) returns (Return) {
    rpc ListAccounts (EmptyMessage) returns (AccountList) {
    rpc UpdateAccount (AccountUpdateContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc CreateAccount (AccountCreateContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc VoteWitnessAccount (VoteWitnessContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc CreateAssetIssue (AssetIssueContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc ListWitnesses (EmptyMessage) returns (WitnessList) {
    rpc UpdateWitness (WitnessUpdateContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc CreateWitness (WitnessCreateContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc TransferAsset (TransferAssetContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc ParticipateAssetIssue (ParticipateAssetIssueContract) returns (Transaction) {
    rpc ListNodes (EmptyMessage) returns (NodeList) {
    rpc GetAssetIssueList (EmptyMessage) returns (AssetIssueList) {
    rpc GetAssetIssueByAccount (Account) returns (AssetIssueList) {
    rpc GetAssetIssueByName (BytesMessage) returns (AssetIssueContract) {
    rpc GetNowBlock (EmptyMessage) returns (Block) {
    rpc GetBlockByNum (NumberMessage) returns (Block) {
    rpc TotalTransaction (EmptyMessage) returns (NumberMessage) {

AccountList: the list of acounts in the blockchain explorer.
message AccountList contains one parameter:

   message AccountList {
     repeated Account accounts = 1;

WitnessList: the list of witnesses in the blockchain explorer.
message WitnessList contains one parameter:

    message WitnessList {
      repeated Witness witnesses = 1;

AssetIssueList: the list of issue asset in the blockchain explorer.
message AssetIssueList contains one parameter:

    message AssetIssueList {
      repeated AssetIssueContract assetIssue = 1;

NodeList: the list of nodes in the node distribution map.
message NodeList contains one parameter:

     message NodeList {
       repeated Node nodes = 1;

Address: the address of nodes.
messageAddress contains 2 parameters:
host: the host of nodes.
port: the port number of nodes.

      message Address {
        bytes host = 1;
        int32 port = 2;

message Return has only one parameter:
result: a bool flag.

      message `Return` {
        bool result = 1;
  • The message structure of UDP.

    Endpoint: the storage structure of nodes' information.
    messageEndpoint contains 3 parameters:
    address: the address of nodes.
    port: the port number.
    nodeId:the ID of nodes.

    message Endpoint {
       bytes address = 1;
       int32 port = 2;
       bytes nodeId = 3;

    PingMessage: the message sent from one node to another in the connecting process.
    messagePingMessage contains 4 parameters:
    from: which node does the message send from.
    to: which node will the message send to.
    version: the version of the Internet.
    timestamp: the timestamp of message.

     message PingMessage {
        Endpoint from = 1;
        Endpoint to = 2;
       int32 version = 3;
       int64 timestamp = 4;

    PongMessage: the message implies that nodes are connected.
    messagePongMessage contains 3 parameters:
    from: which node does the message send from.
    timestamp: the timestamp of message.

      message PongMessage {
        Endpoint from = 1;
        int32 echo = 2;
        int64 timestamp = 3;

    FindNeighbours: the message sent from one node to find another one.
    messageFindNeighbours contains 3 parameters:
    from: which node does the message send from.
    targetId: the ID of targeted node.
    timestamp: the timestamp of message.

      message FindNeighbours {
        Endpoint from = 1;
        bytes targetId = 2;
        int64 timestamp = 3;

    FindNeighbour: the message replied by the neighbour node.
    messageNeighbours contains 3 parameters:
    from: which node does the message send from.
    neighbours: the neighbour node.
    timestamp: the timestamp of message.

      message Neighbours {
        Endpoint from = 1;
        repeated Endpoint neighbours = 2;
        int64 timestamp = 3;

Please check detailed protocol document that may change with the iteration of the program at any time. Please refer to the latest version.