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For a brief overview of how Prow runs jobs take a look at "Life of a Prow Job".

How to configure new jobs

To configure a new job you'll need to add an entry into config.yaml. If you have update-config plugin deployed then the config will be automatically updated once the PR is merged, else you will need to run make update-config. This does not require redeploying any binaries, and will take effect within a minute.

Periodic config looks like so:

- name: foo-job         # Names need not be unique, but must match the regex ^[A-Za-z0-9-._]+$
  decorate: true        # Enable Pod Utility decoration. (see below)
  interval: 1h          # Anything that can be parsed by time.ParseDuration.
  spec: {}              # Valid Kubernetes PodSpec.

Postsubmit config looks like so:

  - name: bar-job         # As for periodics.
    decorate: true        # As for periodics.
    spec: {}              # As for periodics.
    max_concurrency: 10   # Run no more than this number concurrently.
    branches:             # Only run against these branches.
    - master
    skip_branches:        # Do not run against these branches.
    - release

Postsubmits are run when a push event happens on a repo, hence they are configured per-repo. If no branches are specified, then they will run against every branch.

Presubmit config looks like so:

  - name: qux-job            # As for periodics.
    decorate: true           # As for periodics.
    always_run: true         # Run for every PR, or only when requested.
    run_if_changed: "qux/.*" # Regexp, only run on certain changed files.
    skip_report: true        # Whether to skip setting a status on GitHub.
    context: qux-job         # Status context. Defaults to the job name.
    max_concurrency: 10      # As for postsubmits.
    spec: {}                 # As for periodics.
    branches: []             # As for postsubmits.
    skip_branches: []        # As for postsubmits.
    trigger: "(?m)qux test this( please)?" # Regexp, see discussion.
    rerun_command: "qux test this please"  # String, see discussion.

If you only want to run tests when specific files are touched, you can use run_if_changed. A useful pattern when adding new jobs is to start with always_run set to false and skip_report set to true. Test it out a few times by manually triggering, then switch always_run to true. Watch for a couple days, then switch skip_report to false.

The trigger is a regexp that matches the rerun_command. Users will be told to input the rerun_command when they want to rerun the job. Actually, anything that matches trigger will suffice. This is useful if you want to make one command that reruns all jobs. If unspecified, the default configuration makes /test <job-name> trigger the job.

Pod Utilities

If you are adding a new job that will execute on a Kubernetes cluster (agent: kubernetes, the default value) you should consider using the Pod Utilities. The pod utils decorate jobs with additional containers that transparently provide source code checkout and log/metadata/artifact uploading to GCS.

Job Environment Variables

Prow will expose the following environment variables to your job. If the job runs on Kubernetes, the variables will be injected into every container in your pod, If the job is run in Jenkins, Prow will supply them as parameters to the build.

Variable Periodic Postsubmit Batch Presubmit Description Example
JOB_NAME Name of the job. pull-test-infra-bazel
JOB_TYPE Type of job. presubmit
JOB_SPEC JSON-encoded job specification. see below
BUILD_ID Unique build number for each run. 12345
PROW_JOB_ID Unique identifier for the owning Prow Job. 1ce07fa2-0831-11e8-b07e-0a58ac101036
REPO_OWNER GitHub org that triggered the job. kubernetes
REPO_NAME GitHub repo that triggered the job. test-infra
PULL_BASE_REF Ref name of the base branch. master
PULL_BASE_SHA Git SHA of the base branch. 123abc
PULL_REFS All refs to test. master:123abc,5:qwe456
PULL_NUMBER Pull request number. 5
PULL_PULL_SHA Pull request head SHA. qwe456

Examples of the JSON-encoded job specification follow for the different job types:

Periodic Job:


Postsubmit Job:


Presubmit Job:


Batch Job:


Testing a new job

See "How to test a ProwJob".