.. glossary:: :sorted: request An object that represents an HTTP request, usually an instance of the :class:`pyramid.request.Request` class. See :ref:`webob_chapter` (narrative) and :ref:`request_module` (API documentation) for information about request objects. request factory An object which, provided a :term:`WSGI` environment as a single positional argument, returns a Pyramid-compatible request. response factory An object which, provided a :term:`request` as a single positional argument, returns a Pyramid-compatible response. See :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponseFactory`. response An object returned by a :term:`view callable` that represents response data returned to the requesting user agent. It must implement the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` interface. A response object is typically an instance of the :class:`pyramid.response.Response` class or a subclass such as :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound`. See :ref:`webob_chapter` for information about response objects. response adapter A callable which accepts an arbitrary object and "converts" it to a :class:`pyramid.response.Response` object. See :ref:`using_iresponse` for more information. Repoze "Repoze" is essentially a "brand" of software developed by `Agendaless Consulting <https://agendaless.com>`_ and a set of contributors. The term has no special intrinsic meaning. The project's `website <https://web.archive.org/web/20190127155548/http://repoze.org/>`_ has more information. The software developed "under the brand" is available in a `Subversion repository <https://web.archive.org/web/20190103024221/http://svn.repoze.org/>`_. Pyramid was originally known as :mod:`repoze.bfg`. Setuptools `Setuptools <https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ builds on Python's ``distutils`` to provide easier building, distribution, and installation of libraries and applications. pkg_resources A module which ships with :term:`Setuptools` that provides an API for addressing "asset files" within a Python :term:`package`. Asset files are static files, template files, etc; basically anything non-Python-source that lives in a Python package can be considered a asset file. .. seealso:: See also `Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources <https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html>`_. asset Any file contained within a Python :term:`package` which is *not* a Python source code file. asset specification A colon-delimited identifier for an :term:`asset`. The colon separates a Python :term:`package` name from a package subpath. For example, the asset specification ``my.package:static/baz.css`` identifies the file named ``baz.css`` in the ``static`` subdirectory of the ``my.package`` Python :term:`package`. See :ref:`asset_specifications` for more info. package A directory on disk which contains an ``__init__.py`` file, making it recognizable to Python as a location which can be ``import`` -ed. A package exists to contain :term:`module` files. module A Python source file; a file on the filesystem that typically ends with the extension ``.py`` or ``.pyc``. Modules often live in a :term:`package`. project Setuptools / Python packaging terminology. A directory on disk which contains a ``setup.py`` and / or ``pyproject.toml`` file and one or more Python packages. The project files contain metadata that allow the package(s) to be installed, distributed, and tested. distribution Setuptools / Python packaging terminology. A file representing an installable library or application. Distributions are usually archives that have the suffix of ``.whl``, ``.tar.gz``, or ``.zip``. Distributions are the target of packaging-related commands such as ``pip install``. entry point A :term:`Setuptools` indirection, defined within a Setuptools :term:`distribution` (usually in ``setup.py`` or ``setup.cfg``). It is usually a name which refers to a function somewhere in a package which is held by the distribution. dotted Python name A reference to a Python object by name using a string, in the form ``path.to.modulename:attributename``. Often used in Pyramid and Setuptools configurations. A variant is used in dotted names within configurator method arguments that name objects (such as the "add_view" method's "view" and "context" attributes): the colon (``:``) is not used; in its place is a dot. view Common vernacular for a :term:`view callable`. view callable A "view callable" is a callable Python object which is associated with a :term:`view configuration`; it returns a :term:`response` object . A view callable accepts a single argument: ``request``, which will be an instance of a :term:`request` object. An alternate calling convention allows a view to be defined as a callable which accepts a pair of arguments: ``context`` and ``request``: this calling convention is useful for traversal-based applications in which a :term:`context` is always very important. A view callable is the primary mechanism by which a developer writes user interface code within :app:`Pyramid`. See :ref:`views_chapter` for more information about :app:`Pyramid` view callables. view configuration View configuration is the act of associating a :term:`view callable` with configuration information. This configuration information helps map a given :term:`request` to a particular view callable and it can influence the response of a view callable. :app:`Pyramid` views can be configured via :term:`imperative configuration`, or by a special ``@view_config`` decorator coupled with a :term:`scan`. See :ref:`view_config_chapter` for more information about view configuration. view name The "URL name" of a view, e.g ``index.html``. If a view is configured without a name, its name is considered to be the empty string (which implies the :term:`default view`). Default view The default view of a :term:`resource` is the view invoked when the :term:`view name` is the empty string (``''``). This is the case when :term:`traversal` exhausts the path elements in the PATH_INFO of a request before it returns a :term:`context` resource. virtualenv The `virtualenv tool <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/>`_ that allows one to create virtual environments. In Python 3.3 and greater, :term:`venv` is the preferred tool. Note: whenever you encounter commands prefixed with ``$VENV`` (Unix) or ``%VENV`` (Windows), know that that is the environment variable whose value is the root of the virtual environment in question. resource An object representing a node in the :term:`resource tree` of an application. If :term:`traversal` is used, a resource is an element in the resource tree traversed by the system. When traversal is used, a resource becomes the :term:`context` of a :term:`view`. If :term:`URL dispatch` is used, a single resource is generated for each request and is used as the context resource of a view. resource tree A nested set of dictionary-like objects, each of which is a :term:`resource`. The act of :term:`traversal` uses the resource tree to find a :term:`context` resource. domain model Persistent data related to your application. For example, data stored in a relational database. In some applications, the :term:`resource tree` acts as the domain model. traversal The act of descending "up" a tree of resource objects from a root resource in order to find a :term:`context` resource. The :app:`Pyramid` :term:`router` performs traversal of resource objects when a :term:`root factory` is specified. See the :ref:`traversal_chapter` chapter for more information. Traversal can be performed *instead* of :term:`URL dispatch` or can be combined *with* URL dispatch. See :ref:`hybrid_chapter` for more information about combining traversal and URL dispatch (advanced). router The :term:`WSGI` application created when you start a :app:`Pyramid` application. The router intercepts requests, invokes traversal and/or URL dispatch, calls view functions, and returns responses to the WSGI server on behalf of your :app:`Pyramid` application. URL dispatch An alternative to :term:`traversal` as a mechanism for locating a :term:`context` resource for a :term:`view`. When you use a :term:`route` in your :app:`Pyramid` application via a :term:`route configuration`, you are using URL dispatch. See the :ref:`urldispatch_chapter` for more information. context A resource in the resource tree that is found during :term:`traversal` or :term:`URL dispatch` based on URL data; if it's found via traversal, it's usually a :term:`resource` object that is part of a resource tree; if it's found via :term:`URL dispatch`, it's an object manufactured on behalf of the route's "factory". A context resource becomes the subject of a :term:`view`, and often has security information attached to it. See the :ref:`traversal_chapter` chapter and the :ref:`urldispatch_chapter` chapter for more information about how a URL is resolved to a context resource. application registry A registry of configuration information consulted by :app:`Pyramid` while servicing an application. An application registry maps resource types to views, as well as housing other application-specific component registrations. Every :app:`Pyramid` application has one (and only one) application registry. template A file with replaceable parts that is capable of representing some text, XML, or HTML when rendered. location The path to an object in a :term:`resource tree`. See :ref:`location_aware` for more information about how to make a resource object *location-aware*. permission A string that represents an action being taken against a :term:`context` resource. A permission is associated with a view name and a resource type by the developer. Resources are decorated with security declarations (e.g. an :term:`ACL`), which reference these tokens also. Permissions are used by the active security policy to match the view permission against the resources's statements about which permissions are granted to which principal in a context in order to answer the question "is this user allowed to do this". Examples of permissions: ``read``, or ``view_blog_entries``. default permission A :term:`permission` which is registered as the default for an entire application. When a default permission is in effect, every :term:`view configuration` registered with the system will be effectively amended with a ``permission`` argument that will require that the executing user possess the default permission in order to successfully execute the associated :term:`view callable`. .. seealso:: See also :ref:`setting_a_default_permission`. ACE An *access control entry*. An access control entry is one element in an :term:`ACL`. An access control entry is a three-tuple that describes three things: an *action* (one of either ``Allow`` or ``Deny``), a :term:`principal` (a string describing a user or group), and a :term:`permission`. For example the ACE, ``(Allow, 'bob', 'read')`` is a member of an ACL that indicates that the principal ``bob`` is allowed the permission ``read`` against the resource the ACL is attached to. ACL An *access control list*. An ACL is a sequence of :term:`ACE` tuples. An ACL is attached to a resource instance. An example of an ACL is ``[ (Allow, 'bob', 'read'), (Deny, 'fred', 'write')]``. If an ACL is attached to a resource instance, and that resource is findable via the context resource, it will be consulted any active security policy to determine whether a particular request can be fulfilled given the :term:`authentication` information in the request. authentication The act of determining that the credentials a user presents during a particular request are "good". Authentication in :app:`Pyramid` is performed via an :term:`authentication policy`. authorization The act of determining whether a user can perform a specific action. In pyramid terms, this means determining whether, for a given resource, any :term:`principal` (or principals) associated with the request have the requisite :term:`permission` to allow the request to continue. Authorization in :app:`Pyramid` is performed via its :term:`authorization policy`. principal A *principal* is a string representing an entity, typically a user or group. Principals are provided by an :term:`authentication policy`. For example, if a user has the :term:`userid` `bob`, and is a member of two groups named `group foo` and `group bar`, then the request might have information attached to it indicating that Bob was represented by three principals: `bob`, `group foo` and `group bar`. userid A *userid* is the string representation of an :term:`identity`. Just like the identity, it should identify the user associated with the current request. Oftentimes this is the ID of the user object in a database. identity An identity is an object identifying the user associated with the current request. The object can be of any shape, such as a simple ID string or an ORM object. security policy A security policy in :app:`Pyramid` terms is an object implementing the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.ISecurityPolicy` API which identifies the user associated with the current request (perhaps via a cookie or ``Authorization`` header) and determines whether or not that user is permitted to access the requested resource. authorization policy An authorization policy in :app:`Pyramid` terms is a bit of code which has an API which determines whether or not the principals associated with the request can perform an action associated with a permission, based on the information found on the :term:`context` resource. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Authorization policies have been deprecated in favor of a :term:`security policy`. authentication policy An authentication policy in :app:`Pyramid` terms is a bit of code which has an API which determines the current :term:`principal` (or principals) associated with a request. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Authentication policies have been deprecated in favor of a :term:`security policy`. WSGI `Web Server Gateway Interface <https://wsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_. This is a Python standard for connecting web applications to web servers, similar to the concept of Java Servlets. :app:`Pyramid` requires that your application be served as a WSGI application. middleware *Middleware* is a :term:`WSGI` concept. It is a WSGI component that acts both as a server and an application. Interesting uses for middleware exist, such as caching, content-transport encoding, and other functions. See `WSGI documentation <https://wsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ or `PyPI <https://pypi.org/>`_ to find middleware for your application. pipeline The :term:`PasteDeploy` term for a single configuration of a WSGI server, a WSGI application, with a set of :term:`middleware` in-between. Zope `The Z Object Publishing Framework <https://www.zope.org/>`_, a full-featured Python web framework. Grok `A web framework based on Zope 3 <https://web.archive.org/web/20180615015013/http://grok.zope.org>`_. Django `A full-featured Python web framework <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_. Pylons `A lightweight Python web framework <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pylons-webframework/en/latest/>`_ and a predecessor of Pyramid. ZODB `Zope Object Database <http://www.zodb.org/en/latest/>`_, a persistent Python object store. WebOb `WebOb <https://webob.org>`_ is a WSGI request/response library created by Ian Bicking. PasteDeploy `PasteDeploy <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pastedeploy/en/latest/>`_ is a library used by :app:`Pyramid` which makes it possible to configure :term:`WSGI` components together declaratively within an ``.ini`` file. It was developed by Ian Bicking. plaster `plaster <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/plaster/en/latest/>`_ is a library used by :app:`Pyramid` which acts as an abstraction between command-line scripts and the file format used to load the :term:`WSGI` components and application settings. By default :app:`Pyramid` ships with the ``plaster_pastedeploy`` library installed which provides integrated support for loading a :term:`PasteDeploy` INI file. Chameleon `chameleon <https://chameleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ is an attribute language template compiler which supports the :term:`ZPT` templating specification. It is written and maintained by Malthe Borch. It has several extensions, such as the ability to use bracketed (Mako-style) ``${name}`` syntax. It is also much faster than the reference implementation of ZPT. :app:`Pyramid` offers Chameleon templating out of the box in ZPT and text flavors. ZPT The `Zope Page Template <https://zope.readthedocs.io/en/latest/zopebook/ZPT.html>`_ templating language. METAL `Macro Expansion for TAL <https://zope.readthedocs.io/en/latest/zopebook/AppendixC.html#metal-overview>`_, a part of :term:`ZPT` which makes it possible to share common look and feel between templates. Genshi An `XML templating language <https://pypi.org/project/Genshi/>`_ by Christopher Lenz. Jinja2 A `text templating language <https://palletsprojects.com/p/jinja/>`_ by Armin Ronacher. Routes A `system by Ben Bangert <https://routes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ which parses URLs and compares them against a number of user defined mappings. The URL pattern matching syntax in :app:`Pyramid` is inspired by the Routes syntax (which was inspired by Ruby On Rails pattern syntax). route A single pattern matched by the :term:`URL dispatch` subsystem, which generally resolves to a :term:`root factory` (and then ultimately a :term:`view`). .. seealso:: See also :term:`URL dispatch`. route configuration Route configuration is the act of associating request parameters with a particular :term:`route` using pattern matching and :term:`route predicate` statements. See :ref:`urldispatch_chapter` for more information about route configuration. Zope Component Architecture The `Zope Component Architecture <http://muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html>`_ (aka ZCA) is a system which allows for application pluggability and complex dispatching based on objects which implement an :term:`interface`. :app:`Pyramid` uses the ZCA "under the hood" to perform view dispatching and other application configuration tasks. reStructuredText A `plain text markup format <https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html>`_ that is the defacto standard for documenting Python projects. The Pyramid documentation is written in reStructuredText. root The object at which :term:`traversal` begins when :app:`Pyramid` searches for a :term:`context` resource (for :term:`URL Dispatch`, the root is *always* the context resource unless the ``traverse=`` argument is used in route configuration). subpath A list of element "left over" after the :term:`router` has performed a successful traversal to a view. The subpath is a sequence of strings, e.g. ``['left', 'over', 'names']``. Within Pyramid applications that use URL dispatch rather than traversal, you can use ``*subpath`` in the route pattern to influence the subpath. See :ref:`star_subpath` for more information. interface A `Zope interface <https://pypi.org/project/zope.interface/>`_ object. In :app:`Pyramid`, an interface may be attached to a :term:`resource` object or a :term:`request` object in order to identify that the object is "of a type". Interfaces are used internally by :app:`Pyramid` to perform view lookups and other policy lookups. The ability to make use of an interface is exposed to an application programmers during :term:`view configuration` via the ``context`` argument, the ``request_type`` argument and the ``containment`` argument. Interfaces are also exposed to application developers when they make use of the :term:`event` system. Fundamentally, :app:`Pyramid` programmers can think of an interface as something that they can attach to an object that stamps it with a "type" unrelated to its underlying Python type. Interfaces can also be used to describe the behavior of an object (its methods and attributes), but unless they choose to, :app:`Pyramid` programmers do not need to understand or use this feature of interfaces. event An object broadcast to zero or more :term:`subscriber` callables during normal :app:`Pyramid` system operations during the lifetime of an application. Application code can subscribe to these events by using the subscriber functionality described in :ref:`events_chapter`. subscriber A callable which receives an :term:`event`. A callable becomes a subscriber via :term:`imperative configuration` or via :term:`configuration decoration`. See :ref:`events_chapter` for more information. request type An attribute of a :term:`request` that allows for specialization of view invocation based on arbitrary categorization. The every :term:`request` object that :app:`Pyramid` generates and manipulates has one or more :term:`interface` objects attached to it. The default interface attached to a request object is :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IRequest`. repoze.lemonade Zope2 CMF-like `data structures and helper facilities <https://web.archive.org/web/20180903140246/http://docs.repoze.org/lemonade/>`_ for CA-and-ZODB-based applications useful within :app:`Pyramid` applications. repoze.catalog An indexing and search facility (fielded and full-text) based on `zope.index <https://pypi.org/project/zope.index/>`_. See `the documentation <https://web.archive.org/web/20181214215757/http://docs.repoze.org/catalog/>`_ for more information. repoze.who `Authentication middleware <https://repozewho.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ for :term:`WSGI` applications. It can be used by :app:`Pyramid` to provide authentication information. repoze.workflow `Barebones workflow for Python apps <https://web.archive.org/web/20181117003329/http://docs.repoze.org/workflow/>`_ . It can be used by :app:`Pyramid` to form a workflow system. virtual root A resource object representing the "virtual" root of a request; this is typically the :term:`physical root` object unless :ref:`vhosting_chapter` is in use. physical root The object returned by the application :term:`root factory`. Unlike the :term:`virtual root` of a request, it is not impacted by :ref:`vhosting_chapter`: it will always be the actual object returned by the root factory, never a subobject. physical path The path required by a traversal which resolve a :term:`resource` starting from the :term:`physical root`. For example, the physical path of the ``abc`` subobject of the physical root object is ``/abc``. Physical paths can also be specified as tuples where the first element is the empty string (representing the root), and every other element is a Unicode string, e.g. ``('', 'abc')``. Physical paths are also sometimes called "traversal paths". lineage An ordered sequence of objects based on a ":term:`location` -aware" resource. The lineage of any given :term:`resource` is composed of itself, its parent, its parent's parent, and so on. The order of the sequence is resource-first, then the parent of the resource, then its parent's parent, and so on. The parent of a resource in a lineage is available as its ``__parent__`` attribute. root factory The "root factory" of a :app:`Pyramid` application is called on every request sent to the application. The root factory returns the traversal root of an application. It is conventionally named ``get_root``. An application may supply a root factory to :app:`Pyramid` during the construction of a :term:`Configurator`. If a root factory is not supplied, the application creates a default root object using the :term:`default root factory`. default root factory If an application does not register a :term:`root factory` at Pyramid configuration time, a *default* root factory is used to created the default root object. Use of the default root object is useful in application which use :term:`URL dispatch` for all URL-to-view code mappings, and does not (knowingly) use traversal otherwise. SQLAlchemy `SQLAlchemy <https://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_ is an object relational mapper used in tutorials within this documentation. JSON `JavaScript Object Notation <http://www.json.org/>`_ is a data serialization format. jQuery A popular `Javascript library <https://jquery.org>`_. renderer A serializer which converts non-:term:`Response` return values from a :term:`view` into a string, and ultimately into a response, usually through :term:`view configuration`. Using a renderer can make writing views that require templating or other serialization, like JSON, less tedious. See :ref:`views_which_use_a_renderer` for more information. renderer factory A factory which creates a :term:`renderer`. See :ref:`adding_and_overriding_renderers` for more information. mod_wsgi `mod_wsgi <https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/>`_ is an Apache module developed by Graham Dumpleton. It allows :term:`WSGI` applications (such as applications developed using :app:`Pyramid`) to be served using the Apache web server. view predicate An argument to a :term:`view configuration` which evaluates to ``True`` or ``False`` for a given :term:`request`. All predicates attached to a view configuration must evaluate to true for the associated view to be considered as a possible callable for a given request. route predicate An argument to a :term:`route configuration` which implies a value that evaluates to ``True`` or ``False`` for a given :term:`request`. All predicates attached to a :term:`route configuration` must evaluate to ``True`` for the associated route to "match" the current request. If a route does not match the current request, the next route (in definition order) is attempted. routes mapper An object which compares path information from a request to an ordered set of route patterns. See :ref:`urldispatch_chapter`. predicate A test which returns ``True`` or ``False``. Two different types of predicates exist in :app:`Pyramid`: a :term:`view predicate` and a :term:`route predicate`. View predicates are attached to :term:`view configuration` and route predicates are attached to :term:`route configuration`. decorator A wrapper around a Python function or class which accepts the function or class as its first argument and which returns an arbitrary object. :app:`Pyramid` provides several decorators, used for configuration and return value modification purposes. .. seealso:: See also `PEP 318 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0318/>`_. configuration declaration An individual method call made to a :term:`configuration directive`, such as registering a :term:`view configuration` (via the :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` method of the configurator) or :term:`route configuration` (via the :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` method of the configurator). A set of configuration declarations is also implied by the :term:`configuration decoration` detected by a :term:`scan` of code in a package. configuration decoration Metadata implying one or more :term:`configuration declaration` invocations. Often set by configuration Python :term:`decorator` attributes, such as :class:`pyramid.view.view_config`, aka ``@view_config``. scan The term used by :app:`Pyramid` to define the process of importing and examining all code in a Python package or module for :term:`configuration decoration`. configurator An object used to do :term:`configuration declaration` within an application. The most common configurator is an instance of the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` class. imperative configuration The configuration mode in which you use Python to call methods on a :term:`Configurator` in order to add each :term:`configuration declaration` required by your application. declarative configuration The configuration mode in which you use the combination of :term:`configuration decoration` and a :term:`scan` to configure your Pyramid application. Not Found View An :term:`exception view` invoked by :app:`Pyramid` when the developer explicitly raises a :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound` exception from within :term:`view` code or :term:`root factory` code, or when the current request doesn't match any :term:`view configuration`. :app:`Pyramid` provides a default implementation of a Not Found View; it can be overridden. See :ref:`changing_the_notfound_view`. Forbidden view An :term:`exception view` invoked by :app:`Pyramid` when the developer explicitly raises a :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden` exception from within :term:`view` code or :term:`root factory` code, or when the :term:`view configuration` and :term:`authorization policy` found for a request disallows a particular view invocation. :app:`Pyramid` provides a default implementation of a forbidden view; it can be overridden. See :ref:`changing_the_forbidden_view`. Exception view An exception view is a :term:`view callable` which may be invoked by :app:`Pyramid` when an exception is raised during request processing. See :ref:`exception_views` for more information. HTTP Exception The set of exception classes defined in :mod:`pyramid.httpexceptions`. These can be used to generate responses with various status codes when raised or returned from a :term:`view callable`. .. seealso:: See also :ref:`http_exceptions`. thread local A thread-local variable is one which is essentially a global variable in terms of how it is accessed and treated, however, each `thread <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_(computer_science)>`_ used by the application may have a different value for this same "global" variable. :app:`Pyramid` uses a small number of thread local variables, as described in :ref:`threadlocals_chapter`. .. seealso:: See also the :class:`stdlib documentation <threading.local>` for more information. multidict An ordered dictionary that can have multiple values for each key. Adds the methods ``getall``, ``getone``, ``mixed``, ``add`` and ``dict_of_lists`` to the normal dictionary interface. See :ref:`multidict_narr` and :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IMultiDict`. PyPI `The Python Package Index <https://pypi.org/>`_, a collection of software available for Python. Agendaless Consulting A consulting organization formed by Paul Everitt, Tres Seaver, and Chris McDonough. .. seealso:: See also `Agendaless Consulting <https://agendaless.com>`_. Jython A `Python implementation <https://www.jython.org/>`_ written for the Java Virtual Machine. Python The `programming language <https://www.python.org>`_ in which :app:`Pyramid` is written. CPython The C implementation of the Python language. This is the reference implementation that most people refer to as simply "Python"; :term:`Jython`, Google's App Engine, and `PyPy <http://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/>`_ are examples of non-C based Python implementations. View Lookup The act of finding and invoking the "best" :term:`view callable`, given a :term:`request` and a :term:`context` resource. Resource Location The act of locating a :term:`context` resource given a :term:`request`. :term:`Traversal` and :term:`URL dispatch` are the resource location subsystems used by :app:`Pyramid`. Google App Engine `Google App Engine <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/>`_ (aka "GAE") is a Python application hosting service offered by Google. :app:`Pyramid` runs on GAE. Venusian :ref:`Venusian` is a library which allows framework authors to defer decorator actions. Instead of taking actions when a function (or class) decorator is executed at :term:`import time`, the action usually taken by the decorator is deferred until a separate "scan" phase. :app:`Pyramid` relies on Venusian to provide a basis for its :term:`scan` feature. Translation String An instance of :class:`pyramid.i18n.TranslationString`, which is a class that behaves like a string, but has several extra attributes such as ``domain``, ``msgid``, and ``mapping`` for use during translation. Translation strings are usually created by hand within software, but are sometimes created on the behalf of the system for automatic template translation. For more information, see :ref:`i18n_chapter`. Translation Domain A string representing the "context" in which a translation was made. For example the word "java" might be translated differently if the translation domain is "programming-languages" than would be if the translation domain was "coffee". A translation domain is represented by a collection of ``.mo`` files within one or more :term:`translation directory` directories. Translation Context A string representing the "context" in which a translation was made within a given :term:`translation domain`. See the gettext documentation, `11.2.5 Using contexts for solving ambiguities <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Contexts>`_ for more information. Translator A callable which receives a :term:`translation string` and returns a translated string for the purposes of internationalization. A :term:`localizer` supplies a translator to a :app:`Pyramid` application accessible via its :class:`~pyramid.i18n.Localizer.translate` method. Translation Directory A translation directory is a :term:`gettext` translation directory. It contains language folders, which themselves contain ``LC_MESSAGES`` folders, which contain ``.mo`` files. Each ``.mo`` file represents a set of translations for a language in a :term:`translation domain`. The name of the ``.mo`` file (minus the .mo extension) is the translation domain name. Localizer An instance of the class :class:`pyramid.i18n.Localizer` which provides translation and pluralization services to an application. It is retrieved via the :func:`pyramid.i18n.get_localizer` function. Locale Name A string like ``en``, ``en_US``, ``de``, or ``de_AT`` which uniquely identifies a particular locale. Default Locale Name The :term:`locale name` used by an application when no explicit locale name is set. See :ref:`localization_deployment_settings`. Locale Negotiator An object supplying a policy determining which :term:`locale name` best represents a given :term:`request`. It is used by the :func:`pyramid.i18n.get_locale_name`, and :func:`pyramid.i18n.negotiate_locale_name` functions, and indirectly by :func:`pyramid.i18n.get_localizer`. The :func:`pyramid.i18n.default_locale_negotiator` function is an example of a locale negotiator. Gettext The GNU `gettext <http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/>`_ library, used by the :app:`Pyramid` translation machinery. Babel A `collection of tools <http://babel.pocoo.org/en/latest/>`_ for internationalizing Python applications. :app:`Pyramid` does not depend on Babel to operate, but if Babel is installed, additional locale functionality becomes available to your application. Lingua A package by Wichert Akkerman which provides the ``pot-create`` command to extract translateable messages from Python sources and Chameleon ZPT template files. Message Identifier A string used as a translation lookup key during localization. The ``msgid`` argument to a :term:`translation string` is a message identifier. Message identifiers are also present in a :term:`message catalog`. Message Catalog A :term:`gettext` ``.mo`` file containing translations. Internationalization The act of creating software with a user interface that can potentially be displayed in more than one language or cultural context. Often shortened to "i18n" (because the word "internationalization" is I, 18 letters, then N). .. seealso:: See also :term:`Localization`. Localization The process of displaying the user interface of an internationalized application in a particular language or cultural context. Often shortened to "l10n" (because the word "localization" is L, 10 letters, then N). .. seealso:: See also :term:`Internationalization`. renderer globals Values injected as names into a renderer by a :class:`pyramid.event.BeforeRender` event. response callback A user-defined callback executed by the :term:`router` at a point after a :term:`response` object is successfully created. .. seealso:: See also :ref:`using_response_callbacks`. finished callback A user-defined callback executed by the :term:`router` unconditionally at the very end of request processing . See :ref:`using_finished_callbacks`. pregenerator A pregenerator is a function associated by a developer with a :term:`route`. It is called by :meth:`~pyramid.request.Request.route_url` in order to adjust the set of arguments passed to it by the user for special purposes. It will influence the URL returned by :meth:`~pyramid.request.Request.route_url`. See :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IRoutePregenerator` for more information. session A namespace that is valid for some period of continual activity that can be used to represent a user's interaction with a web application. session factory A callable, which, when called with a single argument named ``request`` (a :term:`request` object), returns a :term:`session` object. See :ref:`using_the_default_session_factory`, :ref:`using_alternate_session_factories` and :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_session_factory` for more information. CSRF storage policy A utility that implements :class:`pyramid.interfaces.ICSRFStoragePolicy` which is responsible for allocating CSRF tokens to a user and verifying that a provided token is acceptable. Mako `Mako <https://www.makotemplates.org/>`_ is a template language which refines the familiar ideas of componentized layout and inheritance using Python with Python scoping and calling semantics. View handler A view handler ties together :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` and :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` to make it more convenient to register a collection of views as a single class when using :term:`URL dispatch`. View handlers ship as part of the :term:`pyramid_handlers` add-on package. Deployment settings Deployment settings are settings passed to the :term:`Configurator` as a ``settings`` argument. These are later accessible via a ``request.registry.settings`` dictionary in views or as ``config.registry.settings`` in configuration code. Deployment settings can be used as global application values. WebTest `WebTest <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/webtest/en/latest/>`_ is a package which can help you write functional tests for your WSGI application. view mapper A view mapper is a class which implements the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewMapperFactory` interface, which performs view argument and return value mapping. This is a plug point for extension builders, not normally used by "civilians". matchdict The dictionary attached to the :term:`request` object as ``request.matchdict`` when a :term:`URL dispatch` route has been matched. Its keys are names as identified within the route pattern; its values are the values matched by each pattern name. pyramid_zcml An add-on package to :app:`Pyramid` which allows applications to be configured via :term:`ZCML`. It is available on :term:`PyPI`. If you use :mod:`pyramid_zcml`, you can use ZCML as an alternative to :term:`imperative configuration` or :term:`configuration decoration`. ZCML `Zope Configuration Markup Language <http://muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html#zcml>`_, an XML dialect used by Zope and :term:`pyramid_zcml` for configuration tasks. pyramid_handlers An add-on package which allows :app:`Pyramid` users to create classes that are analogues of Pylons 1 "controllers". See https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_handlers/en/latest/. pyramid_jinja2 :term:`Jinja2` templating system bindings for Pyramid, documented at https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_jinja2/en/latest/. This package also includes a scaffold named ``pyramid_jinja2_starter``, which creates an application package based on the Jinja2 templating system. Akhet `Akhet <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/akhet/en/latest/>`_ is a Pyramid library and demo application with a Pylons-like feel. It's most known for its former application scaffold, which helped users transition from Pylons and those preferring a more Pylons-like API. The scaffold has been retired but the demo plays a similar role. Pyramid Community Cookbook Additional, community-based documentation for Pyramid which presents topical, practical uses of Pyramid: :ref:`Pyramid Community Cookbook <cookbook:pyramid-cookbook>` distutils The standard system for packaging and distributing Python packages. See https://docs.python.org/2/distutils/index.html for more information. :term:`Setuptools` is actually an *extension* of the Distutils. exception response A :term:`response` that is generated as the result of a raised exception being caught by an :term:`exception view`. PyPy PyPy is an "alternative implementation of the Python language": http://pypy.org/ tween A bit of code that sits between the Pyramid router's main request handling function and the upstream WSGI component that uses :app:`Pyramid` as its 'app'. The word "tween" is a contraction of "between". A tween may be used by Pyramid framework extensions, to provide, for example, Pyramid-specific view timing support, bookkeeping code that examines exceptions before they are returned to the upstream WSGI application, or a variety of other features. Tweens behave a bit like :term:`WSGI` :term:`middleware` but they have the benefit of running in a context in which they have access to the Pyramid :term:`application registry` as well as the Pyramid rendering machinery. See :ref:`registering_tweens`. pyramid_debugtoolbar A Pyramid add-on which displays a helpful debug toolbar "on top of" HTML pages rendered by your application, displaying request, routing, and database information. :mod:`pyramid_debugtoolbar` is configured into the ``development.ini`` of all applications which use a Pyramid :term:`cookiecutter`. For more information, see https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_debugtoolbar/en/latest/. pyramid_exclog A package which logs Pyramid application exception (error) information to a standard Python logger. This add-on is most useful when used in production applications, because the logger can be configured to log to a file, to Unix syslog, to the Windows Event Log, or even to email. See its `documentation <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_exclog/en/latest/>`_. console script A script written to the ``bin`` (on Unix, or ``Scripts`` on Windows) directory of a Python installation or :term:`virtual environment` as the result of running ``pip install`` or ``pip install -e .``. introspector An object with the methods described by :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IIntrospector` that is available in both configuration code (for registration) and at runtime (for querying) that allows a developer to introspect configuration statements and relationships between those statements. conflict resolution Pyramid attempts to resolve ambiguous configuration statements made by application developers via automatic conflict resolution. Automatic conflict resolution is described in :ref:`automatic_conflict_resolution`. If Pyramid cannot resolve ambiguous configuration statements, it is possible to manually resolve them as described in :ref:`manually_resolving_conflicts`. configuration directive A method of the :term:`Configurator` which causes a configuration action to occur. The method :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` is a configuration directive, and application developers can add their own directives as necessary (see :ref:`add_directive`). action Represents a pending configuration statement generated by a call to a :term:`configuration directive`. The set of pending configuration actions are processed when :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called. discriminator The unique identifier of an :term:`action`. introspectable An object which implements the attributes and methods described in :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IIntrospectable`. Introspectables are used by the :term:`introspector` to display configuration information about a running Pyramid application. An introspectable is associated with a :term:`action` by virtue of the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.action` method. asset descriptor An instance representing an :term:`asset specification` provided by the :meth:`pyramid.path.AssetResolver.resolve` method. It supports the methods and attributes documented in :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAssetDescriptor`. Waitress A :term:`WSGI` server that runs on Unix and Windows under Python 2.7+ and Python 3.3+. Projects generated via Pyramid cookiecutters use Waitress as a WGSI server. See https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/waitress/en/latest/ for detailed information. gunicorn Aka ``gunicorn``, a fast :term:`WSGI` server that runs on Unix under Python 2.6+ or Python 3.4+. See https://gunicorn.org/ for detailed information. predicate factory A callable which is used by a third party during the registration of a route, view, or subscriber predicates to extend the configuration system. See :ref:`registering_custom_predicates` for more information. add-on A Python :term:`distribution` that uses Pyramid's extensibility to plug into a Pyramid application and provide extra, configurable services. pyramid_redis_sessions A package by Eric Rasmussen which allows you to store Pyramid session data in a Redis database. See https://pypi.org/project/pyramid_redis_sessions/ for more information. cache busting A technique used when serving a cacheable static asset in order to force a client to query the new version of the asset. See :ref:`cache_busting` for more information. view deriver A view deriver is a composable component of the view pipeline which is used to create a :term:`view callable`. A view deriver is a callable implementing the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewDeriver` interface. Examples of built-in derivers including view mapper, the permission checker, and applying a renderer to a dictionary returned from the view. truthy string A string represeting a value of ``True``. Acceptable values are ``t``, ``true``, ``y``, ``yes``, ``on`` and ``1``. falsey string A string represeting a value of ``False``. Acceptable values are ``f``, ``false``, ``n``, ``no``, ``off`` and ``0``. pip The :term:`Python Packaging Authority`'s recommended tool for installing Python packages. virtual environment An isolated Python environment that allows packages to be installed for use by a particular application, rather than being installed system wide. venv The :term:`Python Packaging Authority`'s recommended tool for creating virtual environments on Python 3.3 and greater. Note: whenever you encounter commands prefixed with ``$VENV`` (Unix) or ``%VENV`` (Windows), know that that is the environment variable whose value is the root of the virtual environment in question. Python Packaging Authority The `Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) <https://www.pypa.io/en/latest/>`_ is a working group that maintains many of the relevant projects in Python packaging. cookiecutter A command-line utility that creates projects from `cookiecutters <https://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__ (project templates), e.g., creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. .. versionadded:: 1.8 Added cookiecutter support. .. versionchanged:: 1.10 Merged features from ``pyramid-cookiecutter-alchemy`` and ``pyramid-cookiecutter-zodb`` into the single cookiecutter to rule them all, ``pyramid-cookiecutter-starter``. .. deprecated:: 1.10 ``pyramid-cookiecutter-alchemy`` and ``pyramid-cookiecutter-zodb`` are no longer supported. Use ``pyramid-cookiecutter-starter`` going forward. coverage A measurement of code coverage, usually expressed as a percentage of which lines of code have been executed over which lines are executable, typically run during test execution. execution policy A policy which wraps the :term:`router` by creating the request object and sending it through the request pipeline. See :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_execution_policy`. singleton A singleton is a class which will only ever have one instance. As there is only one, it is shared by all other code. This makes it an example of :term:`global state`. Using a singleton is `considered a poor design choice. <https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/148108/why-is-global-state-so-evil>`_ As :term:`mutable` global state, it can be changed by any other code, and so the values it represents cannot be reasoned about or tested properly. global state A set of values that are available to the entirety of a program. mutable In Python, a value is mutable if it can be changed *in place*. The Python ``list`` and ``dict`` types are mutable. When a value is added to or removed from an instance of either, the original object remains. The opposite of mutable is :term:`immutable`. immutable In Python, a value is immutable if it cannot be changed. The Python ``str``, ``int``, and ``tuple`` data types are all ``immutable``. import time In Python, the moment when a module is referred to in an ``import`` statement. At this moment, all statements in that module at the module scope (at the left margin) are executed. It is a bad design decision to put statements in a Python module that have :term:`side effect`\ s at import time. side effect A statement or function has a side effect when it changes a value outside its own scope. Put another way, if one can observe the change made by a function from outside that function, it has a side effect. context manager A context manager is an object that defines the runtime context to be established when executing a :ref:`with <python:with>` statement in Python. The context manager handles the entry into, and the exit from, the desired runtime context for the execution of the block of code. Context managers are normally invoked using the ``with`` statement, but can also be used by directly invoking their methods. Pyramid adds context managers for :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator`, :meth:`pyramid.interfaces.IRouter.request_context`, :func:`pyramid.paster.bootstrap`, :func:`pyramid.scripting.prepare`, and :func:`pyramid.testing.testConfig`. See also the Python documentation for :ref:`With Statement Context Managers <python:context-managers>` and :pep:`343`. Alembic `Alembic <https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/>`_ is a lightweight database migration tool for usage with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python. media type A label representing the type of some content. A media type is a nested structure containing a top-level type and a subtype. Optionally, a media type can also contain parameters specific to the type. See :rfc:`6838` for more information about media types. route prefix A route prefix is a path prefix that is prepended to any routes that are configured while it is active. A route prefix can be set via :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include` or :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.route_prefix_context`. commit An operation applied to a :term:`configurator`. A commit checks for conflicts in :term:`configuration declaration`\s, and if none are found applies all pending :term:`action`\s. It is possible, although not necessarily recommended, to invoke :term:`commit`\s using :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` to :ref:`manually resolve <manually_resolving_conflicts>` configuration conflicts. settings Settings control the runtime behavior of a Pyramid application. They are the aggregation of configuration file declarations, process environment values, other additions generated by Pyramid or its add-ons and :term:`tween`\s, and values produced by your own code. Settings are collected at application startup. They can affect all the components which make up the the application. Pyramid itself, any tweens or Pyramid add-ons used, and :ref:`your own code may reference <deployment_settings>` and act on settings. constructor A function returning a Pyramid :term:`WSGI` application. Every Pyramid application has a single constructor function named ``main``. It returns a Pyramid :term:`router` generated by a :term:`configurator`, and is written by you. The Pyramid constructor is the application's :term:`entry point`.