This project contains samples of Query-by-Example of Spring Data JPA.
Query by Example (QBE) is a user-friendly querying technique with a simple interface. It allows dynamic query creation and does not require to write queries containing field names. In fact, Query by Example does not require to write queries using JPA-QL at all.
An Example
takes a data object (usually the entity object or a subtype of it) and a specification how to match properties. You can use Query by Example with JPA Repositories.
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, String>, QueryByExampleExecutor<Person> {
Example<Person> example = Example.of(new Person("Jon", "Snow"));
ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching().
.withMatcher("firstname", endsWith())
.withMatcher("lastname", startsWith().ignoreCase());
Example<Person> example = Example.of(new Person("Jon", "Snow"), matcher);
This example contains a test class to illustrate Query-by-Example with a Repository in UserRepositoryIntegrationTests