root | name | sort |
true |
Install / Upgrade |
1 |
You can use the Go way to install Beego:
go get
Frequently asked questions:
git is not installed. Please install git for your system.
git https is not accessable. :TODO Please config local git and close https validation.
git config --global http.sslVerify false git config --global http.sslVerify false
How can I install Beego offline? There is no good solution now. We will creat packages for downloading and installing for every release.
You can upgrading Beego by Go upgrading or by download and upgrading from sourcecode
By go upgrading: we recommand you using :TODO this way to upgrad Beego.
go get -u
By sourcecode: Go to
and download the sourcecode. Copy and overwrite to pathgopath/
. Then rungo install
to upgrad Beego.go install
The develop branch is master now. After 1.0 release we will use this branches structure:
Beego's sourcecode is hosted on Github. You can fork Beego, modify it then send pull request to me. I will review your code and merge your changes as soon as possible.