⚠️ Final Update: Hi folks. I created this library over 10 years ago in 2012 but I do not maintain it. This repository is archived. For a maintained version of smaz compression in Javascript, please look instead to the version provided by @remusao instead in npm as https://www.npmjs.com/package/@remusao/smaz. Thank you.
See http://github.com/antirez/smaz for information on smaz and the algorithm itself.
Live Demo: http://personalcomputer.github.com/smaz.js/
var c = smaz.compress("string");
var u = smaz.decompress(c);
$ npm install smaz
var smaz = require("smaz");
var c = smaz.compress("string");
var u = smaz.decompress(c);
Compressed binary data is stored using JavaScript ArrayBuffers.
Small was written by Salvatore Sanfilippo and is released under the BSD license. Check the COPYING file for more information. smaz.js was written by personalcomputer and is a derivative work also under the BSD license.