lord Public
Forked from rnons/lordA unified interface to online radios using mpd/mplayer as backend
Haskell The Unlicense UpdatedJan 22, 2015 -
lein-ring Public
Forked from weavejester/lein-ringRing plugin for Leiningen
Clojure Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedOct 15, 2014 -
ClojureScript interface to Facebook's React
Clojure UpdatedAug 22, 2014 -
NewFarmServer Public
Forked from GameCrusher-Technology/NewFarmServerfarmland server
PHP UpdatedAug 5, 2014 -
lightsabers Public
Forked from bao-qian/lightsaberssome tiny, beautiful and difficult code
Scheme UpdatedFeb 11, 2014 -
cljs-start Public
Forked from magomimmo/cljs-startA lein template for creating ClojureScript lib with batteries included
Clojure Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedDec 24, 2013 -
cljs-kickoff Public
Forked from konrad-garus/cljs-kickoffMinimal Leiningen template for ClojureScript with lein-cljsbuild
Clojure UpdatedDec 22, 2013 -
haskellers Public
Forked from commercialhaskell/haskellershaskellers.com site
Haskell Other UpdatedDec 4, 2013 -
app-tutorial Public
Forked from pedestal/app-tutorialComprehensive tutorial for the pedestal-app library. https://github.com/pedestal/pedestal
Clojure UpdatedJul 29, 2013 -
phpsass Public
Forked from richthegeek/phpsassA compiler for SASS/SCSS written in PHP, brought up to date (approx 3.2) from a fork of PHamlP: http://code.google.com/p/phamlp/
PHP UpdatedJun 18, 2013 -
Scheme_iOS_REPL Public
Forked from clarkeaa/Scheme_iOS_REPLSample of creating a scheme REPL that works over TCP on iOS
C UpdatedJun 15, 2013 -
lisp-koans Public
Forked from google/lisp-koansCommon Lisp Koans is a language learning exercise in the same vein as the ruby koans, python koans and others. It is a port of the prior koans with some modifications to highlight lisp-specific fea…
Common Lisp Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 2, 2013 -
clojure Public
Forked from clojure/clojureThe Clojure programming language
Java UpdatedMay 24, 2013 -
php-memory-profiler Public
Forked from arnaud-lb/php-memory-profilerPHP memory profiler extension
C MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2013 -
arc Public
Forked from arclanguage/anarkiPaul Graham's Brand New Lisp
Arc Other UpdatedFeb 18, 2013 -
redish Public
Forked from honza/redishA multi-threaded, TCP, key-value store inspired by Redis implemented in Haskell.
Haskell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 16, 2013 -
php-mode Public
Forked from emacs-php/php-modeA PHP mode for GNU Emacs
Emacs Lisp UpdatedFeb 15, 2013 -
http-kit Public
Forked from shenfeng/http-kitmove to https://github.com/http-kit/http-kit
UpdatedJan 26, 2013 -
octopress Public
Forked from imathis/octopressOctopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
Ruby UpdatedJan 1, 2013 -
el-get Public
Forked from dimitri/el-getManage the external elisp bits and pieces upon which you depend!
Emacs Lisp UpdatedDec 27, 2012 -