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'ouster_viz/' contains a basic visualizer that can be used to
display point clouds and range/intensity/ambient images
can be built both with and without ROS. See the instructions in
for building in a ROS environment
The visualizer has been tested on: Ubuntu 16.04, 17.1, and 18.04, as
well as Fedora 28, and Raspbian Jessie
Windows and Mac support is in progress
The sample visualizer requires a compiler supporting C++11 or newer
and CMake 3.1 or newer
Requires VTK6 and Eigen3 libraries
Using Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libvtk6-dev libeigen3-dev
Using Fedora: sudo apt-get update yum install vtk-devel.x86_64
Build with 'cd /path/to/ouster_example/ouster_viz && mkdir build &&
cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make'
An executable called "viz" is generated in the build directory
Note: if compiling in an environment with ROS, the location of the
executable will be different
To run: ./viz <os1_hostname> <udp_data_dest_ip>
For help, run ./viz -h
the hostname or IP address of the OS-1 sensor
the IP to which the sensor should send data
-m <512x10 | 512x20 | 1024x10 | 1024x20 | 2048x10>
to set the
lidar mode (horizontal resolution and rate). Defaults to 1024x10.
what it does
Increase point size
Decrease point size
Cycle point cloud coloring by z-height / intensity / z-height plus intensity / range
Cycle color scheme for range image
shift c
Cycle color scheme for point cloud
Toggle color cycling in range image
Display ambient image from the sensor
Reset camera position
Toggle parallel projection and reset camera
Cycle through fraction of the window height used for displaying range and intensity image
Click and drag rotates the view
Middle click and drag pans the view
Scroll adjusts how far away the camera is from the vehicle
You can’t perform that action at this time.