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Patient Calculations

Data Validation

Parameter Condition Value(s)
Weight in range 1 to 300
Height in range 60 to 250
Age in range 0.25 (3 months) to 120
SCr in range 0.1 to 20
Sex one of M m F f


Conversion to Years

  • If entered as #d → age = d ÷ 365.25
  • If entered as #m → age = m ÷ 12
  • If entered as #m#d → age = (m ÷ 12) + (d ÷ 365.25)

Age Context

(for determining which fields to show or hide)

Condition Age Context
If age < 1 year infant
Else if age < 18 years child
Else adult

Body Mass Index


wt : weight in kg

ht : height in cm

Ideal Body Weight

$$\mathrm{IBW_{male}}=50+\left[ 2.3\times\left(\mathrm{ht}-60 \right )\right]$$

$$\mathrm{IBW_{female}}=45.5+\left[ 2.3\times\left(\mathrm{ht}-60 \right )\right]$$

ht : height in inches


Use ABW if ABW ≤ IBW, otherwise...

$$\mathrm{AdjBW}=\left[ 0.4\times \left(\mathrm{ABW}-\mathrm{IBW} \right ) \right ]+\mathrm{IBW}$$

Percent Over or Under IBW

$$\mathrm{OverUnder}=\left(\frac{\mathrm{ABW}}{\mathrm{IBW}}-1 \right )\times 100%$$

Lean Body Weight

$$\mathrm{LBW_{male}}=9270\times \left(\frac{\mathrm{ABW}}{6680+\left(216\times \mathrm{BMI} \right )} \right )$$

$$\mathrm{LBW_{female}}=9270\times \left(\frac{\mathrm{ABW}}{8780+\left(244\times \mathrm{BMI} \right )} \right )$$

Body Surface Area


wt : weight in kg

ht : height in cm



$$\mathrm{CrCl}=\frac{\left(140-\mathrm{age} \right )\times\mathrm{wt}}{\mathrm{SCr}\times 72}\ \ \ \mathrm{\ }\times0.85\mathrm{\ if\ female\ }$$

wt : weight in kg



ht : height in cm

Condition k value
if age ≤ 1 and term infant k = 0.45
else if age ≤ 1 and LBW infant k = 0.33
else if age ≥ 13 and sex = M k = 0.7
else k = 0.55

Protocol CrCl

Condition Equation to Use
If age < 18 use Schwartz
Else if actual weight < IBW use C-G(actual)
Else if overUnder > 30 use C-G(adjusted)
Else use C-G(ideal)

Vancomycin Protocol Dosing


Maximum Doses

Parameter Value
Max initial TDD (non-HD) 4500 mg
Max MD for HD patient 2000 mg
Max MD for PD patient 2000 mg

Data Validation

Parameter Condition Value(s)
Dose in range 250 to 3000
Frequency in range 6 to 48
Level in range 3 to 100
Time level drawn after dose in range 0 to 36

Loading Dose

Pediatric (non-obese):

"Loading dose not recommended in non-obese pediatric patients"

Pediatric with BMI > 95th percentile for age:

"Consider loading dose of 20 mg/kg × ABW mg (BMI ≥ 95th percentile for age)"

Adults (calculated using ABW)

Adults Loading Dose (ABW) Max LD
Default 25 mg/kg 3 g
Severe sepsis 25-35 mg/kg 3 g
HD 25 mg/kg 2 g
PD 25 mg/kg 2 g
CRRT 20-25 mg/kg 3 g
SLED 20-25 mg/kg 3 g

Dose Rounding

Age ≥ 18: round to nearest 250 mg

Age < 18: round to nearest 25 mg for doses < 250 mg, otherwise round to nearest 250 mg

Infusion Time

Dose Infusion Time ($\mathrm{T}$)
if dose > 2500 3 hours
else if dose > 2000 2.5 hours
else if dose > 1500 2 hours
else if dose > 1000 1.5 hours
else 1 hour

Maintenance Dose


CrCl Age Recommendation
(any) < 12 years 60-80 mg/kg/day divided q6h
(any) < 18 years 60-70 mg/kg/day divided q6h or
60-70 mg/kg/day divided q8h
≥ 75 < 40 years 15-20 mg/kg q8h
≥ 75 < 80 years 15-20 mg/kg q12h
≥ 75 ≥ 80 years 10-15 mg/kg q12h
50-75 < 70 years 15-20 mg/kg q12h
50-75 70-79 years 10-15 mg/kg q12h
50-75 ≥ 80 years 15-20 mg/kg q24h
35-49 < 70 years 15-20 mg/kg q24h
35-49 70-79 years 10-15 mg/kg q24h
35-49 ≥ 80 years 10 mg/kg q24h
15-34 < 80 years 10 mg/kg q24h
15-34 ≥ 80 years 7.5 mg/kg q24h
< 15 > 18 years 15-20 mg/kg x1*

*Consider checking level in 24-48 hours. Repeat dose when level ≤ 15 (≤ 20 for septic shock/CNS/meningitis)

Maximum initial maintenance dose: 4.5 g/day


HD: 10 mg/kg (ABW) after the first HD (max 1.5 g)

PD: 10-15 mg/kg when level is < 15 mcg/mL (max 2 g)

CRRT: 7.5-10 mg/kg q24h (max 4.5 g/day)

SLED: 15-20 mg/kg after each session (max 4.5 g/day)

Strategy, Target, and Monitoring

flowchart LR
  HDq[Dialysis?]:::gray -->|No| AKIq
  AKIq[AKI?]:::gray --> |No| InsightRx:::blue
  InsightRx --> insightInd[CNS/meningitis?]:::gray
  insightInd --> |No| AUC
  insightInd --> |Yes| Trough15

  Trough15 --> outlier[PK Outlier?]:::gray
  AUC --> outlier
  outlier --> |Yes|outlierLevel
  outlierLevel[24-48 hours, then 24-48 hours later]:::green
  outlier --> |No|standardLevel
  standardLevel[First level in 72 hours]:::green
  AKIq --> |Yes| WB[Weight-based]:::blue --> wtInd
  wtInd --> |No| Trough10
  wtInd --> |Yes| Trough15W

  Trough15[Trough 15-20]:::calc 
  Trough15W[Trough 15-20]:::calc 
  Trough10[Trough 10-15]:::calc 
  AUC[AUC 400-600]:::calc

  Trough10 ---> akiLevel
  Trough15W ---> akiLevel
  akiLevel[First level in ~12 hours]:::green

  HDq ---> |Yes| HDW[Weight-based]:::blue
  HDW --> HDInd[SSTI or UTI?]:::gray
  HDInd --> |No| HD15[Trough 15-20]:::calc
  HDInd --> |Yes| HD10[Trough 10-15]:::calc
  HD15 --> HDType[Type of dialysis?]:::gray
  HD10 --> HDType
  HDType --> |HD| iHD
  HDType --> |PD| PD
  HDType --> |CRRT| CRRT
  HDType --> |SLED| SLED

  iHD[Before every HD, start w/ 2nd after LD]:::green
  SLED[before each run]:::green

  classDef gray fill:#dedede,stroke:#333,color:black
  classDef calc fill:#FFE5B4,stroke:#FFA500,color:black
  classDef start fill:#a9e695,stroke:#2e691a,color:black
  classDef blue fill:#95dcfa,stroke:#1D7EA8,color:black
  classDef green fill:#d5f291,stroke:#63870e,color:black
  classDef final fill:#ececff,stroke:#c7b5ed,color:black

Vancomycin Dosing Equations

Initial Dosing (Trough Method)

Volume of Distribution (Vd)

If BMI < 40: Vd = ABW x 0.5

If BMI ≥ 40: Vd = ABW x 0.7

Vancomycin Clearance (CL)

using protocol CrCl

$$\mathrm{CL}=\left [ \left (0.695 \times \mathrm{CrCl} \right ) + 0.05\right ]\times 0.06$$

Elimination Rate Constant ($ke$)


Halflife ($t_\frac{1}{2}$)


Suggested Interval ($τ$)

Condition Value
if halflife < 7 q6h
else if halflife < 10 q8h
else if halflife < 15 q12h
else if halflife < 21 q18h
else if halflife < 36 q24h
else q48h

Peak and Trough

Calculate for each possible dose (500-2000 mg):

$$\mathrm{C_{max}}=\frac{\mathrm{D}}{\mathrm{T}}\times\frac{1-e^{-ke\times \mathrm{T}}}{\mathrm{V_{d}}\times ke \times \left ( 1-e^{-ke\times \tau } \right )}$$

$$\mathrm{C_{min}}=\mathrm{C_{max}}\times e^{-ke: \times, (\tau - T)}$$

Suggested dose is the lowest dose where the predicted trough is greater than or equal to the low end of goal range and less than or equal to the high end of the goal range. Uses the goal from the “monitoring” section above. If the goal is an AUC range, uses trough 10-20 for this determination (10-15 for peds).

Dose Revision


New Dose

$$\mathrm{D}{2}=\left ( \frac{\mathrm{D}{1}}{\mathrm{C}{1}}\times\mathrm{C}{2} \right )+125$$

$C_2$ : Desired trough = middle of selection range

Expected Trough


Single Level (Trough) Revision (Non-HD)

Calculated Elimination Rate Constant (ke)

$$ke=\frac{\ln\left(\frac{\left[\left(\frac{\mathrm{dose}}{\mathrm{V_{d}}} \right ) + \mathrm{C}{\mathrm{result}}\right ]}{\mathrm{C{result}}} \right )}{\left(\tau -\mathrm{T_{trough}} \right )}$$

$\mathrm{T}_\mathrm{trough}$ : hours drawn before next infusion

Estimated Trough

$$\mathrm{C_{est.trough}}=\mathrm{C_{result}}\times e^{-ke;\times,\mathrm{T_{trough}}}$$

Estimated Peak

$$\mathrm{C_{est.peak}}=\frac{\mathrm{C_{est.trough}}}{e^{-ke;\times,\left(\tau -\mathrm{T_{inf}}-\mathrm{T_{trough}} \right )}}$$

Halflife ($t_\frac{1}{2}$)


Recommended New Frequency

$$\tau_{\mathrm{new}}=\mathrm{T_{inf}}+ \left ( \frac{\ln\frac{\mathrm{C_{trough.goal}}}{\mathrm{C_{peak.goal}}}}{-ke} \right )$$

Uses fixed goal peak of 35 mcg/mL

$\tau_\mathrm{new}$ Round to
< 7 q6h
< 10 q8h
< 16 q12h
< 21 q18h
< 36 q24h
else q48h

Remainder of calculations

Use calculated ke in same equations/process as initial PK dosing

Single Level (Trough) Revision (HD)

Dose adjustment for HD patient requires goal trough of 10-15 or 15-20 to be selected.

Level Timing Target (mcg/mL) Level (mcg/mL) Recommendation
Pre-HD 10-15 > 20 hold
Pre-HD 10-15 15-20 7.5 mg/kg
Pre-HD 10-15 10-15 10 mg/kg
Pre-HD 10-15 < 10 15-20 mg/kg
Pre-HD 15-20 > 25 hold
Pre-HD 15-20 20-25 7.5 mg/kg
Pre-HD 15-20 15-20 10 mg/kg
Pre-HD 15-20 < 15 15-20 mg/kg
Post-HD 10-15 > 15 hold
Post-HD 10-15 10-15 7.5 mg/kg
Post-HD 10-15 < 10 10 mg/kg
Post-HD 15-20 > 20 hold
Post-HD 15-20 15-20 7.5 mg/kg
Post-HD 15-20 < 15 10 mg/kg

"Hold dose and order trough before next HD"
"Give ABW x dose recommendation mg (dose recommendation mg/kg) after HD"

Two-Level PK

Elimination Rate Constant (ke)


Remainder of calculations

Use calculated ke in same equations/process as initial PK dosing

AUC Calculation - Current Dose


$$\mathrm{C_{true,max}}=\frac{\mathrm{C_{max}}}{e^{-ke;\times,\left(\mathrm{T_{max}}-\tau \right )}}$$

$$\mathrm{C_{true,min}}=\mathrm{C_{min}\times e^{-ke;\times,\left(\tau -\mathrm{T_{min}} \right )}}$$

$$\mathrm{AUC_{inf}}=\left(\mathrm{C_{true,max}+\mathrm{C_{true,min}}} \right )\times\frac{\mathrm{T}}{2}$$


$$\mathrm{AUC}{24}=\left(\mathrm{AUC{inf}} + \mathrm{AUC_{elim}} \right )\times \frac{24}{\tau}$$

$$\mathrm{V_d}=\frac{\mathrm{dose}}{\mathrm{T}}\times\frac{1-e^{-ke;\times,\tau}}{ke\times \left[\mathrm{C_{true,max}} -\left(\mathrm{C_{true,min}\times e^{-ke;\times,\tau}} \right )\right ]}$$

AUC Calculation - New Dose


$$\mathrm{C_{max}}=\frac{\mathrm{D}}{\mathrm{T}}\times \frac{1-e^{-ke\times,\mathrm{T}}}{\mathrm{V_d}\times ke\times\left(1-e^{-ke;\times,\tau} \right )}$$

D : new dose

$$\mathrm{C_{min}}=\mathrm{C_{max}}\times e^{-ke;\times,\left(\tau -\mathrm{T} \right )}$$

Aminoglycoside Dosing

Dosing Weight

Adjusted weight is the standard AdjBW, using factor of 0.4)

Condition Weight to Use
if age < 15 n/a - guideline does not apply
else if overUnder > 20 use adjusted wt
else if actual wt < ideal wt use actual wt
else use ideal weight

Alternate Aminoglycoside Dosing Weight

Used for patients with cystic fibrosis or who are pre- or postpartum.

Condition Weight to Use
if age < 15 n/a - guideline does not apply
else if overUnder > 20 use adjusted wt
else use actual wt

Extended Interval Dosing

Standard (non-Cystic Fibrosis) Calculations

  • Infusion time $T$ assumed to be 1 hour
  • Time to complete distribution assumed to be 1.7 hours
  • Goal trough is:
    • 2 mcg/mL for gentamicin and tobramycin
    • 4 mcg/mL for amikacin
flowchart LR
  D[[Dose]]:::dose <-->|True peak offset| TP((Peak)):::conc
  TP <-->|2.7 hours| L1[[Level 1]]:::level
  D <-.->|Show warning if < 2.7| L1
  L1 <-->|Calculate ke| L2[[Level 2]]:::level
  L2 <-->|Time to trough| T((Trough)):::conc
  L2 <-->|Time to redose| RD 
  T <-->|Post antibiotic effect| RD[/Redose/]:::dose

  classDef dose fill:#55a63a,stroke:black,color:white
  classDef conc fill:#27aae1,stroke:black,color:white
  classDef level fill:#a2d035,stroke:black,color:white

Calculated ke:     $\frac{\ln{\left(\frac{\mathrm{level}_1}{\mathrm{level}_2}\right)}}{\mathrm{time\ between\ levels}}$

Estimated Vd:     $\frac{\mathrm{dose}}{\mathrm{true\ peak}}$

Calculated (true) peak:     $\frac{\mathrm{level}_1}{e^{-(\mathrm{time}_1-2.7)\ \times \ ke}}$

Time to goal trough (MIC):     $\frac{\ln{\left(\frac{\mathrm{level}_1}{\mathrm{level}_2}\right)}}{-ke}$

Level at redose point:     $e^{-ke \times \left( \mathrm{Time\ to\ goal\ trough}+\mathrm{Post\ antibiotic\ effect}\right)}\times\mathrm{level}_2$

Peak to trough time:     $\frac{\ln{\left(\frac{\mathrm{goal\ trough}}{\mathrm{goal\ peak}}\right)}}{-ke}$

New dose to redose time:     Peak to trough time + Post antibiotic effect + 2.7

Recommended dose:     $\frac{\mathrm{goal\ peak}}{\mathrm{true\ peak}}\times\mathrm{dose}$

Recommended frequency:     Round New dose to redose time to nearest 12 hours

Point level estimate:     $e^{-ke \times \left( \mathrm{Time\ from\ level_2\ to\ custom\ time}\right)}\times\mathrm{level}_2$

Cystic Fibrosis Calculations

  • Infusion time $T$ assumed to be 1 hour
  • Goal trough is: Undetectable
  • Goal Peak is:
    • 20-30 mcg/mL for tobramycin
    • 35-50 mcg/mL for amikacin
  • Goal AUC is:
    • < 101 mg·hr/L for q24h tobramycin
    • n/a for amikacin and other tobramycin frequencies

Calculated ke:     $\frac{\ln{\left(\frac{\mathrm{level}_1}{\mathrm{level}_2}\right)}}{\mathrm{time\ between\ levels}}$

Halflife:     $\frac{0.693}{ke}$

Predicted peak:     $\mathrm{level_1}\div e^{-ke\times\left(\mathrm{time_1}-T\right)}$

$\mathrm{time_1}$ : time from dose to first level

Predicted trough:     $\mathrm{level_2}\times e^{-ke\times\left(\tau-\mathrm{time_2}\right)}$

$\mathrm{time_2}$ : time from dose to second level
$\tau$ : frequency

Calculated AUC:     $\frac{\mathrm{predicted\ peak}-\mathrm{predicted\ trough}}{ke}$

Corrected QT Interval

Calculation Process

  • Adjust for prolonged QRS interval
    • If QRS > 120, use Modified Bogossian formula to correct the above (QT or average QT)
  • Calculate QTc using the formula determined by the heart rate
    • If HR < 50, use the Fridericia formula
    • If HR 50-70, use the Bazett formula
    • If HR > 70, use the Framingham formula


  • QT : QT Interval (from EKG)
  • QRS : QRS Interval (from EKG)
  • HR : Heart rate (bpm)
  • RR : $60\div\mathrm{HR}$


Formula Equation
Modified Bogossian $QT-0.5(\mathrm{QRS})$
Fridericia $\frac{QT}{\sqrt[3]{RR}}$
Bazett $\frac{QT}{\sqrt{RR}}$
Framingham $QT+154(1-RR)$


flowchart LR
  QRS[QRS?]:::start -->|<120 msec| NL
  NL[Use QT from EKG]:::green --> HR
  QRS -->|>=120 msec| NH
  NH[Correct QT using Mod. Bogossian]:::blue --> HR
  HR[Determine which<br>formula to use]:::gray -->|HR < 50| F[use Fridericia formula]:::final
  HR -->|HR 50-70| G[use Bazett formula]:::final
  HR -->|HR >70| H[use Framingham formula]:::final

  classDef gray fill:#dedede,stroke:#333,color:black
  classDef calc fill:#FFE5B4,stroke:#FFA500,color:black
  classDef start fill:#a9e695,stroke:#2e691a,color:black
  classDef blue fill:#95dcfa,stroke:#1D7EA8,color:black
  classDef green fill:#d5f291,stroke:#63870e,color:black
  classDef final fill:#ececff,stroke:#c7b5ed,color:black