- Trigonometry Functions ARCSIN, ARCCOS, ARCTAN and ARCTAN2 are now implemented.
- Programs can now contain parameters
- You can now get the distance to an arbitrary latlng with :distance
- Cpu clock speed has been raised from 1 to 5.
- Variables now persist
- Ranges have been increased
- Simplified steering system
- Support for driving your rover wheels to a specific location
- Support for surface vectors
- Rovers can be steered towards arbitrary geo coordinates
- Preliminary support for 3rd party mod integration (Still testing)
- Bug fixes
- Rover bindings
- Range limits for archive drive
- Bug fixes
- Trig functions
- ABS function
- Fix for the matching on boolean operators
- Support for AND and OR in IF statements added
- Fix for nested IF statements
- Fixes locking and waiting for compound values
- Fixes handling of compound values in certain circumstances
- Fixes a bug dealing with the Archive folder
- Bug fixes
- Interact with subelements of R()
- Targetting
- Radar altitude
- Plaintext editing
- Toggle terminal & power from action group
- Maximum thurst variable
- Surface speed variable
- Fix for the typing when not focussed bug
- Fix for file renaming not checking for previous existing file
- Resource tags re-enabled
- Support for limited sub-expressions within R() expressions
- Added non-qwerty keyboard support
- Fix for laggy systems dropping typed characters
- Fix for the case of texture paths that would break on linux
- Implemented a friendly message that your textures are missing
- Fixed an issue that would kill saves
- Added support for maneuver nodes from Ehren Murdick's code
- Added stage:solidfuel from Pierre Adam's code
- Support for loops
- Support for the IF statement
- Support for the BREAK statement
- Initial public release!
- Execution system redesigned to be more heirarchical
- Added support for compound statements
- Successful test of synchronized orbiting
- First trip to orbit successfully done
- Terminal created
- KerboScript designed and implemented
- VAB Part created
- Flight stats and bindings created