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@ng-maps/core is a simple, modular and tree-shakable library for displaying google-maps inside an angular application


  • Npm: npm install @ng-maps/core
  • Yarn: yarn add @ng-maps/core

Then you will need to install typings for google maps as a dev dependency

  • Npm: npm install -D @types/googlemaps
  • Yarn: yarn add -D @types/googlemaps

Add NgMapsCoreModule to your AppModule.

Additionally, you will need to add the @ng-maps/google module and follow the instruction there. As alternative there is a here maps module which isn't ready for production yet.

Lazy loading configuration

If you can not provide configuration at module import level you can load it at a later time.

You just need to inject MapsAPILoader into a component or service and call the method configure(config) with a valid configuration.


Simple Map

Add the map to your components template

<map-view [latitude]="48.858222" [longitude]="2.2945" [zoom]="8"></map-view>

Add a height to your components CSS, for example

map-view {
  height: 300px;

Input options

Name Type Values Description
longitude Number
latitude Number
minZoom Number
maxZoom Number
zoom Number Between 0 and MaxZoom, typically 18
fitBounds LatLngBoundsLiteral, LatLngBounds or Boolean If set to true attaches to mapFitBounds directives on <map-marker>
mapTypeId roadmap, hybrid, satellite, terrain
layers Array or String TrafficLayer or TransitLayer or BicyclingLayer Activates layer as described in TrafficLayer Documentation


Additionally you can add markers

<map-view [latitude]="48.858222" [longitude]="2.2945" [zoom]="8">
  <map-marker [latitude]="48.858222" [longitude]="2.2945"></map-marker>

Input options

Name Type Values Description
longitude Number
latitude Number


Name Value Description
markerClick Component

Additional features

Other features are provided in submodules. Find out more on the project page at github