0X18.tests Public
Forked from anne75/0X18.testsTests for Monty project in Monty repo, submodule in HolbertonSchool-LowLevelProgramming
S3 Public
Forked from scality/cloudserverAn open-source Node.js implementation of a server handling the S3 protocol
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 22, 2016 -
my_first_repository Public
I'm now a Holberton Student, it's my first repository as a full-stack engineer
learnC Public
C Exercises from The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie
python_koans Public
Forked from gregmalcolm/python_koansPython Koans - Learn Python through TDD
your_first_code Public
Forked from alx-tools/your_first_codeA very simple snippet of C code, for Holberton School's admissions.
trading-dashboard Public
Discovery project for learning Angular 2 and Webpack
java-koans Public
Forked from matyb/java-koansA framework and lessons to learn java syntax and idioms in a logical sequence.
SendTo Public
Recreate the "TO" line in a mail application using Angular 2
angular-webpack-starter Public
Forked from rimmesbe/angular-webpack-starterAngular2 + Webpack Starter Kit
study-cards Public
Practice using JavaScript OOP by building study cards
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2016 -
terminal-chess Public
2 Player Chess played in the terminal. Built with Ruby
DevBootcamp-Algorithm-Night.github.io Public
Forked from xjlin0/DevBootcamp-Algorithm-Night.github.ioSite
maki Public
Forked from mapbox/makiPOI Icon Set
HTML Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedNov 3, 2015 -
tinderpizza Public
Forked from sf-fireflies-2015/tinderpizzaDemo Sinatra App