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Run these commands to generate and run an Angular 2.1.0 web app:

By default this project reverses a sample database schema. You may of course reverse your own database schema.

Note: Downloading Maven dependencies + JavaScript dependencies may be long, so please be patient the first time you run these commands.

git clone
cd celerio-angular-quickstart/quickstart
mvn -Pdb,metadata,gen generate-sources
cd src/main/webapp
npm install
npm run tsc
cd ../../..
mvn spring-boot:run

Then open http://localhost:8080/

Generate it and run it

0: Get the quickstart

Clone this quickstart:

git clone

1: Generate the source code

cd celerio-angular-quickstart/quickstart
mvn -Pdb,metadata,gen generate-sources

It runs Maven with the following 3 profiles (defined in the pom.xml file):

  • db profile creates the H2 database in the target/db folder.
  • metadata profile reverses the database using Celerio. It creates the file metadata.xml under src/main/config/celerio-maven-plugin.
  • gen profile generates the source code using Celerio. It reads metadata.xml, the celerio-maven-plugin.xml configuration file, interprets/copies the templates/files from pack-angular.

For example, the template entity.service.ts.e.vm leads to the creation of 1 file per entity: src/main/webapp/app/entities/xxx/xxx.service.ts

2: Install JavaScript dependencies

cd src/main/webapp
npm install

Note: need to be run once, you may may skip it as you regenerate over and over.

3: Compile TypeScript files

The step 1 above has copied or generated some TypeScript files. You must transpile (compile) them to JavaScript.

npm run tsc

4: Start the application

cd ../../..
mvn spring-boot:run

Then access it at http://localhost:8080/

Delete all generated files

When developing templates, you often need to delete the generated files. To do so, from the root folder, simply run:

mvn -PcleanGen clean

Note that it won't delete any generated file that was manually modified.

How-to use your own database


1: Clean up

Make sure your project is clean. Delete all previously generated files.

2: Edit pom.xml

You need to edit the pom.xml and change the JDBC settings in order for Celerio to connect to your database and extract its metadata and for you application to access the database. Search for CHANGE THE PROPERTIES BELOW TO USE YOUR OWN DATABASE.

Since you don't need to create the database, there is no need to activate the db profile. Make sure you comment it in your pom.xml to avoid any surprise.

3: Reverse your database

To reverse your database, run:

mvn -Pmetadata generate-sources

If all goes well it creates the file metadata.xml under src/main/config/celerio-maven-plugin.

4: Edit celerio-maven-plugin.xml

Edit the quickstart-conf/celerio-maven-plugin.xml configuration file and comment or modify the <entity-configs> and <sharedEnumConfigs>. These are database schema specific conf.

Please refer to Celerio Configuration for more info.

5: Generate the source code

To generate the source code, run:

mvn -Pgen generate-sources

6: follow same steps as above

Follow the steps 2-3-4 from the Generate it and run it section.