diff --git a/cudalister.lpi b/cudalister.lpi
index ee51078..aa0bac5 100644
--- a/cudalister.lpi
+++ b/cudalister.lpi
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
@@ -125,6 +125,13 @@
diff --git a/cudalister.lpr b/cudalister.lpr
index a7c6518..066bd75 100644
--- a/cudalister.lpr
+++ b/cudalister.lpr
@@ -170,32 +170,32 @@ function ListSendCommand(ListWin: HWND;
-function ListSearchTextW(ListWin: HWND;
- SearchString: PWideChar;
- SearchParameter: integer): integer; stdcall;
- Form: TfmMain;
- Form:= TfmMain(FindControl(ListWin));
- if Assigned(Form) then
- Form.DoFind(
- (SearchParameter and lcs_findfirst)=0,
- (SearchParameter and lcs_backwards)<>0,
- (SearchParameter and lcs_matchcase)<>0,
- (SearchParameter and lcs_wholewords)<>0,
- WideString(SearchString)
- );
-function ListSearchText(ListWin: HWND;
- SearchString: PChar;
- SearchParameter: integer): integer; stdcall;
- Result:= ListSearchTextW(ListWin,
- PWideChar(WideString(string(SearchString))),
- SearchParameter);
+//function ListSearchTextW(ListWin: HWND;
+// SearchString: PWideChar;
+// SearchParameter: integer): integer; stdcall;
+// Form: TfmMain;
+// Result:= LISTPLUGIN_OK;
+// Form:= TfmMain(FindControl(ListWin));
+// if Assigned(Form) then
+// Form.DoFind(
+// (SearchParameter and lcs_findfirst)=0,
+// (SearchParameter and lcs_backwards)<>0,
+// (SearchParameter and lcs_matchcase)<>0,
+// (SearchParameter and lcs_wholewords)<>0,
+// WideString(SearchString)
+// );
+//function ListSearchText(ListWin: HWND;
+// SearchString: PChar;
+// SearchParameter: integer): integer; stdcall;
+// Result:= ListSearchTextW(ListWin,
+// PWideChar(WideString(string(SearchString))),
+// SearchParameter);
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ function ListSearchText(ListWin: HWND;
- ListSendCommand,
- ListSearchText,
- ListSearchTextW;
+ ListSendCommand;
+ //ListSearchText,
+ //ListSearchTextW;
Application.ShowHint:= false;
diff --git a/form_find.lfm b/form_find.lfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c750927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/form_find.lfm
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+object fmFind: TfmFind
+ Left = 446
+ Height = 350
+ Top = 397
+ Width = 734
+ BorderStyle = bsDialog
+ Caption = 'Find/Replace'
+ ClientHeight = 350
+ ClientWidth = 734
+ OnShow = FormShow
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ LCLVersion = ''
+ object bFind: TButton
+ Left = 564
+ Height = 38
+ Top = 72
+ Width = 148
+ Caption = 'Find'
+ ModalResult = 1
+ TabOrder = 10
+ end
+ object bCancel: TButton
+ Left = 564
+ Height = 38
+ Top = 216
+ Width = 148
+ Cancel = True
+ Caption = 'Cancel'
+ ModalResult = 2
+ TabOrder = 15
+ end
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 24
+ Top = 12
+ Width = 76
+ Caption = 'Find what:'
+ ParentColor = False
+ end
+ object edFind: TEdit
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 32
+ Top = 48
+ Width = 538
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
+ object chkRegex: TCheckBox
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 192
+ Width = 118
+ Caption = 'Regex'
+ OnChange = chkRegexChange
+ TabOrder = 3
+ end
+ object chkBack: TCheckBox
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 300
+ Width = 100
+ Caption = 'Backward'
+ TabOrder = 6
+ end
+ object chkCase: TCheckBox
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 228
+ Width = 118
+ Caption = 'Case sensitive'
+ TabOrder = 4
+ end
+ object chkWords: TCheckBox
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 264
+ Width = 118
+ Caption = 'Whole words only'
+ TabOrder = 5
+ end
+ object edRep: TEdit
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 32
+ Top = 132
+ Width = 538
+ TabOrder = 2
+ end
+ object chkRep: TCheckBox
+ Left = 14
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 96
+ Width = 104
+ Caption = 'Replace with:'
+ OnChange = chkRepChange
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
+ object bRep: TButton
+ Left = 564
+ Height = 38
+ Top = 24
+ Width = 148
+ Caption = 'Replace'
+ Default = True
+ ModalResult = 6
+ TabOrder = 11
+ end
+ object bRepAll: TButton
+ Left = 564
+ Height = 38
+ Top = 72
+ Width = 148
+ Caption = 'Replace all'
+ ModalResult = 10
+ TabOrder = 12
+ end
+ object chkFromCaret: TCheckBox
+ Left = 324
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 192
+ Width = 118
+ Caption = 'From caret'
+ TabOrder = 7
+ end
+ object bCount: TButton
+ Left = 564
+ Height = 38
+ Top = 120
+ Width = 148
+ Caption = 'Count all'
+ ModalResult = 5
+ TabOrder = 13
+ end
+ object chkConfirm: TCheckBox
+ Left = 324
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 228
+ Width = 100
+ Caption = 'Confirm replace'
+ TabOrder = 8
+ end
+ object bMarkAll: TButton
+ Left = 564
+ Height = 38
+ Top = 168
+ Width = 148
+ Caption = 'Mark all'
+ ModalResult = 4
+ TabOrder = 14
+ end
+ object chkInSel: TCheckBox
+ Left = 324
+ Height = 28
+ Top = 264
+ Width = 118
+ Caption = 'In selection'
+ TabOrder = 9
+ end
diff --git a/form_find.pas b/form_find.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09bfefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/form_find.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+unit form_find;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ButtonPanel,
+ StdCtrls;
+ { TfmFind }
+ TfmFind = class(TForm)
+ bCount: TButton;
+ bMarkAll: TButton;
+ bFind: TButton;
+ bCancel: TButton;
+ bRep: TButton;
+ bRepAll: TButton;
+ chkInSel: TCheckBox;
+ chkFromCaret: TCheckBox;
+ chkConfirm: TCheckBox;
+ chkRep: TCheckBox;
+ chkRegex: TCheckBox;
+ chkBack: TCheckBox;
+ chkCase: TCheckBox;
+ chkWords: TCheckBox;
+ edFind: TEdit;
+ edRep: TEdit;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ procedure chkRegexChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure chkRepChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ procedure Update; reintroduce;
+ { private declarations }
+ public
+ { public declarations }
+ end;
+ fmFind: TfmFind;
+{$R *.lfm}
+{ TfmFind }
+procedure TfmFind.chkRegexChange(Sender: TObject);
+ Update;
+procedure TfmFind.chkRepChange(Sender: TObject);
+ Update;
+procedure TfmFind.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ Update;
+procedure TfmFind.Update;
+ rep: boolean;
+ rep:= chkRep.Checked;
+ chkWords.Enabled:= not chkRegex.Checked;
+ chkBack.Enabled:= not chkRegex.Checked;
+ chkConfirm.Enabled:= rep;
+ edRep.Enabled:= rep;
+ bFind.Visible:= not rep;
+ bRep.Visible:= rep;
+ bRepAll.Visible:= rep;
+ if rep then
+ Caption:= 'Replace'
+ else
+ Caption:= 'Find';
+ if rep then
+ bRep.Default:= true
+ else
+ bFind.Default:= true;
diff --git a/form_main.lfm b/form_main.lfm
index 620b429..aa5ed55 100644
--- a/form_main.lfm
+++ b/form_main.lfm
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
object fmMain: TfmMain
Left = 47
- Height = 374
+ Height = 561
Top = 272
- Width = 652
+ Width = 978
BorderStyle = bsNone
Caption = 'fmMain'
- ClientHeight = 374
- ClientWidth = 652
+ ClientHeight = 561
+ ClientWidth = 978
+ DesignTimePPI = 144
KeyPreview = True
OnClose = FormClose
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
PopupMenu = PopupText
- LCLVersion = ''
+ LCLVersion = ''
object PanelAll: TPanel
Left = 0
- Height = 374
+ Height = 561
Top = 0
- Width = 652
+ Width = 978
Align = alClient
BevelOuter = bvNone
- ClientHeight = 374
- ClientWidth = 652
+ ClientHeight = 561
+ ClientWidth = 978
TabOrder = 0
object ed: TATSynEdit
Left = 0
- Height = 374
+ Height = 561
Top = 0
- Width = 652
+ Width = 978
Align = alClient
DoubleBuffered = True
- Font.Height = -12
- Font.Name = 'Courier New'
+ Font.Height = -18
+ Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg'
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 0
TabStop = True
@@ -53,72 +54,118 @@ object fmMain: TfmMain
object PopupLexers: TPopupMenu
- Left = 172
- Top = 81
+ Left = 258
+ Top = 122
object PopupText: TPopupMenu
OnPopup = PopupTextPopup
- Left = 235
- Top = 81
- object mnuTextSel: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Select all'
- OnClick = mnuTextSelClick
+ Left = 353
+ Top = 122
+ object mnuTextUndo: TMenuItem
+ Caption = 'Undo'
+ ShortCut = 16474
+ OnClick = mnuTextUndoClick
+ end
+ object mnuTextRedo: TMenuItem
+ Caption = 'Redo'
+ ShortCut = 24666
+ OnClick = mnuTextRedoClick
+ end
+ object MenuItem6: TMenuItem
+ Caption = '-'
+ end
+ object mnuTextCut: TMenuItem
+ Caption = 'Cu&t'
+ ShortCut = 16472
+ OnClick = mnuTextCutClick
object mnuTextCopy: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Copy'
+ Caption = '&Copy'
+ ShortCut = 16451
OnClick = mnuTextCopyClick
object mnuTextPaste: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Paste'
+ Caption = '&Paste'
+ ShortCut = 16470
OnClick = mnuTextPasteClick
+ object mnuTextDelete: TMenuItem
+ Caption = '&Delete'
+ OnClick = mnuTextDeleteClick
+ end
+ object MenuItem5: TMenuItem
+ Caption = '-'
+ end
+ object mnuTextSel: TMenuItem
+ Caption = 'Select &all'
+ ShortCut = 16449
+ OnClick = mnuTextSelClick
+ end
+ object MenuItem4: TMenuItem
+ Caption = '-'
+ end
+ object mnuTextUpperCase: TMenuItem
+ Caption = '&Upper Case'
+ ShortCut = 16469
+ OnClick = mnuTextUpperCaseClick
+ end
+ object mnuTextLowerCase: TMenuItem
+ Caption = '&Lower Case'
+ ShortCut = 24661
+ OnClick = mnuTextLowerCaseClick
+ end
object MenuItem3: TMenuItem
Caption = '-'
object mnuTextGoto: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Go to...'
+ Caption = '&Go to...'
+ ShortCut = 16455
OnClick = mnuTextGotoClick
object mnuTextReadonly: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Read-only (Ctrl+R)'
+ Caption = '&Read-only'
Checked = True
+ ShortCut = 16466
OnClick = mnuTextReadonlyClick
object mnuTextSave: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Save'
+ Caption = '&Save'
+ ShortCut = 16467
OnClick = mnuTextSaveClick
object MenuItem2: TMenuItem
Caption = '-'
object mnuOptions: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Options dialog...'
+ Caption = '&Options dialog...'
OnClick = mnuOptionsClick
object mnuWrap: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Word wrap'
+ Caption = '&Word wrap'
+ ShortCut = 16471
OnClick = mnuWrapClick
object mnuFind: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Find...'
+ Caption = '&Find...'
+ ShortCut = 16454
OnClick = mnuFindClick
object PopupEnc: TPopupMenu
- Left = 300
- Top = 89
+ Left = 450
+ Top = 134
object TimerStatusbar: TTimer
Enabled = False
Interval = 4000
OnTimer = TimerStatusbarTimer
- Left = 379
- Top = 100
+ Left = 569
+ Top = 150
object TimerEmpty: TTimer
Interval = 150
OnTimer = TimerEmptyTimer
- Left = 471
- Top = 112
+ Left = 707
+ Top = 168
diff --git a/form_main.pas b/form_main.pas
index 1d45b57..9d07d40 100644
--- a/form_main.pas
+++ b/form_main.pas
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ interface
+ ATSynEdit_Markers,
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ interface
+ form_find,
@@ -41,12 +43,21 @@ TfmMain = class(TForm)
ed: TATSynEdit;
mnuWrap: TMenuItem;
mnuFind: TMenuItem;
+ mnuTextCut: TMenuItem;
+ mnuTextUndo: TMenuItem;
+ mnuTextRedo: TMenuItem;
mnuTextSave: TMenuItem;
mnuTextPaste: TMenuItem;
+ mnuTextDelete: TMenuItem;
mnuTextReadonly: TMenuItem;
+ mnuTextUpperCase: TMenuItem;
+ mnuTextLowerCase: TMenuItem;
mnuTextGoto: TMenuItem;
MenuItem2: TMenuItem;
MenuItem3: TMenuItem;
+ MenuItem4: TMenuItem;
+ MenuItem5: TMenuItem;
+ MenuItem6: TMenuItem;
mnuOptions: TMenuItem;
mnuTextCopy: TMenuItem;
mnuTextSel: TMenuItem;
@@ -66,10 +77,16 @@ TfmMain = class(TForm)
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuFindClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuOptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mnuTextCutClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuTextCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuTextGotoClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuTextPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mnuTextDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuTextReadonlyClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mnuTextUpperCaseClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mnuTextLowerCaseClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mnuTextUndoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mnuTextRedoClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuTextSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuTextSelClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure mnuWrapClick(Sender: TObject);
@@ -86,13 +103,21 @@ TfmMain = class(TForm)
FPrevKeyShift: TShiftState;
FPrevKeyTick: Qword;
FPrevNoCaret: boolean;
+ FindConfirmAll: TModalResult;
+ FindMarkAll: boolean;
Statusbar: TATStatus;
Adapter: TATAdapterEControl;
- //
procedure ApplyNoCaret;
procedure ApplyThemes;
procedure DoFindDialog;
procedure FinderFound(Sender: TObject; APos1, APos2: TPoint);
+ procedure FinderNext;
+ procedure FinderUpdateEditor(AUpdateText: boolean);
+ procedure DoFindError;
+ procedure ShowBadRegex;
+ procedure FinderConfirmReplace(Sender: TObject; APos1, APos2: TPoint;
+ AForMany: boolean; var AConfirm, AContinue: boolean; var AReplacement: UnicodeString);
function GetEncodingName: string;
procedure LoadOptions;
procedure MenuEncNoReloadClick(Sender: TObject);
@@ -108,6 +133,7 @@ TfmMain = class(TForm)
{ public declarations }
Finder: TATEditorFinder;
+ OptRep: boolean;
constructor CreateParented(AParentWindow: HWND);
class function PluginShow(AListerWin: HWND; AFileName: string): HWND;
@@ -117,7 +143,7 @@ TfmMain = class(TForm)
procedure SetWrapMode(AValue: boolean);
procedure SetEncodingName(const Str: string; EncId: TEncConvId);
procedure ToggleWrapMode;
- procedure DoFind(AFindNext, ABack, ACaseSens, AWords: boolean; const AStrFind: Widestring);
+// procedure DoFind(AFindNext, ABack, ACaseSens, AWords: boolean; const AStrFind: Widestring);
procedure ConfirmSave;
@@ -151,7 +177,8 @@ implementation
StatusbarIndex_LineEnds = 2;
StatusbarIndex_Lexer = 3;
StatusbarIndex_Wrap = 4;
- StatusbarIndex_Message = 5;
+ StatusbarIndex_UndoRedo = 5;
+ StatusbarIndex_Message = 6;
TAppEncodingRecord = record
@@ -303,6 +330,7 @@ procedure TfmMain.edKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
if (Key=VK_F2) and (Shift=[]) then
if ed.Modified then
+ //if MessageBox(Handle, '文件已经被修改. 您确定要从磁盘重新加载它吗?', 'CudaLister',
if MessageBox(Handle, 'File is modified. Are you sure you want to reload it from disk?', 'CudaLister',
@@ -310,6 +338,16 @@ procedure TfmMain.edKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ //support F3, find next
+ if (Key=VK_F3) and (Shift=[]) then
+ begin
+ //DoFind(true, true, Finder.OptCase, Finder.OptWords, '');
+ Finder.OptBack:= false;
+ FinderNext;
+ Key:= 0;
+ exit
+ end;
//Shift+F10: context menu
if (Key=VK_F10) and (Shift=[ssShift]) then
@@ -371,15 +409,16 @@ procedure TfmMain.edKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- //support Ctrl+F
- if (Key=VK_F) and (Shift=[ssCtrl]) then
+ //support Ctrl+H
+ if (Key=VK_H) and (Shift=[ssCtrl]) then
+ OptRep:= true;
Key:= 0;
- //support Ctrl+V
+ //support Ctrl+V
if (Key=VK_V) and (Shift=[ssCtrl]) then
ed.DoCommand(cCommand_ClipboardAltPaste, cInvokeMenuContext);
@@ -387,10 +426,30 @@ procedure TfmMain.edKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ //support Ctrl+Y
+ //if (Key=VK_Y) and (Shift=[ssCtrl]) then
+ //begin
+ // ed.DoCommand(cCommand_Redo, cInvokeMenuContext);
+ // ed.SetFocus;
+ // Key:= 0;
+ // exit
+ //end;
+ //support Ctrl+Z
+ //if (Key=VK_Z) and (Shift=[ssCtrl]) then
+ //begin
+ // ed.DoCommand(cCommand_Undo, cInvokeMenuContext);
+ // ed.SetFocus;
+ // Key:= 0;
+ // exit
+ //end;
//support Shift+F3, find back
if (Key=VK_F3) and (Shift=[ssShift]) then
- DoFind(true, true, Finder.OptCase, Finder.OptWords, '');
+ //DoFind(true, true, Finder.OptCase, Finder.OptWords, '');
+ Finder.OptBack:= true;
+ FinderNext;
Key:= 0;
@@ -450,9 +509,197 @@ procedure TfmMain.edKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
procedure TfmMain.DoFindDialog;
+// PostMessage(FListerWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F7, 0);
+// PostMessage(FListerWindow, WM_KEYUP, VK_F7, 0);
+ res: TModalResult;
+ cnt: integer;
+ ok, bChanged: boolean;
+ with TfmFind.Create(nil) do
+ try
+ if ed.ModeReadOnly then
+ begin
+ chkRep.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly;
+ chkRep.Checked:= not ed.ModeReadOnly;
+ OptRep:= false;
+ end;
+ if ed.TextSelected<>'' then Finder.StrFind:= ed.TextSelected;
+ Finder.OptBack:= false;
+ Finder.OptFromCaret:= false;
+ edFind.Text:= Utf8Encode(Finder.StrFind);
+ edRep.Text:= Utf8Encode(Finder.StrReplace);
+ chkRep.Checked:= OptRep;
+ chkBack.Checked:= Finder.OptBack;
+ chkCase.Checked:= Finder.OptCase;
+ chkWords.Checked:= Finder.OptWords;
+ chkRegex.Checked:= Finder.OptRegex;
+ chkFromCaret.Checked:= Finder.OptFromCaret;
+ chkConfirm.Checked:= Finder.OptConfirmReplace;
+ chkInSel.Enabled:= ed.Carets.IsSelection;
+ res:= ShowModal;
+ if res=mrCancel then Exit;
+ if edFind.Text='' then Exit;
+ Finder.StrFind:= Utf8Decode(edFind.Text);
+ Finder.StrReplace:= Utf8Decode(edRep.Text);
+ OptRep:= chkRep.Checked;
+ Finder.OptBack:= chkBack.Checked;
+ Finder.OptCase:= chkCase.Checked;
+ Finder.OptWords:= chkWords.Checked;
+ Finder.OptRegex:= chkRegex.Checked;
+ Finder.OptFromCaret:= chkFromCaret.Checked;
+ Finder.OptConfirmReplace:= chkConfirm.Checked;
+ Finder.OptInSelection:= chkInSel.Checked;
+ FindConfirmAll:= mrNone;
+ FindMarkAll:= false;
+ //btnStop.Show;
+ //progress.Show;
+ //progress.Position:= 0;
+ ed.Markers.Clear; //support "find first" in selection
+ case res of
+ mrOk: //find
+ begin
+ ok:= Finder.DoAction_FindOrReplace(false, false, bChanged, true);
+ FinderUpdateEditor(false);
+ if not ok then
+ if Finder.IsRegexBad then
+ ShowBadRegex
+ else
+ DoFindError;
+ end;
+ mrYes: //replace
+ begin
+ ok:= Finder.DoAction_FindOrReplace(true, false, bChanged, true);
+ FinderUpdateEditor(true);
+ if not ok then
+ if Finder.IsRegexBad then
+ ShowBadRegex
+ else
+ DoFindError;
+ end;
+ mrYesToAll: //replace all
+ begin
+ cnt:= Finder.DoAction_ReplaceAll;
+ FinderUpdateEditor(true);
+ //MsgStatus('已替换 '+Inttostr(cnt)+' 处.');
+ MsgStatus('Replaces made: '+Inttostr(cnt));
+ end;
+ mrIgnore: //count all
+ begin
+ cnt:= Finder.DoAction_CountAll(false);
+ //MsgStatus('共计找到 "'+Utf8Encode(Finder.StrFind)+'": '+Inttostr(cnt)+' 处.');
+ MsgStatus('Count of "'+Utf8Encode(Finder.StrFind)+'": '+Inttostr(cnt));
+ end;
+ mrRetry: //mark all
+ begin
+ FindMarkAll:= true;
+ ed.Markers.Clear;
+ cnt:= Finder.DoAction_CountAll(true);
+ FindMarkAll:= false;
+ FinderUpdateEditor(false);
+ //MsgStatus('已标记 '+Inttostr(cnt)+' 处.');
+ MsgStatus('Markers placed: '+Inttostr(cnt));
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TfmMain.DoFindError;
+ //MsgStatus('未找到 "'+Utf8Encode(Finder.StrFind)+'".');
+ MsgStatus('Cannot find: '+Utf8Encode(Finder.StrFind));
+procedure TfmMain.FinderConfirmReplace(Sender: TObject; APos1, APos2: TPoint;
+ AForMany: boolean; var AConfirm, AContinue: boolean;
+ var AReplacement: UnicodeString);
+ Res: TModalResult;
+ Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons;
+ case FindConfirmAll of
+ mrYesToAll: begin AConfirm:= true; exit end;
+ mrNoToAll: begin AConfirm:= false; exit end;
+ end;
+ with Ed.Carets[0] do
+ begin
+ PosX:= APos1.X;
+ PosY:= APos1.Y;
+ EndX:= APos2.X;
+ EndY:= APos2.Y;
+ end;
+ Ed.DoCommand(cCommand_ScrollToCaretTop, cInvokeAppInternal);
+ Ed.Update(true);
+ Buttons:= [mbYes, mbNo];
+ if AForMany then
+ Buttons:= Buttons+[mbYesToAll, mbNoToAll];
+ //Str:= Ed.Strings.TextSubstring(APos1.X, APos1.Y, APos2.X, APos2.Y);
+ Res:= MessageDlg(
+ //'确认替换',
+ 'Confirm replace',
+ //'替换字符串在第 '+Inttostr(APos1.Y+1)+' 行.',
+ 'Replace string at line '+Inttostr(APos1.Y+1),
+ mtConfirmation,
+ Buttons, '');
+ AConfirm:= Res in [mrYes, mrYesToAll];
+ AContinue:= Res<>mrNoToAll;
+ if Res in [mrYesToAll, mrNoToAll] then
+ FindConfirmAll:= Res;
+procedure TfmMain.ShowBadRegex;
+ MessageDlg(
+ 'Incorrect RegEx',
+ Utf8Encode(Finder.StrFind)+#10+
+ Finder.RegexErrorMsg,
+ mtError,
+ [mbOk], ''
+ );
+procedure TfmMain.FinderUpdateEditor(AUpdateText: boolean);
+ Finder.Editor.Update(AUpdateText);
+ Finder.Editor.DoGotoCaret(cEdgeTop);
+ UpdateStatusbar;
+procedure TfmMain.FinderFound(Sender: TObject; APos1, APos2: TPoint);
- PostMessage(FListerWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F7, 0);
- PostMessage(FListerWindow, WM_KEYUP, VK_F7, 0);
+ if FindMarkAll then
+ begin
+ ed.Markers.Add(
+ Point(APos1.X, APos1.Y),
+ Point(Abs(APos2.X-APos1.X), 0),
+ TATMarkerTags.Init(0, 0)
+ );
+ end;
+procedure TfmMain.FinderNext;
+ ok, bChanged: boolean;
+ if Finder.StrFind='' then Exit;
+ Finder.OptFromCaret:= true;
+ ok:= Finder.DoAction_FindOrReplace(false, false, bChanged, true);
+ FinderUpdateEditor(false);
+ if not ok then DoFindError;
procedure TfmMain.ConfirmSave;
@@ -460,12 +707,18 @@ procedure TfmMain.ConfirmSave;
if (FFileName<>'') and ed.Modified then
ed.Modified:= false;
- if MsgBox('File was modified. Save it?', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION)=ID_OK then
- try
- ed.SaveToFile(FFileName);
- except
+ //case MsgBox('文件已经被修改. 是否保存?', MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION) of
+ case MsgBox('File was modified. Save it?', MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION) of
+ try
+ ed.SaveToFile(FFileName);
+ except
+ //MsgBox('无法保存文件', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
MsgBox('Cannot save file', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
- end;
+ end;
+ exit;
+ end;
@@ -499,9 +752,9 @@ procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
N: integer;
- N:= ed.Keymap.IndexOf(cCommand_ToggleReadOnly);
- if N>=0 then
- ed.Keymap[N].Keys1.Data[0]:= Shortcut(VK_R, [ssCtrl]);
+ //N:= ed.Keymap.IndexOf(cCommand_ToggleReadOnly);
+ //if N>=0 then
+ // ed.Keymap[N].Keys1.Data[0]:= Shortcut(VK_R, [ssCtrl]);
ed.OptScrollbarsNew:= true;
ed.OptScrollStyleHorz:= aessShow;
@@ -526,7 +779,8 @@ procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 110, taCenter);
Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 50, taCenter);
Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 150, taCenter);
- Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 50, taCenter);
+ Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 80, taCenter);
+ Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 150, taCenter);
Statusbar.AddPanel(-1, 1600, taLeftJustify);
@@ -538,8 +792,10 @@ procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Finder:= TATEditorFinder.Create;
- Finder.OnFound:= @FinderFound;
Finder.Editor:= ed;
+ //Finder.OptRegex:= true;
+ Finder.OnFound:= @FinderFound;
+ Finder.OnConfirmReplace:= @FinderConfirmReplace;
@@ -581,6 +837,7 @@ procedure TfmMain.mnuTextGotoClick(Sender: TObject);
S: string;
N: integer;
+ //S:= InputBox('转到', '行号:', '');
S:= InputBox('Go to', 'Line number:', '');
if S='' then exit;
N:= StrToIntDef(S, 0);
@@ -594,22 +851,63 @@ procedure TfmMain.mnuTextGotoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ //MsgStatus('转到行 '+IntToStr(N));
MsgStatus('Go to line '+IntToStr(N));
+ //MsgStatus('行号不正确: '+S);
MsgStatus('Incorrect line number: '+S);
+procedure TfmMain.mnuTextUndoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+ ed.DoCommand(cCommand_Undo, cInvokeMenuContext);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+procedure TfmMain.mnuTextRedoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+ ed.DoCommand(cCommand_Redo, cInvokeMenuContext);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+procedure TfmMain.mnuTextCutClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ed.DoCommand(cCommand_ClipboardCut, cInvokeMenuContext);
+procedure TfmMain.mnuTextDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ed.DoCommand(cCommand_TextDeleteSelection, cInvokeMenuContext);
procedure TfmMain.mnuTextPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
ed.DoCommand(cCommand_ClipboardAltPaste, cInvokeMenuContext);
+procedure TfmMain.mnuTextUpperCaseClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+ ed.DoCommand(cCommand_TextCaseUpper, cInvokeMenuContext);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+procedure TfmMain.mnuTextLowerCaseClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ed.SetFocus;
+ ed.DoCommand(cCommand_TextCaseLower, cInvokeMenuContext);
+ ed.SetFocus;
procedure TfmMain.mnuTextReadonlyClick(Sender: TObject);
if cEditorIsReadOnly then exit;
ed.ModeReadOnly:= not ed.ModeReadOnly;
+ ed.SetFocus;
if not ed.ModeReadOnly then
@@ -632,6 +930,7 @@ procedure TfmMain.mnuTextSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
ed.Modified:= false;
+ //MsgBox('无法保存文件', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
MsgBox('Cannot save file', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
@@ -652,6 +951,12 @@ procedure TfmMain.mnuWrapClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TfmMain.PopupTextPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ mnuTextUndo.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly and (ed.UndoCount>0);
+ mnuTextRedo.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly and (ed.RedoCount>0);
+ mnuTextCut.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly and ed.Carets.IsSelection;
+ mnuTextDelete.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly and ed.Carets.IsSelection;
+ mnuTextUpperCase.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly and ed.Carets.IsSelection;
+ mnuTextLowerCase.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly and ed.Carets.IsSelection;
mnuTextSave.Enabled:= ed.Modified;
mnuTextPaste.Enabled:= not ed.ModeReadOnly;
mnuWrap.Checked:= ed.OptWrapMode=cWrapOn;
@@ -768,6 +1073,7 @@ procedure TfmMain.UpdateStatusbar;
Caret:= ed.Carets[0];
+ //Format('行 %d, 列 %d', [Caret.PosY+1, Caret.PosX+1]);
Format('Line %d, Col %d', [Caret.PosY+1, Caret.PosX+1]);
@@ -788,10 +1094,14 @@ procedure TfmMain.UpdateStatusbar;
StatusBar.Captions[StatusbarIndex_Lexer]:= S;
case ed.OptWrapMode of
+ //cWrapOff: S:= '未换行';
cWrapOff: S:= 'no wrap';
+ //else S:= '换行';
else S:= 'wrap';
StatusBar.Captions[StatusbarIndex_Wrap]:= S;
+ //StatusBar.Captions[StatusbarIndex_UndoRedo]:= Format('撤销: %d, 重做: %d', [ed.UndoCount, ed.RedoCount]);
+ StatusBar.Captions[StatusbarIndex_UndoRedo]:= Format('Undo: %d, Redo: %d', [ed.UndoCount, ed.RedoCount]);
@@ -1178,37 +1488,34 @@ procedure TfmMain.UpdateMenuEnc(AMenu: TMenuItem);
-procedure TfmMain.FinderFound(Sender: TObject; APos1, APos2: TPoint);
- ed.DoGotoPos(APos1, APos2,
- 10, 3,
- true,
- true
- );
-procedure TfmMain.DoFind(AFindNext, ABack, ACaseSens, AWords: boolean; const AStrFind: Widestring);
- Msg: string;
- bChanged: boolean;
- Finder.OptBack:= ABack;
- Finder.OptCase:= ACaseSens;
- Finder.OptFromCaret:= AFindNext;
- Finder.OptWords:= AWords;
- if AStrFind<>'' then
- Finder.StrFind:= AStrFind;
- if Finder.StrFind='' then exit;
- if Finder.DoAction_FindOrReplace(false, false, bChanged, true) then
- Msg:= IfThen(AFindNext, 'Found next', 'Found first')
- else
- Msg:= 'Not found';
- MsgStatus(Msg+': "'+UTF8Encode(Finder.StrFind)+'"');
+//procedure TfmMain.FinderFound(Sender: TObject; APos1, APos2: TPoint);
+// ed.DoGotoPos(APos1, APos2,
+// 10, 3,
+// true,
+// true
+// );
+//procedure TfmMain.DoFind(AFindNext, ABack, ACaseSens, AWords: boolean; const AStrFind: Widestring);
+// Msg: string;
+// bChanged: boolean;
+// Finder.OptBack:= ABack;
+// Finder.OptCase:= ACaseSens;
+// Finder.OptFromCaret:= AFindNext;
+// Finder.OptWords:= AWords;
+// if AStrFind<>'' then
+// Finder.StrFind:= AStrFind;
+// if Finder.StrFind='' then exit;
+// if Finder.DoAction_FindOrReplace(false, false, bChanged, true) then
+// Msg:= IfThen(AFindNext, 'Found next', 'Found first')
+// else
+// Msg:= 'Not found';
+// MsgStatus(Msg+': "'+UTF8Encode(Finder.StrFind)+'"');
AppManager:= TecSyntaxManager.Create(nil);