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2014 (c) Yii Software LLC.
- Preparing Your Environment
- Creating Your First Yii Application
- Application Structure
- Request Lifecycle
- TBD Next Steps
- TBD Entry Scripts
- TBD Applications
- Controllers and Actions
- Views
- Models
- TBD Widgets
- TBD Modules
- TBD Extensions
- TBD Bootstrapping
- TBD Routing
- TBD Requests
- TBD Responses
- TBD Sessions and Cookies
- URL Parsing and Generation
- TBD Filtering
- Components
- Properties
- Events
- Behaviors
- Configurations
- Aliases
- Class Autoloading
- Service Locator
- Dependency Injection Container
- Data Access Objects - Connecting to a database, basic queries, transactions and schema manipulation
- Query Builder - Querying the database using a simple abstraction layer
- Active Record - The active record ORM, retrieving and manipulating records and defining relations
- Migrations - Version control your databases in a team development environment
- TBD Sphinx
- TBD Redis
- TBD MongoDB
- TBD ElasticSearch
- Overview
- TBD Data Caching
- TBD Fragment and Page Caching
- TBD HTTP Caching
- Quick Start
- TBD Resources
- TBD Routing
- TBD Data Formatting
- TBD Authentication
- TBD Rate Limiting
- TBD Versioning
- TBD Caching
- TBD Error Handling
- TBD Testing
- Overview
- TBD Unit Tests
- TBD Functional Tests
- TBD Acceptance Tests
- Fixtures
- Creating Extensions
- Customizing Core Code
- Using 3rd-Party Libraries
- TBD Using Yii in 3rd-Party Systems
- TBD Using Yii 1.1 and 2.0 Together
- Using Composer
- Advanced Application Template
- Building Application from Scratch
- Console Commands
- Handling Errors
- Internationalization
- Logging
- TBD Mailing
- Performance Tuning
- Template Engines
- Theming
- GridView: link to demo page
- ListView: link to demo page
- DetailView: link to demo page
- ActiveForm: link to demo page
- Pjax: link to demo page
- Menu: link to demo page
- LinkPager: link to demo page
- LinkSorter: link to demo page
- Bootstrap Widgets
- TBD Jquery UI Widgets
- Overview
- TBD ArrayHelper
- TBD Html
- TBD Url
- TBD Security