Igor Piddubnyi github.com/piddubnyi [email protected]
Overview of Distributed Messaging Systems
Alternatives to Kafka
- ActiveMQ / RabbitMQ (no real data distribution)
- zmq (no disk persistence)
- nats (no disk persistence)
- apache pulsar
Use Cases
- Messaging
- Website Activity Tracking
- Metrics
- Log Aggregation
- Stream Processing
- Event Sourcing
Deployment and startup
- native
- docker
- k8s
#Kafka API
./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server --describe *
./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic my-topic
- Simple Producer
- Producer API
- Simple Consumer
- Consumer API
- broker.id
- log.dirs
- zookeeper.connect
- advertised.listeners
- advertised.port
- log.retention.bytes
- log.retention.hours
- compression.type
Consumer and Producer Configuration
- bootstrap.servers
- (Producer) acks
- compression.type
- (Consumer) group.id group.instance.id
- All data is immediately written to a persistent log on the filesystem without necessarily flushing to disk.
- In effect this just means that it is transferred into the kernel's pagecache.
- Data buffering (avoid small IO and frequent flushes)
- Reduce sendfile and using the zero-copy
- !Batch Compression!
The Producer
- key is used for partitioning
- async sending + batches
- no producer persistence
The Consumer
- pull mode (+blocking)
- event mode
- consumer position (offset)
- Static Membership
Message Delivery Semantics
At most once — Messages may be lost but are never redelivered.
Consumer read the messages, then save its position in the log, and finally process the messages
Consumer process crashes after saving its position but before saving the output
At least once — Messages are never lost but may be redelivered.
Consumer read the messages, process the messages, and finally save its position
Crashes after processing messages but before saving its position
Exactly once — each message is delivered once and only once.
The consumer's position is stored as a message in a topic,
Write the offset to Kafka in the same transaction as the output topics receiving the processed data.
If the transaction is aborted, the consumer's position will revert
Как копровать данные из одного топика на другой на постоянной основе?
Как архивировать данные из одого топика в такой же, но архивный на постоянной основе
Как создать аргегированный топик из нескольких?
Авторризация в разрезе топиков https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#security_authz
имплементация ksql и для стримов
API Design
Network Layer
Message format
Basic Kafka Operations
- Adding and removing topics
- Modifying topics
- Graceful shutdown
- Balancing leadership
- Checking consumer position
- Mirroring data between clusters
- Expanding your cluster
- Decommissioning brokers
- Increasing replication factor
Important Server Configs
Important Client Configs
Production Server Configs
как удобно искать по тегам сообщение в топике, было ли или не было
интеграция авро в уже существующее решение
log compacted топики
Tools for troubleshooting
Monitoring Approaches