Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
pikaliov / RNN-Tagger
Forked from zakizhou/RNN-TaggerBidirectional LSTM-RNN for POS tagger in tensorflow
Code for converting speech data into text using encoder-decoder model.
A model for finding mentions of adverse drug reactions in Twitter posts
pikaliov / blstm-cws
Forked from chantera/blstm-cwsblstm-cws : Bi-directional LSTM for Chinese Word Segmentation
Code for converting natural language instructions into its corresponding action sequence.
The experiment result of LSTM language models on PTB (Penn Treebank) and GBW (Google Billion Word) using AdaptiveSoftmax on TensorFlow.
pikaliov / scikitFlowDemo
Forked from SethPaul/scikitFlowDemoDemo of Sci-Kit Learn classes and custom classes
pikaliov / tfdnn-kaldi
Forked from srinivr/tfdnn-kaldiPracticed implementing a simple DNN (along with discriminative pretraining) for acoustic modelling for ASR and used kaldi for frontend and decode. Kaldi features, alignment, etc are used in python…
python wrappers of the edit_distance functions of Kaldi-ASR
pikaliovCO / keras-kaldi
Forked from dspavankumar/keras-kaldiKeras Interface for Kaldi ASR
pikaliovCO / KoLM
Forked from pikaliov/KoLMKorean text normalization and language preparation package for LM in Kaldi-based ASR system
readers that enable reading kaldi ark in tensorflow