Notice: Recently swapped Vortex install method from STL to pikdum/vortex-linux.
This is a breaking change, so you'll need to uninstall + reinstall.
It's also completely new, so there might be bugs.
a collection of steam deck tools and scripts to help automate some things, starting with installing vortex
- right click and save as this install.desktop link
- go to downloads folder and double click to run it
after installing, you should have a shortcut on the desktop to install vortex
this will:
- install SteamLinuxRuntime Sniper
- install pikdum/vortex-linux
- use ./vortex-linux to set up vortex
- add a 'Skyrim Post-Deploy' shortcut to desktop
- needs to be run every time after you change mods in Vortex
- also adds a 'Fallout 4 Post-Deploy'
- map J: to internal games and K: to sd card games
- E: is the sd card root
after modding, run games normally through game mode rather than launching through vortex
- will need to manually set the location, use either the J: or K: drives
- J: is internal storage games, K: is sd card games
- vortex will pop up some warnings about: staging location, deployment method
- walk through their fixes
- staging folder needs to be on the same drive as the game
- suggested path works here
- deployment method should be hardlinks
Notice: Heard some people mention that this requires Nexus Premium.
Could use some more people either confirming or denying this.
- might work out of the box, unless you've installed vortex before
- if it doesn't work, edit these lines in
- run
update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime/
- might need to reboot
- if still issues, make sure your browser is using the default app
these are for games that need a bit extra to get things working after modding in Vortex
they automate things like:
- copying required files from Vortex's Documents folder to the game's Documents folder
- plugins.txt, loadorder.txt, etc.
- setting up script extenders to launch through Steam
a game's post-deploy script should be ran every time after modding in vortex
Note: If you know what you're doing, could set up symlinks instead for this.
That way it only needs to be set up once, before starting modding.
Might evaluate refactoring to that approach in a v2.
using Skyrim as an example:
- after running post-deploy, the game will now start SKSE instead of the launcher
- to open the launcher, install protontricks and launch the underscore-prefixed launcher .exe with it
# remove these tools
rm -rf ~/.pikdum/
# remove vortex
rm -rf ~/.vortex-linux/
rm -rf ~/.local/share/applications/vortex.*
# manually remove desktop icons
# remove steamtinkerlaunch
rm -rf ~/stl/
rm -rf ~/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/
# remove these tools
rm -rf ~/.pikdum/
rm -rf ~/.local/share/applications/pikdum-vortex.desktop