Arduino EEPROM CString List Manager - EPList (For keep some Strings on External EEPROM and minimize use memory on Arduino Board).
Template class.
Written by Piotr Kupczyk ([email protected]) 2020 v. 0.7
SparkFun_External_EEPROM.h // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_External_EEPROM
For proper work execute Wire.begin() function in setup() function (main sketch).
When you finish your list is better to set Write Protect on your chip.
EPList<64> EC(0x50); // Static allocation (i2c chip Address)
EPList<64> *EC = new EPList<64>(0x50); // Dynamic allocation (Address, Size of EEPROM chip, Page Size)
EPList<64> EC(0x50,32000,128); // Static allocation with more settings (i2c chip Address, Size of EEPROM chip, Page Size)
EPList<64> *EC = new EPList<64>(0x50,32000,128); // Dynamic allocation (Address, Size of EEPROM chip, Page Size)
EC->pushItem("I'm inside the chip. "); EC->pushItem("Save your space. Thank you.");
EC.setItem(0,"Good Job.")