You can integrate this SDK in your training logic, Jupyter notebook during experimentation, or your CI/CD system during the production environment. This SDK is also applicable for deploying existing models from your model registry or storage.
Тук трябва да напишем, че existing и нови модели се деплойват с питонското сдк. Минимална пайтън версия Python 3.4+
pip install teachablehub
Тук кратка информация за деплоймънт кийс, че служат за деплой на модели, че може да се ограничават по environment за по-добро секюрити и тнт. Добри примери за deployment keys са production
, staging
, backenders-team
, ds-team
, john-dev
, jane-staging
{{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/deployments", type: "success", size: "small", title: "Create a new serving key" } }}
{{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/settings/deploy-keys", type: "primary", size: "medium", title: "Create a new deploy key" } }} {{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/settings/deploy-keys", type: "secondary", size: "normal", title: "Create a new deploy key" } }} {{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/settings/deploy-keys", type: "info", size: "normal", title: "Create a new deploy key" } }} {{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/settings/deploy-keys", type: "grey", size: "small", title: "Create a new deploy key" } }}
- xsmall | small | normal | medium
- primary | secondary | success | info | warning | danger | grey
{{# (deployment_framework === "sklearn")}}
{{#if(deployment_framework === "sklearn")}} {{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/settings/deploy-keys", type: "success", size: "xsmall", title: "Deploy Keys" }}} {{/}}
{{#if(deployment_environment === "production")}}
from teachablehub.deployments.sklearn import TeachableDeployment
# ... training logic here ...
deployment = TeachableDeployment(
summary="Automatic deployment from our CI via",
For the full list of features and examples checkout the following links:
For more details checkout the Python SDK on GitHub
{{button: { to: "/{{handler}}/{{teachable}}/settings/deploy-keys", type: "info", size: "xsmall", title: "Deploy Keys" } }} {{link: { to: "", title: "Create", target: "_blank" } }}
handler: {{handler}}
teachable: {{teachable}}
deployment_environment: {{deployment_environment}}
deployment_framework: {{deployment_framework}}
deployment_has_features_schema: {{deployment_has_features_schema}}
deployment_version: {{deployment_version}}
deployment_ndarray_sample: {{deployment_ndarray_sample}}
deployment_has_ndarray_sample: {{deployment_has_ndarray_sample}}
deployment_features_sample: {{deployment_features_sample}}
deployment_has_features_sample: {{deployment_has_features_sample}}
deployment_status_state: {{deployment_status_state}}
deployment_prediction_result: {{deployment_prediction_result}}
Error | Reason |
MissingTeachableError |
Teachable is required for every prediction |
NoThAuthMethodError |
Missing Serving Key param in the initializer |
UnsuccessfulRequestError |
General Serving API errors 4xx and 5xx |
UnauthorizedError |
Wrong Serving Key or configuration |