Stress testing is taking a system to its limit to see how it behaves, how it deteriorates and what the maximum functional capacity is.
Loading testing aka soak testing is sustained loading the system, rather than testing the limits.
This is useful to burn in hardware to avoid early stage production failures, leaving around 3 year later staggered failures, MTTR / MTBF etc.
- Ram
- Disk
- Network
- Concurrent Rate of Requests to Web Services
This is in the apache2-utils package.
apt-get install -y apache2-utils
Send 1000 requests using 10 concurrent threads representing different users at a time:
ab -n 1000 -c 10 "$URL"
apt-get install -y siege
Send 1000 requests using 10 concurrent threads:
siege -r 1000 -c 10 "$URL"
Written in Golang.
go get -u
Send 1000 requests from 10 concurrent threads:
hey -n 1000 -c 10 "$URL"
Mature battle tested Testing IDE written in Java.
Best known for testing Web services, but can also do databases via JDBC, FTP, LDAP, message buses via JMS, Email services SMTP, IMAP, POP3 etc.
GUI and CLI modes. Non-trivial, you will need to RTFM.
Managed service like JMeter.
k6 run $templates/k6.js
hadoop jar hadoop-test-2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.1.2.jar TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 1000 -fileSize 600 -resFile /path/to/results.txt
Tests all different key-value stores performance
git clone git://
# mvn clean package
mvn package
bin/ycsb --help