Coordination and distributed locking service.
Small metadata, watches and locks.
Used by major technologies, especially Big Data technologies like HBase, Hive High Availability, and SolrCloud.
mature, robust, well tested and widely used by HBase, Kafka, SolrCloud, HDFS/Yarn/Hive HA ZKFC, Docker Swarm
writes need quorum
reads serviced by node you connect to
3 nodes for HA Quorum
5 nodes for HA Quorum during maintenance (eg. still HA while taking 1 node down for maintenance)
1-4 GB ram
dedicated disk
heavy run ZK should be run on separate machines to HBase RegionServers or Hadoop DataNodes, YARN processing nodes
for HBase make sure to comment out
network problems often show up first as zookeeper as timeouts / connection problems
not recommended for virtual environments due to latency
- Algorithm is
-ZK Atomic Broadcast
- similar to Paxos - requires majority consensus quorum
- main difference is it only has one promoter at a time
- stronger focus on total ordering
- each election then followed by a synchronization phase before new changes accepted
- elected master receives all writes + pushes to slaves in ordered fashion
- slaves also handle read requests + notifications to offload from master
- znode = binary file + directory with version number, rw perms metadata
- ephemeral - TTL, disappears
- sequential - auto assigned sequential member suffix by ZK
- pattern: ephemeral sequential znodes for leader queue where lowest id znode becomes master
- global consistent ordering
- watch on znode:
- one shot, must re-register watch
- could lose update to that znode in between receiving + re-registering
- can detect using version number
- workaround to use sequential znodes
- atomic update by specifying prev version
- multiple clients - only one would be successful
- useful for distributed counters or partial updates of znode data
- batch update API - not as powerful as ACID in RDBMS as no global transaction, must specify pre-state version of each znode
- 1MB znode data limit (but ZK really designed for KB not MB)
- jute.maxbuffer java setting = message size limit, this limits both data and znode get children
- needs to be increased for many watchers from a client reconnecting such as with Apache Curator
- jute.maxbuffer java setting = message size limit, this limits both data and znode get children
- 2181 - client
- 3181 - quorum
- 4181 - election
- 5181 - client (on MapR)
- 8080 - UI (3.5+)
- 9010 - JMX
Pass a JAAS config to ZooKeeper server when starting using this CLI argument:
Wrapper to
, convenient as is in $PATH
Find and execute
from Cloudera install:
$(find /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/ /opt/cloudera/parcels -name -type f | tail -n1)
Simpler if on an HBase server:
hbase zkcli
Logs + snapshots are never cleaned up, so run
Dump ZooKeeper info:
echo stat | nc localhost 2181
Num ZooKeeper client connections:
echo cons | nc localhost 2181 | wc -l
- ZooNavigator
- Hue ZooKeeper browser app
Review full ZooKeeper docs:
4 letter word API is a text API on port 2181 you can use via netcat
or similar.
Command | Description |
ruok |
returns isok if OK |
isro |
returns ro or rw showing if ZK is read-only |
srvr |
list full details for the server |
stat |
same as srvr + cons |
mntr |
fuller stats dump, one per line, no client conns |
envi |
show zookeeper environment |
conf |
prints the zoo.cfg config |
cons |
show client conns |
srst |
reset server stats |
crst |
reset connection stats |
wchs |
summary of server's watches |
wchc |
watches by connection |
wchp |
watches by path |
Curator is to ZooKeeper what Guava is to Java, written by Netflix
export ZK_TEST_HOSTS=cdh43:2181
As the root user, install the C client library.
Get latest version:
curl -sS "" |
jq -r '.[].name' |
grep '[[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]' |
sed 's/^release-//; s/-[[:digit:]]*$//' |
sort -nr |
head -n 1
tar zxvf "zookeeper-$ZOOKEEPER_VERSION.tar.gz"
cd "zookeeper-$ZOOKEEPER_VERSION/src/c"
make install
Installs headers to /usr/local/include/zookeeper/zookeeper_version.h
Installs objects to /usr/local/lib/libzookeeper_mt*
and /usr/local/lib/libzookeeper_st*
Install the ZK Perl library:
cd ../contrib/zkperl
perl Makefile.PL --zookeeper-include=/usr/local/include/zookeeper --zookeeper-lib=/usr/local/lib
LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib make install
considered evil:
- prepends path for everything
- security is an issue
- doesn't work for setuid/setguid programs
- can break applications compatability due to using wrong version of a library
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
perl -e "use Net::ZooKeeper"
Could also do:
look Net::ZooKeeper
perl Makefile.PL --zookeeper-include=/usr/local/include/zookeeper --zookeeper-lib=/usr/local/lib
make install
Uses a C module which needs to be installed so this is pointless:
#mkdir $github/nagios-plugins/lib/Net
#cp /Library/Perl/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Net/ZooKeeper $github/nagios-plugins/lib/Net/
- 3 DC - 2 locally close well connected regions + 1 remote region
- 2 x 2 + 1 remote
- make sure remote never becomes leader
- leader election - each ZK sends it's latest
, others respond yes if theirs is less-or-equal or no, becomes leader if majority say yes - no way to control leader election priority
- workarounds: start remote ZK last, monitor it with
4lw API and kill process if it's leader - this may impact write latency somewhat
- read latency not affected as serviced by the zk node you connect to
If ZK state is bad and it's a dedicated ZooKeeper cluster such as for HBase, to get it all working again:
mv /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2 /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2.old
mkdir /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2
chown zookeeper:zookeeper /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2
Then start ZooKeeper.