This repository contains a basic implementation of the core Paxos algorithm. The distinguishing characteristic of this implementation, as compared to other freely available open-source implementations, is that this library is completely agnostic of application domains and networking infrastructures. Whereas most Paxos implementations are deeply and inextricably embedded within application-specific logic, this implementation focuses purely on the Paxos algorithm and supporting utilities to enhance the algorithm’s use in practical environments.
The goal of this implementation is to provide an algorithmically correct Paxos implementation that may be used to provide strong consistency guarantees for any networked application. Additionally, the tight focus of this implementation provides an excellent basis for Paxos newcomers to learn about and experiment with distributed consistency.
The initial implementation language for this library is Python. However, it is hoped that, should this libary prove useful to the open-source community, implementations in additional languages will be added over time.
This module contains a Python class for each of the three basic roles in Paxos: Proposer, Acceptor, & Learner. Additionally, it contains an aggregation class to compose Proposer, Acceptor, and Learner instances into a single, logical Node class that fullfills the functions of all three roles.
This module provides a straight-forward implementation of the Paxos algorithm.
However, there are two implementation-specific items of note. First is that
each logical entity must be assigned a unique identifier (though this unique id
may be shared between the three roles associted with a particular node on the
network). Although this is implied by the description of the Paxos algorithm,
it is not stated explicitly. Also, "proposal numbers" in this implementation
are better described as proposal IDs. Rather than an integer number, this
implementation uses a tuple of (number,node_uid)
. The driving purpose for
this change is to prevent two Proposers from independently choosing the same
proposal number and attempting to reach concensus with it. The addition of the
node UID to the numeric proposal number ensures that a Proposer can never
confuse an acceptance for the promise message of another node as a promise
message for itself. The ordering characteristics for the tuples of
(proposal_number, node_uid)
are assumed to match those of the Python
This module provides a class that converts the single-value-only nature of the basic Paxos algorithm into a continual stream of value resolutions which is commonly known as Multi-Paxos. Most practical implementations of Paxos use a variation on the theme of Multi-Paxos.
Correct implementations of the Paxos algorithm require saving the algorithm’s current state to persistent media prior to sending each message over the network. This is necessary to ensure that promises made to external entities will never be reneged upon should the application crash and recover at an inopportune time. This module implements a very simple mechanism for efficiently saving application state to disk.
This is a package that contains useable, real-world implementations of Paxos proposers. The Paxos algorithm states that when certain failures occur, retransmissions are required to ensure progress. However, it fails to describe the details of how these retransmissions or other progression-ensuring actions should occur. There are likely an infinite number of correct and useful Proposer implementations that both fulfill the basic Paxos requirements while simultaneously ensuring efficient forward progress. Initially, this module contains only a single, practical, heartbeat-based implementation. It is hoped that other, additional modules will be added as the community develops them.