shortname: PRP-5
name: New types of operations for the transactional model
type: Meta
status: Draft
editor: Jürgen Eckel <[email protected]>
contributors: Arpit Shukla <[email protected]>, Lorenz Herzberger <[email protected]>
This PRP is about COMPOSE and DECOMPOSE transactions.
Industrial processes bring different components together. This happens on different types of scales, e.g. at the atomic level, within the domain of metal components, plastic, and others. That's what is referred to as composition process. The goal of recycling processes is the segregation of the products, a decomposition process.
The proposed transaction types are expected to just model these two processes: COMPOSE and DECOMPOSE.
The current transactional model is to be extended by two operations
It is assumed that Alice has 4 different components A, B, C, D with amount 20, 15, 10, 5. Alice creates a new product Z out of the 4 components, and needs 5A, 5B, 5C and 1D to create 1 Z.
Alice also uses machines to create Z that operate on a high frequency. A batch operation is needed to actually realize a meaningful and real-world related operational model. The proposal is to define an arbitrary number of inputs for the operation with arbitrary amounts e.g. [ 20 A, 15 B, 10 C 5 D].
The amount in the operation reflects the size of batch that is being created from the inputs e.g. 2.
This will result in the
- creation of 2 Z (using [10 A, 10 B, 10 C and 2 D]) and thereby burning
- the following assets [10 A, 10 B, 10 C and 2 D] MUST NOT be assigned to any output
Alice will thereafter hold [10 A, 5 B, 0 C, 3 D, 2 Z] It is assumed that Z has an asset id: 41c6cd47fd316ef9e7c86640c5004296f8d384800445da956f45ec835140384e
Bob retrieves 1 Z with asset id 41c6cd47fd316ef9e7c86640c5004296f8d384800445da956f45ec835140384e. Bob wants to recycle Z and decompose Z into an arbitrary number of outputs with arbitrary amounts [5A, 5B, 5C, 1 D].
This will result in the
- the following asset Z is not assigned to any output
- and the creation of [5 A, 5 B, 5 C and 1 D]
**NOTE that the decomposition outputs cannot directly be transferred. In order to create a distinct asset id it is necessarry to issue a create operation for each output to make them transferable.
COMPOSE transactions consume all provided inputs and create exactly one new asset with an arbitrary amount. The transaction id will serve as the asset id for the new asset. This means an arbitrary number of outputs and amounts can be created. The number of consumed assets is also arbitrary. Here's a JSON example for assets, inputs and outputs:
"assets": [
{"data": "QmW5GVMW98D3mktSDfWHS8nX2UiCd8gP1uCiujnFX4yK8n"},
{"id": "41c6cd47fd316ef9e7c86640c5004296f8d384800445da956f45ec835140384e"}
"inputs": [
"fulfills": {
"transaction_id": transaction_id,
"output_index": output_index
"owners_before": [public_key_1, public_key_2, etc.],
"fulfillment": fulfillment
// ...
"outputs": [
"condition": condition,
"public_keys": [public_key_1, public_key_2, etc.],
"amount": "76"
// ...
Because all provided inputs are consumed and the outputs only count for the newly created asset. The consumed inputs must be prepared accordingly through other transactional types (e.g. TRANSFER).
DECOMPOSE transactions take a single asset as input and again consume the full amount. An arbitrary number of assets can be created. Note that the number of outputs is limited by the number of newly created assets. To make the assets transferable again they first need a distinct assed id. This is achieved by consuming an output with a CREATE transaction. This is the only case where a CREATE transaction fulfills any output. The output_index corresponds with the index in the assets array of the DECOMPOSE transaction. Here's a JSON example for a DECOMPOSE transaction:
"assets": [
{"data": "QmW5GVMW98D3mktSDfWHS8nX2UiCd8gP1uCiujnFX4yK8n"},
{"data": "QmW5GVMW98D3mktSDfWHS8nX2UiCd8gP1uCiujnFX4yK8n"},
{"id": "38100137cea87fb9bd751e2372abb2c73e7d5bcf39d940a5516a324d9c7fb88d"}
"inputs": [
"fulfills": {
"transaction_id": "38100137cea87fb9bd751e2372abb2c73e7d5bcf39d940a5516a324d9c7fb88d",
"output_index": 0
"owners_before": [public_key_1, public_key_2, etc.],
"fulfillment": fulfillment
"outputs": [
"condition": condition,
"public_keys": [public_key_1, public_key_2, etc.],
"amount": "50"
"condition": condition,
"public_keys": [public_key_1, public_key_2, etc.],
"amount": "50"
The verification of the transaction should look like follows:
- verify inputs
- verify that something got created, a new asset type, that does not have a corresponding input
The operation is expected to be atomic and needs to be integrated into
- planetmint
- planetmint-python
- transactions
The Developer Certificate of Origin was developed by the Linux community and has since been adopted by other projects, including many under the Linux Foundation umbrella (e.g. Hyperledger Fabric). The process described above (with the Signed-off-by line in Git commits) is also based on the process used by the Linux community.
To the extent possible under law, all contributors to this PRP
have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this PRP.