DROP Sample Gamma illustrates Estimates of the Gamma Functions.
Sample | Source | Output |
Big Pi Multiplication Property | Java | DROP |
Big Pi Reflection Property | Java | DROP |
Comparative Estimate | Java | DROP |
Duplication Property | Java | DROP |
Exponential Convex Property | Java | DROP |
First Derivative Estimate | Java | DROP |
Fourier Blagouchine Series Estimate | Java | DROP |
Gautschi Convex Property | Java | DROP |
Higher Derivative Estimate | Java | DROP |
Jensen Convex Property | Java | DROP |
Logarithmic Convex Property | Java | DROP |
Multiplication Property | Java | DROP |
Power Source Exponential Decay Estimate | Java | DROP |
Reflection Property | Java | DROP |
Riemann Zeta Analytic Continuity | Java | DROP |
Riemann Zeta Estimate | Java | DROP |
Spaced Point Convex Property | Java | DROP |
Stretched Exponential Moment Estimate | Java | DROP |
Upper Asymptote Property | Java | DROP |
- Module = Computational Core Module
- Library = Function Analysis Library
- Project = DROP API Construction and Usage
- Package = Estimates of the Gamma Functions
Blagouchine, I. V. (2014): Re-discovery of Malmsten's Integrals, their Evaluation by Contour Integration Methods, and some Related Results Ramanujan Journal 35 (1) 21-110
Borwein, J. M., and R. M. Corless (2017): Gamma Function and the Factorial in the Monthly https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.05349 arXiv
Davis, P. J. (1959): Leonhard Euler's Integral: A Historical Profile of the Gamma Function American Mathematical Monthly 66 (10) 849-869
Whitaker, E. T., and G. N. Watson (1996): A Course on Modern Analysis Cambridge University Press New York
Wikipedia (2019): Gamma Function https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function
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