This repository forked from ECPay/ECPayAIO_Node.js, but there're two major differences:
- Using parameters injection instead of XML configuration.
- Fix gen_chk_mac_value function to generate a valid
yarn add ecpay-aio-node
npm install ecpay-aio-node
import ecpay from 'ecpay-aio-node'
let base_param = {
MerchantTradeNo: 'f0a0d7e9fae1bb72bc93'
MerchantTradeDate: '2020/08/09 15:50:30'
TotalAmount: '1000',
TradeDesc: 'Trade Description',
ItemName: 'Product Name',
ReturnURL: '',
let inv_params = {
RelateNumber: 'SJDFJas97Gj11VOMSfK',
CustomerID: '',
CustomerIdentifier: '',
CustomerName: 'User Name',
CustomerAddr: 'Address',
CustomerPhone: '0123456789',
CustomerEmail: '[email protected]',
ClearanceMark: '2',
TaxType: '1',
CarruerType: '',
CarruerNum: '',
Donation: '0',
LoveCode: '',
Print: '1',
InvoiceItemName: 'Product1|Product2',
InvoiceItemCount: '2|3',
InvoiceItemWord: 'PSC|PSC',
InvoiceItemPrice: '35|10',
InvoiceItemTaxType: '1|1',
InvoiceRemark: 'Product1Desc|Product2Desc',
DelayDay: 0,
InvType: '07'
const create = new ecpay({
operationMode: "Test",
isProjectContractor: "N",
ignorePayment: [],
merchantInfo: {
merchantID: "", // your MerchantID
hashKey: "", // your HashKey
hashIV: "" // your HashIV
const html = create.payment_client.aio_check_out_all(parameters = base_param, invoice = inv_params);
There is a bug in the original gen_chk_mac_value function from ECPay Node.js SDK, it will generate the wrong CheckMacValue and cause CheckMacValue Error
when you are posting your form to ECPay site.
Now it has been fixed, For the detail of the code change you can see here.