Based on the four-step NTT, this project implementes the 3-Dim NTT on CUDA GPUs, which can support the large input-scale of NTT on multi GPUs.
sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libnccl2=2.20.5-1+cuda12.4 libnccl-dev=2.20.5-1+cuda12.4
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_XX ./ntt/ ./init/ ./init/ ./init/ -lgmp -lnccl -o NTT
- ./parameter/parameter.cuh : Define the parameters on CPU
- ./parameter/parameter_g.cuh: Define the parameters on GPU
This code runs on BN254 curve, and the big integer implementation is on the basis of yrrid's implementation in ZPrize2022. And the is to validate the correctness of this project.
The hardware configuration is 8 x 4090 24GB. CUDA Version: 12.3, GCC Version: 11.4.0
1 GPU | 3.6ms | 15.1ms | 57.2ms | \ |
4 GPUs | 4.1ms | 15.2ms | 59.4ms | 239.2ms |
8 GPUs | 2.7ms | 8.8ms | 33.6ms | 135ms |
And, the running time of 4-way NTT where the input size of every NTT reaches