jMetal is a Java-based framework for multi-objective optimization with metaheuristics. The last stable version is 6.1. The most recent documentation is hosted in
The current development version (6.2-SNAPSHOT) is a Maven project structured in the following sub-projects:
Sub-project | Contents |
jmetal-core | Core classes |
jmetal-solution | Solution encodings |
jmetal-algorithm | Algorithm implementations |
jmetal-problem | Benchmark problems |
jmetal-lab | Experimentation and visualization |
jmetal-parallel | Parallel extensions |
jmetal-auto | Auto-design and configuration |
jmetal-component | Component-based algorithms |
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
- [06/27/2024] The jMetal project adopts Java 19.
- [11/30/2023] The Zapotecas-Coello-Aguirre-benchmark (ZCAT) ( is included in jMetal.
- [09/25/2023] The jMetal project adopts Java 17.
- [09/25/2023] Added a variant of NSGA-II using differential evolution.
- [07/19/2023] jMetal 6.1 is released.
- [07/04/2023]. Added the RWA benchmark, described in "Engineering applications of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: A test suite of box-constrained real-world problems". DOI:
- [12/13/2022] jMetal 6.0 is released.
- [9/12/2022] The master branch has been renamed main.
- [7/5/2022] The jMetal project adopts Java 14.
- [5/23/2022] Algorithm AGE-MOEA-II. Contribution of Annibale Panichella (@apanichella).
- [5/9/2022] Algorithm AGE-MOEA. Contribution of Annibale Panichella (@apanichella).
- [3/28/2022] The CF benchmark of constrained multi-objective problems, defined in Constrained Multiobjective Optimization: Test Problem Construction and Performance Evaluations, has been included.
- [3/28/2022] The constraint handling code has been refactorized and the documentation has been updated.
- [9/6/2021] Release 5.11
- [9/6/2021] The jMetal project adopts Java 13.
- [7/6/2021] The LSMOP benchmark is available.
- [2/19/2021] The Solution interface has been refactorized.
- [2/19/2021] New implementation of quality indicators to remove the dependence of jMetal classes. Now, all of them accept as a parameter a matrix containing objective values.
- [1/21/2021] Added the MicroFAME multi-objective genetic algorith, described in: Alejandro Santiago, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Héctor Fraire, Patricia Ruíz: Micro-Genetic algorithm with fuzzy selection of operators for multi-Objective optimization: microFAME. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, V.61, March 2021. DOI. Contributed by Alejandro Santiago.