A connector is a bridge that interacts with a specific external service or underlying data source (e.g., Databases) on behalf of user applications. A connector is either a Source or a Sink.
A source connector obtains data from an underlying data producer and delivers it to targets, after original data has been transformed into CloudEvents. It doesn't limit the way how a source retrieves data. (e.g., A source may pull data from a message queue or act as an HTTP server waiting for data sent to it).
A sink connector receives CloudEvents and does some specific business logics. (e.g., A MySQL Sink extracts useful data from CloudEvents and writes them to a MySQL database). CloudEvents - A specification for describing event data in common formats to provide interoperability across services, platforms and systems.
Add a new connector by implementing the source/sink interface using :
Connector Name | Type | Support Version |
RocketMQ | Sink | N/A |
RocketMQ | Source | N/A |
ChatGPT | Source | N/A |
ClickHouse | Sink | N/A |
ClickHouse | Source | N/A |
DingTalk | Sink | N/A |
Sink | N/A | |
FeiShu | Sink | N/A |
Github | Source | N/A |
Http | Sink | N/A |
Http | Source | N/A |
Jdbc | Sink | N/A |
Jdbc | Source | N/A |
MySqlCDC | Source | N/A |
MongoDB | Sink | N/A |
MongoDB | Source | N/A |
S3File | Sink | N/A |
S3File | Source | N/A |
More connectors will be added... | Source/Sink | N/A |