EventMesh Administration Module for EventMesh. It manages Admin Service, Configurations such as topics/subscriptions management.It works as a control plane and provide some interface to manage the eventmesh-runtime module and other configurations.
Create a new topic if does not exist
Exposed POST endpoint to create a new topic if it does not exist.
- Url - http://localhost:8081/topicManage
- sample request payload
{ "name": "mytopic1" }
Sample response
{ "topic": "mytopic1", "created_time": "2021-09-03", }
Delete a specific topic.
Exposed DELETE endpoint to remove a specific topic
- URL -
- Response -
{ "topic": "mytopic1", }
Retrieve a list of topics
Exposed GET endpoint to retrieve all topics
- URL -
- Response
["mytopic1", "mytopic2"]