I18n made easy, for Flutter!
The main goal of flutter_i18n is to simplify the i18n process in Flutter. I would like to recreate the same experience that you have with the Angular i18n: simple json files, one for each language that you want to support.
To use this library, you must create a folder in your project's root: the basePath
. Some examples:
/assets/flutter_i18n (the default one)
Inside this folder, you'll put the json or yaml files containing the translated keys. You have two options:
If you want to specify the country code
/{languageCode}_{countryCode}.json -
If the json file is not available, we will look for a yaml file with the same name. In case both exist, the json file will be used.
Of course, you must declare the subtree in your pubspec.yaml as assets:
- {basePath}
The next step consist in the configuration of the localizationsDelegates; to use flutter_i18n, you should configure as follows:
localizationsDelegates: [
Below you can find the name and description of the accepted parameters.
The useCountryCode parameter depends on the json configuration:
- if you used the pattern {languageCode}_{countryCode}, useCountryCode must be true
- if you used the pattern {languageCode}, useCountryCode must be false
The fallbackFile parameter was entroduces with the version 0.1.0 and provide a default language, used when the translation for the current running system is not provided. This should contain the name of a valid json file in assets folder.
The path parameter is optionally used to set the base path for translations. If this option is not set, the default path will be assets/flutter_i18n
. This path must be the same path as the one defined in your pubspec.yaml.
The forcedLocale parameter is optionally used to force a locale instead finding the system one.
If there isn't any translation available for the required key, the same key is returned.
After the configuration steps, the only thing to do is invoke the following method:
FlutterI18n.translate(buildContext, "your.key")
- buildContext is the BuildContext instance of the widget
- your.key is the key to translate
Other examples of use:
Force a language to be loaded at run-time:
await FlutterI18n.refresh(buildContext, languageCode, {countryCode});
Plural translations:
FlutterI18n.plural(buildContext, "your.key", pluralValue);
Text widget shorthand:
I18nText("your.key", Text(""))
I18nText("your.key", Text(""), translationParams: {"user": "Flutter lover"})
I18nPlural("clicked.times", 2, Text(""))
For more informations and details, read the CHANGELOG.md.
Known problems:
- In iOS simulator, is always used the en_US locale: see here.