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Modular Visualization - An In-Depth Look

Modular visualization is one of Mesa's core features. Mesa is designed to provide predefined visualization modules, which can be easily subclassed for your needs, and mixed-and-matched to visualize your particular model. (Some day, Mesa hopes to host a wide variety.) This document describes how to use and create new visualization modules.


An interactive modular visualization is a set of Elements, each of which is an instance of a visualization Module. To visualize a model, create a new ModularServer with a list of the elements you want to visualize, in the order you want them to appear on the visualization web page.

For example, if you have a model MyModel, and two elements, canvas_vis and graph_vis, you would create a visualization with them via:

server = ModularServer(MyModel, [canvas_vis, graph_vis])

Then you will be able to view the elements in your browser at If you prefer a different port, for example 8887, you can pass it to the server as an argument.


Under the hood, each visualization module consists of two parts:

  1. Data rending - Python code which can take a model object and renders it into some data describing the visualization.
  2. Browser rendering - JavaScript object which in turn receives data from the Python render (via the ModularServer) and actually draws it in the browser.

Using Pre-Built Modules

Mesa already comes with some pre-built modules. Using the built-ins allow you to build a visualization without worrying about the HTML and javascript. Consult the documention for a variety of modules.

One built-in module is CanvasGrid, which you can use to visualize objects located on grid cells. The CanvasGrid will cover a majority of agent-based models, particularly the simpler ones.

CanvasGrid iterates over every object in every cell of your model's grid (it assumes that your model has a grid named grid) and converts it into a dictionary which defines how it will be drawn. It does this via a portrayal_method: a function which the user defines, which takes an object as an input and outputs a dictionary with the following keys:

"Shape": Can be "circle", "rect" or "arrowHead"
    For Circles:
        "r": The radius, defined as a fraction of cell size. r=1 will fill the entire cell.
    For rectangles:
        "w", "h": The width and height of the rectangle, which are in fractions of cell width and height.
    For arrowHead:
        "scale": Proportion scaling as a fraction of cell size.
        "heading_x": represents x direction unit vector.
        "heading_y": represents y direction unit vector.
"Color": The color to draw the shape in; needs to be a valid HTML color, e.g."Red" or "#AA08F8"
"Filled": either "true" or "false", and determines whether the shape is filled or not.
"Layer": Layer number of 0 or above; higher-numbered layers are drawn above lower-numbered layers.
"text": Text to overlay on top of the shape. Normally, agent's unique_id is used .
"text_color": Color of the text overlay.
(Shapes also have "x" and "y" coordinates, for the x and y of the grid cell in which it is, but CanvasGrid adds those automatically).

For example, suppose for a Schelling model, we want to draw all agents as circles; red ones for the majority (agent type=0), and blue ones for the minority (agent type=1). The function to do this might look like this:

def schelling_draw(agent):
    if agent is None:
    portrayal = {"Shape": "circle", "r": 0.5, "Filled": "true", "Layer": 0}
    if agent.type == 0:
        portrayal["Color"] = "Red"
        portrayal["Color"] = "Blue"
    return portrayal

In addition, a CanvasGrid needs to know the width and height of the grid (in number of cells), and the width and height in pixels of the grid to draw in the browser.

To continue our Schelling example: suppose we have a Schelling model with a grid of 10x10, which we want to draw at 500px X 500px. using the portrayal function we wrote above, we would instantiate our visualization element as follows:

canvas_element = CanvasGrid(schelling_draw, 10, 10, 500, 500)

Then, to launch a server with this grid as the only visualization element:

server = ModularServer(SchellingModel, [canvas_element], "Schelling")

Sub-Classing Modules

In some cases, you may want to customize the internals of an existing visualization module. The best way to do this is to create a subclass of it.

For example, the TextElement module provides an HTML template to render raw text, but nothing else. To use it, we need to create our own subclass, which implements a render method to get visualization-ready data (in this case, just a text string) out of a model object.

Suppose we want a module which can get an arbitrary variable out of a model, and display its name and value. Let's create a new subclass:

from mesa.visualization.ModularTextVisualization import TextElement

class AttributeElement(TextElement):
    def __init__(self, attr_name):
        Create a new text attribute element.

            attr_name: The name of the attribute to extract from the model.

        Example return: "happy: 10"
        self.attr_name = attr_name

    def render(self, model):
        val = getattr(model, self.attr_name)
        return attr_name + ": " + str(val)

Now, if we wanted to use our new AttributeElement to add the number of happy agents to our Schelling visualization, it might look something like this:

happy_element = AttributeElement("happy")
server = ModularServer(SchellingModel, [canvas_element, happy_element], "Schelling")

Note that, in this case, we only wanted to change the Python-side render method. We're still using the parent module's HTML and JavaScript template.

Creating a new browser display

But what if we want more than just a different Python renderer; we want to substantially change how a module displays in the browser, or create a completely new module? To do this, we need to open up the JavaScript as well:

Let's take a look at the internals of TextModule.js, the JavaScript for the TextVisualization. Here it is, in all its glory:

var TextModule = function() {
    var tag = "<p></p>";
    var text = $(tag)[0];

    this.render = function(data) {

    this.reset = function() {

This code is the JavaScript equivalent of defining a class. When instantiated, a TextModule object will create a new paragraph tag and append it to the parent HTML page's body. The object will have two methods attached:

  1. render(data) -- uses JQuery to replace the HTML contents of the paragraph with the text it gets as an input. This function will be called at each step of the model, to draw the data associated with the model coming over the websocket.
  2. reset -- replaces the contents of the div with a blank. This function will be called when the user presses the Reset button.

Now let's take a look at the TextModule's Python counterpart, TextElement (which resides in Again, here's the whole thing:

from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import VisualizationElement

class TextElement(VisualizationElement):
    js_includes = ["TextModule.js"]
    js_code = "elements.push(new TextModule());"

That's it! Notice that it is lacking a render() method, like the one we defined above. Look at what is there: js_includes is a list of JavaScript files to import into the page when this element is present. In this case, it just imports TextModule.js.

Next, js_code is some JavaScript code, in Python string form, to run when the visualization page loads. In this case, new TextModule() creates a new TextModule object as defined above (which, remember, also appends a new paragraph to the page body) which is then appended to the array elements, that stores all the visualization elements currently on the page.

To help understand why it looks like this, here's a snippet of JavaScript from the overall visualization template itself, on how to handle incoming data:

data = msg["data"]
for (var i in elements) {

Data to visualize arrive over the websocket as a list. For each index of the list, the code passes that element of the data to the render function of the corresponding element, in the elements array.

Currently, module JavaScript files live in the mesa/visualization/templates directory, and the Python files live in mesa/visualization/modules.

When creating a new module, the Python and JavaScript code need to be written in synch: the module Python-side render method needs to output data in the exact same format that the JavaScript render function receives as an input.