order by XXX limit 1 offset 10
greatest(columnA, columnB)
least(columnA, columnB)
Output A if A is not null, otherwise B.
with temp as
select user1_id as id
from Friendship
where user2_id = 1
select user2_id
from Friendship
where user1_id = 1
join UnitsSold on Prices.product_id = UnitsSold.product_id
and UnitsSold.purchase_date between Prices.start_date and Prices.end_date
with Temp1 as
select winner_id
from Winners
), Temp2 as
select player_id
from Players
Round((select count(*) from Winner) / (select count(*) from Players), 2) AS fraction
with temp as
select count(x) as total
from table
select name, total
from table, temp
with temp as
temp2 as
select *
from temp2
select *
from A
join B
select c1.seat_id, c2.seat_id
from Cinema c1, Cinema c2
where (c1.seat_id = c2.seat_id - 1 or c1.seat_id = c2.seat_id + 1) and c1.free = 1 and c2.free
order by c1.seat_id