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base repository: poppastring/dasblog-core
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  • 4 commits
  • 12 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Oct 25, 2024

  1. Enable central NuGet package version management

    Add a Directory.Package.props file to enable central package management.
    This has 2 main advantages:
    - Changes to versions only needs to be done 1 file (.csproj files are unchanged for NuGet updates)
    - All projects use the same NuGet package version.
    vbaderks committed Oct 25, 2024
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    d09d7f9 View commit details
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Commits on Nov 15, 2024

  1. Merge pull request #708 from vbaderks/use-central-nuget-package-versions

    Enable central NuGet package version management
    poppastring authored Nov 15, 2024
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    96ed980 View commit details
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  2. Resolve NuGet warnings NU1902 and NU1903 by updating NuGet packages

    When restoring Nuget packages, dotnet restore will report the following warnings:
    warning NU1902: Package 'BouncyCastle.Cryptography' 2.2.1 has a known moderate severity vulnerability, GHSA-8xfc-gm6g-vgpv
    warning NU1903: Package 'MimeKit' 4.3.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-gmc6-fwg3-75m5
    warning NU1903: Package 'System.Formats.Asn1' 8.0.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-447r-wph3-92pm
    warning NU1903: Package 'System.Formats.Asn1' 7.0.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-447r-wph3-92pm
    warning NU1903: Package 'Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory' 8.0.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-qj66-m88j-hmgj
    warning NU1903: Package 'NuGet.Common' 6.3.1 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-6qmf-mmc7-6c2p
    warning NU1903: Package 'NuGet.Protocol' 6.3.1 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-6qmf-mmc7-6c2p
    warning NU1903: Package 'System.Text.Json' 8.0.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-8g4q-xg66-9fp4
    warning NU1904: Package 'NuGet.Packaging' 6.3.1 has a known critical severity vulnerability, GHSA-68w7-72jg-6qpp
    warning NU1903: Package 'System.Net.Http' 4.3.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-7jgj-8wvc-jh57
    warning NU1903: Package 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' 4.3.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, GHSA-cmhx-cq75-c4mj
    Reporting vulnerability warnings is a recent new feature of NuGet functionality. Updating the used NuGet packages to the latest offical released versions has resolved these warnings.
    NuGet packages that require .NET 9.0 are updated to the latest 8.x versions as updating TargetFramework to .NET 9.0 is considered out of scope of this PR.
     - System.Text.Json is a transient package which requires an explicit PackageVersion as the actual package Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design cannot be updated as it requires .NET 9.0.
     - Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions is a legacy package and not longer maintained. The source files that had a reference to these packages has been removed. The actual code/test inside these files was not used.
    Executing: dotnet nuget why "DasBlog All.sln" System.Text.Json
       └─ DasBlog.Web (v8.0.0)
          └─ Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design (v8.0.6)
             ├─ Microsoft.DotNet.Scaffolding.Shared (v8.0.6)
                └─ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features (v4.8.0)
                   └─ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (v4.8.0)
                      └─ System.Text.Json (v7.0.3)  <= Has vulnerability
    Executing: dotnet nuget why "DasBlog All.sln" System.Net.Http
       └─ Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions (v1.1.0) <= This package has been deprecated as it is legacy and is no longer maintained. (aspnet/Announcements#237)
          └─ NETStandard.Library (v1.6.1)
             └─ System.Net.Http (v4.3.0)  <= Has vulnerability
    Executing: dotnet nuget why "DasBlog All.sln" System.Text.RegularExpressions
       └─ Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions (v1.1.0)  <= This package has been deprecated as it is legacy and is no longer maintained. (aspnet/Announcements#237)
          └─ NETStandard.Library (v1.6.1)
             ├─ System.Text.RegularExpressions (v4.3.0)
             ├─ System.Xml.ReaderWriter (v4.3.0)
             │  └─ System.Text.RegularExpressions (v4.3.0) <= Has vulnerability
             └─ System.Xml.XDocument (v4.3.0)
                └─ System.Xml.ReaderWriter (v4.3.0)
                   └─ System.Text.RegularExpressions (v4.3.0)  <= Has vulnerability
    vbaderks committed Nov 15, 2024
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    6c82a4d View commit details
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Commits on Nov 21, 2024

  1. Merge pull request #709 from vbaderks/resolve-nuget-vulnerability-war…

    Resolve NuGet warnings NU1902 and NU1903 by updating NuGet packages
    poppastring authored Nov 21, 2024
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    c484843 View commit details
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