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Simple, light, unopinionated, css standard compliant Flexbox component for React using Styled Components


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Simple, light, unopionated, CSS standard compliant Flexbox component for react using styled-components


  • Small and dependency free, ~3 KB minified or ~1.4 KB minified + gzipped.
  • Clean underlying HTML DOM. No prop leakage to DOM.
  • Supports flex-gap feature. For non supported browsers, it degrades gracefully by applying appropriate margin properties.
  • Supports rendering of any react component or html element.
  • Supports unitless values wherever required.


yarn add react-styled-flex
npm i react-styled-flex

react-styled-flex requires peer dependencies react and styled-components. You need to add them separately.


  • react-styled-flex exports two components: FlexBox and FlexItem.
  • FlexBox behaves as a container with display: flex rule.
  • FlexItem as acts as a child for FlexBox. Though FlexBox can have other components as child as well.
  • Only use FlexItem if you need to provide additional styles to child components. See Props section for more details.
  • FlexItem can be treated as FlexBox for nested childs by setting box prop as true on FlexItem


react-styled-flex exports two components: FlexBox and FlexItem. Both renders simple div with passed styles derived from passed props.

import {FlexBox, FlexItem} from "react-styled-flex"

const Layout = () => {
	return <FlexBox center>
    	<FlexItem>Child 1</FlexItem>
        <FlexItem flex={1}>Child 2</FlexItem>

On rendering Layout component,

  • One parent div with style display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center and two nested divs will be rendered.
    • Second nested child will have style flex: 1;

For rendering elements other than divs, please refer Change underlying element section.



Props Type Description
height integer | string Applies height
width integer | string Applies width
margin integer | string Applies margin using CSS margin shorthand specification.
padding integer | string Applies padding using CSS padding shorthand specification.
border integer | string Applies border using CSS border shorthand specification.
inline boolean If true, applies display: inline-flex rule otherwise applies display: flex. Default: false
column boolean If true, flex-direction rule is set as column otherwise set as row
reverse boolean It works in tandem with column prop to generate flex-direction: {row|column}-reverse. Following table summaries it,
wrap boolean If true, applies flex-wrap as wrap
wrapReverse boolean If true, applies flex-wrap as wrap-reverse
center boolean If true, then applies justify-content: center and align-items: center
gap integer | string Applies gap using CSS gap shorthand specification if browser supports it.
columnGap integer | string Applies CSS column-gap property if browser supports it.
rowGap integer | string Applies CSS row-gap property if browser supports it.
justifyContent string Applies justify-content rule. Depending on the browser, these justify-content values might be supported.
alignItems string Applies align-items rule. Depending on the browser, these align-items values might be supported.
alignContent string Applies align-content rule. Depending on the browser, these align-content values might be supported.


Props Type Description
flex integer | string Applies flex using CSS flex shorthand specification.
grow integer | string Applies CSS flex-grow property
shrink integer | string Applies CSS flex-shrink property
basis integer | string Applies CSS flex-basis property
order integer | string Applies CSS order property
alignSelf string Applies align-self rule. Depending on the browser, these align-self values might be supported.
box boolean If true, then FlexItem also behaves as a FlexBox. So in addition to FlexItem props, all the FlexBox props can also be applied.
Default: false

Supports unitless values

  • react-styled-flex supports unitless values where units are required. In that case value will be auto suffixed with with px unit.
  • Only values where unites are required(eg. height, width, margin) will be suffixed.
  • CSS rules which don't have units won't be suffixed (eg. order)

Supports flex gap feature

  • Browser supports flex gap feature

    • If flex gap feature is supported in browser than gap, columnGap and rowGap props will function as per specification.
  • Browser don't support flex gap feature

    • If browser does not supports it, then we intend to provide graceful degradation of flex gap feature by setting margin. This fallback is provided only if, either of gap props is set and wrap prop is not set.
    • If wrap is set then gap wont work in non-supported browser.
    • Rest all props are supported.

Change underlying element

  • By default FlexBox and FlexItem renders div in the DOM.

  • We can change it to any HTML element or react component using is prop.

  • Example:

    import {FlexBox, FlexItem} from "react-styled-flex";
    <FlexBox center>
        <FlexItem is={"button"}>Child 1</FlexItem>
        <FlexItem is={"button"}>Child 2</FlexItem>

    Render Child 1 and Child 2 as button

  • Similarly any react component can be rendered

  • Please don't use as prop, provided by styled-components, to change underlying DOM element. Element would be changed but it will leak props to the DOM.



Simple, light, unopinionated, css standard compliant Flexbox component for React using Styled Components








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Contributors 3
