- Assam, India
- https://pritindra.github.io/PritindraDas/
- @DasPritindra
A simple interpreter for a fictional language implemented in Haskell. Project for Function Programming class.
CS4012 Project II - Reversible Debugger + Interpreter
Additional teaching materials not hosted in jachermocilla.org such as sample source code and handouts
FedERA is a modular and fully customizable open-source FL framework, aiming to address these issues by offering comprehensive support for heterogeneous edge devices and incorporating both standalon…
Awesome LeetCode resources to learn Data Structures and Algorithms and prepare for Coding Interviews.
A C Compiler that fits in the 512 byte boot sector of an x86 machine
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
An easy-to-use python GUI based video-image sequence/gif converter.
Assembler for ARM7 written in Python
Read-only mirror of https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot.git. Synced every hour. We don't handle Pull Requests.
Dumbarton is a Jekyll Theme developed by Tyler Butler. The theme is designed for academics and features a simple home page with an about me section, a blog, and an interactive highlights section to…
📚 Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust 🦀
CatSniffer is an original multiprotocol and multiband board for sniffing, communicating, and attacking IoT (Internet of Things) devices using the latest radio IoT protocols. It is a highly portable…
A hotel website promoting "The Glory Hotels" designed for Web Weaver event (IITB) by @pulkithanda & @imsahiljain
A collection of awesome markdown goodies (libraries, services, editors, tools, cheatsheets, etc.)
📜 Haskell course info, plan, video lectures, slides
Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
This project was inspired by the efforts of Ben Eater to build an 8 bit computer on a breadboard. Even though this one was not built on a breadboard, it has the functionalities of his computer and …
Web simulation of Ubuntu 20.04, made using NEXT.js & tailwind CSS
Democratizing Deep-Learning for Drug Discovery, Quantum Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology
strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux
Nand2Tetris: Build a computer system from the ground up, from nand to tetris. Hardware and software.
Project Description for my Breadboard Computer
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