diff --git a/base.sql b/base.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4379259 --- /dev/null +++ b/base.sql @@ -0,0 +1,1973 @@ +-- -------------------------------------------------------- +-- Hôte : +-- Version du serveur: 10.5.5-MariaDB - mariadb.org binary distribution +-- SE du serveur: Win64 +-- HeidiSQL Version: +-- -------------------------------------------------------- + +/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; +/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; +/*!50503 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; +/*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; +/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; + + +-- Listage de la structure de la base pour fantastic +CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `fantastic` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */; +USE `fantastic`; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. addon_account +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `addon_account` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `shared` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.addon_account : ~27 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_account` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `addon_account` (`name`, `label`, `shared`) VALUES + ('society_aircraft', 'Aircraft Dealer', 1), + ('society_ambulance', 'Ambulance', 1), + ('society_army', 'Army', 1), + ('society_autoecole', 'Auto Ecole', 1), + ('society_barbier', 'Barbier', 1), + ('society_bav', 'Bav', 1), + ('society_biker', 'Concessionnaire Moto', 1), + ('society_bowling', 'bowling', 1), + ('society_brasseur', 'Brasseur', 1), + ('society_brinks', 'Brinks', 1), + ('society_cardealer', 'Concessionnaire', 1), + ('society_comedy', 'Comedy', 1), + ('society_crucial', 'crucial', 1), + ('society_cuisinier', 'cuisinier', 1), + ('society_depanneur', 'Mécano', 1), + ('society_fib', 'Fib', 1), + ('society_fueler', 'Raffineur', 1), + ('society_gouv', 'Gouvernement', 1), + ('society_mecano', 'Mécano', 1), + ('society_mechanic', 'Mécano', 1), + ('society_nightclub', 'Nightclub', 1), + ('society_pizza', 'pizza', 1), + ('society_police', 'Police', 1), + ('society_psy', 'Psychologue', 1), + ('society_taxi', 'Taxi', 1), + ('society_unicorn', 'Unicorn', 1), + ('society_vigne', 'Vigneron', 1); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_account` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. addon_account_data +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `addon_account_data` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `account_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, + `money` int(11) NOT NULL, + `owner` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `index_addon_account_data_account_name_owner` (`account_name`,`owner`), + KEY `index_addon_account_data_account_name` (`account_name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=916 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.addon_account_data : ~27 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_account_data` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `addon_account_data` (`id`, `account_name`, `money`, `owner`) VALUES + (1, 'society_aircraft', 0, NULL), + (2, 'society_ambulance', 0, NULL), + (3, 'society_army', 0, NULL), + (4, 'society_autoecole', 0, NULL), + (5, 'society_barbier', 0, NULL), + (6, 'society_bav', 0, NULL), + (7, 'society_biker', 0, NULL), + (8, 'society_bowling', 0, NULL), + (9, 'society_brasseur', 0, NULL), + (10, 'society_brinks', 0, NULL), + (11, 'society_cardealer', 0, NULL), + (12, 'society_comedy', 0, NULL), + (13, 'society_crucial', 0, NULL), + (14, 'society_cuisinier', 0, NULL), + (15, 'society_depanneur', 0, NULL), + (16, 'society_fib', 0, NULL), + (17, 'society_fueler', 150, NULL), + (18, 'society_gouv', 0, NULL), + (19, 'society_mecano', 0, NULL), + (20, 'society_mechanic', 0, NULL), + (21, 'society_nightclub', 0, NULL), + (22, 'society_pizza', 0, NULL), + (23, 'society_police', 0, NULL), + (24, 'society_psy', 0, NULL), + (25, 'society_taxi', 0, NULL), + (26, 'society_unicorn', 0, NULL), + (27, 'society_vigne', 0, NULL); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_account_data` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. addon_inventory +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `addon_inventory` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `shared` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.addon_inventory : ~33 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_inventory` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `addon_inventory` (`name`, `label`, `shared`) VALUES + ('parcelle', 'Parcelle', 0), + ('society_aircraft', 'Concesionnaire', 1), + ('society_ambulance', 'Ambulance', 1), + ('society_army', 'Army', 1), + ('society_autoecole', 'Auto Ecole', 1), + ('society_barbier', 'Barbier', 1), + ('society_bav', 'Bav', 1), + ('society_biker', 'Concesionnaire Moto', 1), + ('society_bowling', 'bowling', 1), + ('society_bowling_fridge', 'bowling (frigo)', 1), + ('society_brasseur', 'Brasseur', 1), + ('society_brinks', 'Brinks', 1), + ('society_cardealer', 'Concesionnaire', 1), + ('society_comedy', 'Comedy', 1), + ('society_comedy_fridge', 'Comedy (frigo)', 1), + ('society_crucial', 'crucial', 1), + ('society_crucial_fridge', 'crucial (frigo)', 1), + ('society_cuisinier', 'cuisinier', 1), + ('society_depanneur', 'Mécano', 1), + ('society_fib', 'Fib', 1), + ('society_fueler', 'Raffineur', 1), + ('society_gouv', 'Gouvernement', 1), + ('society_mecano', 'Mécano', 1), + ('society_mechanic', 'Mécano', 1), + ('society_nightclub', 'Nightclub', 1), + ('society_nightclub_fridge', 'Nightclub (fridge)', 1), + ('society_pizza_fridge', 'cuisine (frigo)', 1), + ('society_police', 'Police', 1), + ('society_psy', 'Psychologue', 1), + ('society_taxi', 'Taxi', 1), + ('society_unicorn', 'Unicorn', 1), + ('society_unicorn_fridge', 'Unicorn (frigo)', 1), + ('society_vigne', 'Vigneron', 1); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_inventory` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. addon_inventory_items +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `addon_inventory_items` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `inventory_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `count` int(11) NOT NULL, + `owner` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + KEY `index_addon_inventory_items_inventory_name_name` (`inventory_name`,`name`), + KEY `index_addon_inventory_items_inventory_name_name_owner` (`inventory_name`,`name`,`owner`), + KEY `index_addon_inventory_inventory_name` (`inventory_name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=275 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.addon_inventory_items : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_inventory_items` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `addon_inventory_items` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. aircraft_avion +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `aircraft_avion` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `avion` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.aircraft_avion : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `aircraft_avion` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `aircraft_avion` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. avion +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `avion` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `model` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + `category` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`model`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.avion : 24 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `avion` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `avion` (`name`, `model`, `price`, `category`) VALUES + ('Besra', 'besra', 780000, 'avion'), + ('Dodo', 'dodo', 700000, 'avion'), + ('Duster', 'duster', 140000, 'avion'), + ('Frogger', 'frogger', 300000, 'helico'), + ('Jet (21m)', 'jet', 970000000, 'avion'), + ('Luxor', 'luxor', 900000, 'avion'), + ('Mallard', 'mallard', 380000, 'avion'), + ('Mammatus', 'mammatus', 470000, 'avion'), + ('Maverick', 'maverick', 230000, 'helico'), + ('Miljet', 'miljet', 987000, 'avion'), + ('Molotok', 'molotok', 1870000, 'avion'), + ('Nimbus', 'nimbus', 800000, 'avion'), + ('Nokota', 'nokota', 999999, 'avion'), + ('Pyro', 'pyro', 797840, 'avion'), + ('Drone', 'rcmavic', 378000, 'avion'), + ('Shamal', 'shamal', 890000, 'avion'), + ('Skylift', 'skylift', 500000, 'helico'), + ('Sparrow', 'sparrow', 680000, 'helico'), + ('Starling', 'starling', 1787770, 'avion'), + ('SuperVolito', 'superVolito', 400000, 'helico'), + ('Swift', 'swift', 890000, 'helico'), + ('Velum', 'velum', 468000, 'avion'), + ('Vestra', 'vestra', 390000, 'avion'), + ('Volatus', 'volatus', 990000, 'helico'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `avion` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. avion_categories +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `avion_categories` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.avion_categories : 1 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `avion_categories` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `avion_categories` (`name`, `label`) VALUES + ('avion', 'Avion'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `avion_categories` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. avion_sold +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `avion_sold` ( + `client` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `model` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `plate` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `soldby` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `date` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.avion_sold : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `avion_sold` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `avion_sold` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. biker +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `biker` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `model` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + `category` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=100 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.biker : ~53 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `biker` (`id`, `name`, `model`, `price`, `category`) VALUES + (47, '690R', '690r', 380000, 'moto'), + (48, 'Akuma', 'AKUMA', 7500, 'motorcycles'), + (49, 'Avarus', 'avarus', 18000, 'motorcycles'), + (50, 'Bagger', 'bagger', 13500, 'motorcycles'), + (51, 'Bati 801', 'bati', 12000, 'motorcycles'), + (52, 'Bati 801RR', 'bati2', 19000, 'motorcycles'), + (53, 'BF400', 'bf400', 6500, 'motorcycles'), + (54, 'BMX (velo)', 'bmx', 160, 'motorcycles'), + (55, 'Carbon RS', 'carbonrs', 18000, 'motorcycles'), + (56, 'Chimera', 'chimera', 38000, 'motorcycles'), + (57, 'Cliffhanger', 'cliffhanger', 9500, 'motorcycles'), + (58, 'Cruiser (velo)', 'cruiser', 510, 'motorcycles'), + (59, 'Daemon', 'daemon', 11500, 'motorcycles'), + (60, 'Daemon High', 'daemon2', 13500, 'motorcycles'), + (61, 'Defiler', 'defiler', 9800, 'motorcycles'), + (62, 'Diablous', 'diablous', 60000, 'motorcycles'), + (63, 'Diablous Custom', 'diablous2', 100000, 'motorcycles'), + (64, 'Double T', 'double', 28000, 'motorcycles'), + (65, 'Enduro', 'enduro', 5500, 'motorcycles'), + (66, 'Esskey', 'esskey', 4200, 'motorcycles'), + (67, 'Faggio', 'faggio', 1900, 'motorcycles'), + (68, 'Vespa', 'faggio2', 2800, 'motorcycles'), + (69, 'Fcr', 'fcr', 40000, 'motorcycles'), + (70, 'Fcr Custom', 'fcr2', 70000, 'motorcycles'), + (71, 'Fixter (velo)', 'fixter', 225, 'motorcycles'), + (72, 'Gargoyle', 'gargoyle', 16500, 'motorcycles'), + (73, 'Hakuchou', 'hakuchou', 31000, 'motorcycles'), + (74, 'Hakuchou Sport', 'hakuchou2', 55000, 'motorcycles'), + (75, 'Hexer', 'hexer', 12000, 'motorcycles'), + (76, 'Innovation', 'innovation', 23500, 'motorcycles'), + (77, 'KTM', 'ktmsm', 280000, 'moto'), + (78, 'Manchez', 'manchez', 5300, 'motorcycles'), + (79, 'Nemesis', 'nemesis', 5800, 'motorcycles'), + (80, 'Nightblade', 'nightblade', 35000, 'motorcycles'), + (81, 'Ninja2', 'ninjah2', 300000, 'moto'), + (82, 'PCJ-600', 'pcj', 6200, 'motorcycles'), + (83, 'Ruffian', 'ruffian', 6800, 'motorcycles'), + (84, 'Sanchez', 'sanchez', 5300, 'motorcycles'), + (85, 'Sanchez Sport', 'sanchez2', 5300, 'motorcycles'), + (86, 'Sanctus', 'sanctus', 25000, 'motorcycles'), + (87, 'Scorcher (velo)', 'scorcher', 280, 'motorcycles'), + (88, 'Shotaro Concept', 'shotaro', 320000, 'motorcycles'), + (89, 'Sovereign', 'sovereign', 22000, 'motorcycles'), + (90, 'Spirit', 'spirit', 30000, 'moto'), + (91, 'Spitro', 'spitro', 20000, 'moto'), + (92, 'Thrust', 'thrust', 24000, 'motorcycles'), + (93, 'Tmax', 'tmax', 100000, 'moto'), + (94, 'Tri bike (velo)', 'tribike3', 520, 'motorcycles'), + (95, 'Vader', 'vader', 7200, 'motorcycles'), + (96, 'Vortex', 'vortex', 9800, 'motorcycles'), + (97, 'Woflsbane', 'wolfsbane', 9000, 'motorcycles'), + (98, 'Zombie', 'zombiea', 9500, 'motorcycles'), + (99, 'Zombie Luxuary', 'zombieb', 12000, 'motorcycles'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. biker_categories +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `biker_categories` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.biker_categories : 1 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker_categories` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `biker_categories` (`name`, `label`) VALUES + ('motorcycles', 'Motos'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker_categories` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. biker_sold +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `biker_sold` ( + `client` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `model` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `plate` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `soldby` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `date` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.biker_sold : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker_sold` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker_sold` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. biker_vehicles +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `biker_vehicles` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `vehicle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=172 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.biker_vehicles : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker_vehicles` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `biker_vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. billing +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `billing` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `identifier` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `sender` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `target_type` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `target` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `amount` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3971 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.billing : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `billing` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `billing` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. bought_houses +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bought_houses` ( + `houseid` int(50) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`houseid`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.bought_houses : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `bought_houses` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `bought_houses` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. bourse +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bourse` ( + `item` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `libelle` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `difference` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + PRIMARY KEY (`item`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.bourse : 5 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `bourse` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `bourse` (`item`, `libelle`, `price`, `difference`) VALUES + ('orange_pooch', 'Jus d\'orange', 20, 20), + ('stone_pooch', 'Fer', 23, 23), + ('sable_pooch', 'Verre', 18, 18), + ('pomme_pooch', 'Jus de pomme', 21, 21), + ('bois_pooch', 'Planche de bois', 16, 16); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `bourse` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. cardealer_vehicles +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cardealer_vehicles` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `vehicle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=322 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.cardealer_vehicles : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cardealer_vehicles` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cardealer_vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. car_parking +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `car_parking` ( + `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `owner` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, + `plate` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, + `data` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, + `time` bigint(20) NOT NULL, + `parking` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.car_parking : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `car_parking` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `car_parking` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. characters +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `characters` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `identifier` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `firstname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `lastname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `dateofbirth` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `sex` varchar(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M', + `height` varchar(128) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=21 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.characters : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `characters` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `characters` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. coffres +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `coffres` ( + `identifier` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `Minutes` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `Hours` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + PRIMARY KEY (`identifier`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.coffres : 2 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `coffres` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `coffres` (`identifier`, `Minutes`, `Hours`) VALUES + ('xbl:2535465636391032', 0, 0), + ('xbl:2535467603121499', 0, 0); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `coffres` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. criminal_records +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `criminal_records` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `reason` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `officer_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `user_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `time` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `fine` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=277 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.criminal_records : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `criminal_records` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `criminal_records` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. datastore +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `datastore` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `shared` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.datastore : ~24 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `datastore` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `datastore` (`name`, `label`, `shared`) VALUES + ('society_ambulance', 'Ambulance', 1), + ('society_army', 'Army', 1), + ('society_autoecole', 'Auto Ecole', 1), + ('society_barbier', 'Barbier', 1), + ('society_bav', 'Bav', 1), + ('society_bowling', 'bowling', 1), + ('society_brasseur', 'Brasseur', 1), + ('society_comedy', 'Comedy', 1), + ('society_crucial', 'crucial', 1), + ('society_cuisinier', 'cuisinier', 1), + ('society_fib', 'Fib', 1), + ('society_fueler', 'Raffineur', 1), + ('society_gouv', 'Gouvernement', 1), + ('society_nightclub', 'Nightclub', 1), + ('society_pizza', 'pizza', 1), + ('society_police', 'Police', 1), + ('society_psy', 'Psychologue', 1), + ('society_taxi', 'Taxi', 1), + ('society_unicorn', 'Unicorn', 1), + ('society_vigne', 'Vigneron', 1), + ('user_ears', 'Ears', 0), + ('user_glasses', 'Glasses', 0), + ('user_helmet', 'Helmet', 0), + ('user_mask', 'Mask', 0); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `datastore` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. datastore_data +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `datastore_data` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `owner` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, + `data` longtext DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `index_datastore_data_name_owner` (`name`,`owner`), + KEY `index_datastore_data_name` (`name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4054 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.datastore_data : ~28 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `datastore_data` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `datastore_data` (`id`, `name`, `owner`, `data`) VALUES + (1, 'society_ambulance', NULL, '{}'), + (2, 'society_army', NULL, '{}'), + (3, 'society_autoecole', NULL, '{}'), + (4, 'society_barbier', NULL, '{}'), + (5, 'society_bav', NULL, '{}'), + (6, 'society_bowling', NULL, '{}'), + (7, 'society_brasseur', NULL, '{}'), + (8, 'society_comedy', NULL, '{}'), + (9, 'society_crucial', NULL, '{}'), + (10, 'society_cuisinier', NULL, '{}'), + (11, 'society_fib', NULL, '{}'), + (12, 'society_fueler', NULL, '{}'), + (13, 'society_gouv', NULL, '{}'), + (14, 'society_nightclub', NULL, '{}'), + (15, 'society_pizza', NULL, '{}'), + (16, 'society_police', NULL, '{}'), + (17, 'society_psy', NULL, '{}'), + (18, 'society_taxi', NULL, '{}'), + (19, 'society_unicorn', NULL, '{}'), + (20, 'society_vigne', NULL, '{}'), + (21, 'user_ears', '467826b1f966aed6683f462c40b5cea8ad5b1a22', '{}'), + (22, 'user_glasses', '467826b1f966aed6683f462c40b5cea8ad5b1a22', '{}'), + (23, 'user_helmet', '467826b1f966aed6683f462c40b5cea8ad5b1a22', '{}'), + (24, 'user_mask', '467826b1f966aed6683f462c40b5cea8ad5b1a22', '{}'), + (4050, 'user_ears', '9dad3f34917e6057a448b26b0352dbd5ddc87310', '{}'), + (4051, 'user_helmet', '9dad3f34917e6057a448b26b0352dbd5ddc87310', '{}'), + (4052, 'user_mask', '9dad3f34917e6057a448b26b0352dbd5ddc87310', '{}'), + (4053, 'user_glasses', '9dad3f34917e6057a448b26b0352dbd5ddc87310', '{}'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `datastore_data` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. dpkeybinds +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dpkeybinds` ( + `id` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `keybind1` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'num4', + `emote1` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', + `keybind2` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'num5', + `emote2` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', + `keybind3` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'num6', + `emote3` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', + `keybind4` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'num7', + `emote4` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', + `keybind5` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'num8', + `emote5` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', + `keybind6` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'num9', + `emote6` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.dpkeybinds : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `dpkeybinds` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `dpkeybinds` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. epc_bolos +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `epc_bolos` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `name` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, + `lastname` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, + `apperance` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, + `type_of_crime` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, + `fine` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, + `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=126 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.epc_bolos : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `epc_bolos` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `epc_bolos` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. epc_notes +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `epc_notes` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `title` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `content` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `user_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL, + `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=111 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.epc_notes : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `epc_notes` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `epc_notes` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. favoriteanimation +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `favoriteanimation` ( + `id` bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `identifier` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `lib` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'mini@strip_club@idles@bouncer@base', + `animation` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'base', + `repet` int(5) DEFAULT 1, + `button` int(5) DEFAULT 20, + `scenario` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.favoriteanimation : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `favoriteanimation` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `favoriteanimation` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. fine_types +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fine_types` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `label` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `category` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=63 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.fine_types : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fine_types` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fine_types` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. fine_types_bav +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fine_types_bav` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `label` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `category` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=53 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.fine_types_bav : ~52 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fine_types_bav` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `fine_types_bav` (`id`, `label`, `amount`, `category`) VALUES + (1, 'Usage abusif du klaxon', 30, 0), + (2, 'Franchir une ligne continue', 40, 0), + (3, 'Circulation à contresens', 250, 0), + (4, 'Demi-tour non autorisé', 250, 0), + (5, 'Circulation hors-route', 170, 0), + (6, 'Non-respect des distances de sécurité', 30, 0), + (7, 'Arrêt dangereux / interdit', 150, 0), + (8, 'Stationnement gênant / interdit', 70, 0), + (9, 'Non respect de la priorité à droite', 70, 0), + (10, 'Non-respect à un véhicule prioritaire', 90, 0), + (11, 'Non-respect d\'un stop', 105, 0), + (12, 'Non-respect d\'un feu rouge', 130, 0), + (13, 'Dépassement dangereux', 100, 0), + (14, 'Véhicule non en état', 100, 0), + (15, 'Conduite sans permis', 1500, 0), + (16, 'Délit de fuite', 800, 0), + (17, 'Excès de vitesse < 5 kmh', 90, 0), + (18, 'Excès de vitesse 5-15 kmh', 120, 0), + (19, 'Excès de vitesse 15-30 kmh', 180, 0), + (20, 'Excès de vitesse > 30 kmh', 300, 0), + (21, 'Entrave de la circulation', 110, 1), + (22, 'Dégradation de la voie publique', 90, 1), + (23, 'Trouble à l\'ordre publique', 90, 1), + (24, 'Entrave opération de bav', 130, 1), + (25, 'Insulte envers / entre civils', 75, 1), + (26, 'Outrage à agent de bav', 110, 1), + (27, 'Menace verbale ou intimidation envers civil', 90, 1), + (28, 'Menace verbale ou intimidation envers policier', 150, 1), + (29, 'Manifestation illégale', 250, 1), + (30, 'Tentative de corruption', 1500, 1), + (31, 'Arme blanche sortie en ville', 120, 2), + (32, 'Arme léthale sortie en ville', 300, 2), + (33, 'Port d\'arme non autorisé (défaut de license)', 600, 2), + (34, 'Port d\'arme illégal', 700, 2), + (35, 'Pris en flag lockpick', 300, 2), + (36, 'Vol de voiture', 1800, 2), + (37, 'Vente de drogue', 1500, 2), + (38, 'Fabriquation de drogue', 1500, 2), + (39, 'Possession de drogue', 650, 2), + (40, 'Prise d\'ôtage civil', 1500, 2), + (41, 'Prise d\'ôtage agent de l\'état', 2000, 2), + (42, 'Braquage particulier', 650, 2), + (43, 'Braquage magasin', 650, 2), + (44, 'Braquage de banque', 1500, 2), + (45, 'Tir sur civil', 2000, 3), + (46, 'Tir sur agent de l\'état', 2500, 3), + (47, 'Tentative de meurtre sur civil', 3000, 3), + (48, 'Tentative de meurtre sur agent de l\'état', 5000, 3), + (49, 'Meurtre sur civil', 10000, 3), + (50, 'Meurte sur agent de l\'état', 30000, 3), + (51, 'Meurtre involontaire', 1800, 3), + (52, 'Escroquerie à l\'entreprise', 2000, 2); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fine_types_bav` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. items +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `items` ( + `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `weight` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, + `rare` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `can_remove` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.items : ~118 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `items` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES + ('5fromages', 'Pizza au 5 fromage', 5, 0, 1), + ('bandage', 'Bandage', 2, 0, 1), + ('barbecue', 'pizza au barbecue', 5, 0, 1), + ('biere_blanche', 'Biere blanche', 500, 0, 1), + ('biere_brune', 'Biere brune', 500, 0, 1), + ('bigmac', 'Big-Mac (50g)', 50, 0, 1), + ('blowpipe', 'Chalumeaux (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('bois', 'Bois (100g)', 100, 0, 1), + ('bois_pooch', 'Bois coupée (55g)', 55, 0, 1), + ('bolcacahuetes', 'Bol de cacahuètes (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('bolchips', 'Packet de chips (15g)', 15, 0, 1), + ('bolnoixcajou', 'Bol de noix de cajou (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('bolpistache', 'Bol de pistaches (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('box_.45ACP', 'Boite de munitions type .45 ACP', 10, 0, 1), + ('box_12mm', 'Boite de cartouches type 12mm', 10, 0, 1), + ('box_357Magnum', 'Boite de munitions type 357 Magnum', 10, 0, 1), + ('box_7.62mm', 'Boite de munitions type 7.62mm', 10, 0, 1), + ('box_9mm', 'Boite de munitions type 9mm', 10, 0, 1), + ('bread', 'Pain (50g)', 50, 0, 1), + ('bulletproof', 'Gilet par balles', 1, 0, 1), + ('buritto', 'Buritto (4g)', 4, 0, 1), + ('calzone', 'Pizza calzone', 5, 0, 1), + ('carokit', 'Kit carosserie (3g)', 3, 0, 1), + ('carotool', 'outils carosserie (4g)', 4, 0, 1), + ('chest', 'Coffre fort(100)', 100, 0, 1), + ('cni', 'Carte National Didentité', 5, 0, -1), + ('coca', 'Coca (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('coke_pooch', 'Pochon de coke', 10, 0, 1), + ('compote', 'Compote a la pomme', 10, 0, 1), + ('copper', 'Cuivre (30g)', 30, 0, 1), + ('crucial', 'crucial (8g)', 8, 0, 1), + ('defibrillateur', 'Defibrillateur', 10, 0, 1), + ('diamond', 'Diamant (80g)', 80, 0, 1), + ('donut', 'Donuts (2g)', 2, 0, 1), + ('drpepper', 'Dr. Pepper (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('energy', 'Energy Drink (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('ephedrine', 'Ephedrine', 300, 0, 1), + ('essence', 'Essence', 500, 0, 1), + ('feuillecoca', 'Feuille de coca', 100, 0, 1), + ('fixkit', 'Kit réparation (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('fixtool', 'outils réparation (6g)', 6, 0, 1), + ('frite', 'Frite (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('fuel', 'Petrol (50g)', 50, 0, 1), + ('gazbottle', 'bouteille de gaz (11g)', 11, 0, 1), + ('gold', 'Or (50g)', 50, 0, 1), + ('golem', 'Golem (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('graine', 'Graine de Weed', 1, 0, 1), + ('graineble', 'Graine de blé', 10, -1, 1), + ('grand_cru', 'Grand cru', 1, 0, 1), + ('grapperaisin', 'Grappe de raisin (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('hacha', 'Hache (50g)', 50, 0, 1), + ('hifi', 'HiFi', 1, 0, 1), + ('houblon', 'Houblon', 500, 0, 1), + ('ice', 'Glaçon (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('icetea', 'Icetea (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('ing', 'ingredient a pizza', 10, 0, 1), + ('iron', 'Fer (30g)', 30, 0, 1), + ('jager', 'Jägermeister (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('jagerbomb', 'Jägerbomb (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('jagercerbere', 'Jäger Cerbère (3g)', 3, 0, 1), + ('jusfruit', 'Jus de fruit (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('jus_raisin', 'Jus de raisin', 1, 0, 1), + ('lentilles', 'Lentilles', 5, 0, 1), + ('limonade', 'Limonade (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('maderacaoba', 'Planches en bois d\'acajou (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('maderanogal', 'Planches en bois de noyer (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('maderaroble', 'Tables en bois de chêne (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('martini', 'Martini blanc (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('medikit', 'Medikit', 2, 0, 1), + ('menthe', 'Feuille de menthe (1g)', 1, 0, 1), + ('metreshooter', 'Mètre de shooter (3g)', 3, 0, 1), + ('mixapero', 'Mix Apéritif (3g)', 3, 0, 1), + ('mojito', 'Mojito (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('nachos', 'Nachos (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('orange', 'Orange (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('orange_pooch', 'Jus dorange (15g)', 15, 0, 1), + ('orge', 'Orge', 500, 0, 1), + ('orientale', 'Pizza orientale', 5, 0, 1), + ('packaged_plank', 'Bois traité (40g)', 40, 0, 1), + ('pate', 'Pate', 10, 0, 1), + ('patecoca', 'Pate de coca', 200, 0, 1), + ('petrol_raffin', 'Petrol rafinée (45)', 45, 0, 1), + ('phone', 'Iphon', 1, 0, 1), + ('pico', 'Pioche (800g)', 800, 0, 1), + ('plastique', 'Plastique', 300, 0, 1), + ('pomme', 'Pomme (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('pomme_pooch', 'Jus de pomme (15g)', 15, 0, 1), + ('puree', 'Purée', 5, 0, 1), + ('quesadilla', 'Quesadilla (10g)', 10, 0, 1), + ('raisin', 'Raisin', 1, 0, 1), + ('reine', 'Pizza reine', 5, 0, 1), + ('rhum', 'Rhum (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('rhumcoca', 'Rhum-coca (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('rhumfruit', 'Rhum-jus de fruits (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('sable', 'Sable (30g)', 30, 0, 1), + ('sable_pooch', 'Verre (45g)', 45, 0, 1), + ('salade', 'Mexican salade (3g)', 3, 0, 1), + ('saucisson', 'Saucisson (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('saumons', 'Pizza au saumon', 5, 0, 1), + ('scope', 'Lunette', 1, 0, 1), + ('sim', 'Carte Sim', 1, 0, 1), + ('soda', 'Soda (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('soupe', 'Soupe', 5, 0, 1), + ('stone', 'Pierre (50g)', 50, 0, 1), + ('tel', 'ponei', 1, 0, 1), + ('teqpaf', 'Teq\'paf (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('tequila', 'Tequila (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('truelle', 'truelle', 5, -1, 1), + ('very_extented_magazine', 'Chargeur grande capacité', 1, 0, 1), + ('viande', 'Viande', 1000, 0, 1), + ('viande2', 'Viande à Kebab', 1000, 0, 1), + ('vine', 'Vin', 1, 0, 1), + ('vodka', 'Vodka (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('vodkaenergy', 'Vodka-energy (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('vodkafruit', 'Vodka-jus de fruits (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('washed_stone', 'Pierre lavée (40g)', 40, 0, 1), + ('whisky', 'Whisky (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('whiskycoca', 'Whisky-coca (5g)', 5, 0, 1), + ('xanax', 'Xanax', 1, 0, 1); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `items` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. jail +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jail` ( + `identifier` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `isjailed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, + `J_Time` datetime NOT NULL, + `J_Cell` varchar(20) NOT NULL, + `Jailer` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + `Jailer_ID` varchar(100) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`identifier`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.jail : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jail` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jail` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. job2_grades +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `job2_grades` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `job2_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `grade` int(11) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `salary` int(11) NOT NULL, + `skin_male` longtext NOT NULL, + `skin_female` longtext NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=181 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.job2_grades : 1 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job2_grades` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `job2_grades` (`id`, `job2_name`, `grade`, `name`, `label`, `salary`, `skin_male`, `skin_female`) VALUES + (1, 'unemployed2', 0, 'unemployed2', 'Unemployed2', 200, '{}', '{}'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job2_grades` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. jobs +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jobs` ( + `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `whitelisted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.jobs : ~29 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `jobs` (`name`, `label`, `whitelisted`) VALUES + ('aircraft', 'Aircraft Dealer', 0), + ('ambulance', 'Ambulance', 0), + ('army', 'Army', 0), + ('autoecole', 'Auto Ecole', 0), + ('barbier', 'barbier', 1), + ('bav', 'LSPD', 0), + ('biker', 'Concessionnaire Moto', 0), + ('bowling', 'bowling', 0), + ('brasseur', 'Brasseur', 0), + ('brinks', 'Brinks', 0), + ('cardealer', 'Concessionnaire', 0), + ('comedy', 'Comedy', 0), + ('crucial', 'crucial', 0), + ('cuisinier', 'cuisinier', 0), + ('depanneur', 'Mécano', 0), + ('fib', 'FIB', 0), + ('fueler', 'Raffineur', 1), + ('gouv', 'Gouv', 0), + ('mecano', 'Mécano', 0), + ('mechanic', 'Mécano', 0), + ('Nightclub', 'Nightclub', 1), + ('pizza', 'pizza', 0), + ('police', 'LSPD', 0), + ('psy', 'Psychologue', 0), + ('taxi', 'Taxi', 0), + ('unemployed', 'Unemployed', 0), + ('unemployed2', 'Unemployed2', 0), + ('unicorn', 'Unicorn', 1), + ('vigne', 'Vigneron', 1); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. jobs2 +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jobs2` ( + `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.jobs2 : 1 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs2` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `jobs2` (`name`, `label`) VALUES + ('unemployed2', 'Unemployed2'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs2` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. job_grades +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `job_grades` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `job_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `grade` int(11) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `salary` int(11) NOT NULL, + `skin_male` longtext NOT NULL, + `skin_female` longtext NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=211 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.job_grades : ~162 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_grades` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `job_grades` (`id`, `job_name`, `grade`, `name`, `label`, `salary`, `skin_male`, `skin_female`) VALUES + (1, 'unemployed', 0, 'unemployed', 'Unemployed', 200, '{}', '{}'), + (2, 'unemployed2', 0, 'unemployed2', 'Unemployed2', 200, '{}', '{}'), + (3, 'bowling', 0, 'recruit', 'Recrue', 3, '{}', '{}'), + (4, 'bowling', 1, 'employer', 'Employé(e)', 3, '{}', '{}'), + (5, 'bowling', 2, 'viceboss', 'Co-gérant', 5, '{}', '{}'), + (6, 'bowling', 3, 'boss', 'Gérant', 0, '{}', '{}'), + (7, 'cuisinier', 0, 'recruit', 'Recrue', 300, '{}', '{}'), + (8, 'cuisinier', 1, 'employer', 'Employé(e)', 300, '{}', '{}'), + (9, 'cuisinier', 2, 'viceboss', 'Co-gérant', 500, '{}', '{}'), + (10, 'cuisinier', 3, 'boss', 'Gérant', 600, '{}', '{}'), + (11, 'aircraft', 0, 'recruit', 'Recrue', 10, '{}', '{}'), + (12, 'aircraft', 1, 'novice', 'Novice', 25, '{}', '{}'), + (13, 'aircraft', 2, 'experienced', 'Experimente', 40, '{}', '{}'), + (14, 'aircraft', 3, 'boss', 'Patron', 0, '{}', '{}'), + (15, 'ambulance', 0, 'ambulance', 'Ambulancier', 20, 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`money` int(11) DEFAULT 0, + `ShopValue` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `LastRobbery` int(11) DEFAULT 0, + `ShopName` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, + `ShopLogo` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, + KEY `identifier` (`identifier`) USING BTREE, + KEY `ShopNumber` (`ShopNumber`) USING BTREE, + KEY `ShopName` (`ShopName`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.owned_shops : ~19 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `owned_shops` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `owned_shops` (`identifier`, `ShopNumber`, `money`, `ShopValue`, `LastRobbery`, `ShopName`, `ShopLogo`) VALUES + ('0', 1, 0, 280000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 2, 0, 220000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 3, 0, 235000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 4, 0, 285000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 5, 0, 135000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 6, 0, 235000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 7, 0, 160000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 8, 0, 275000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 9, 0, 265000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 10, 0, 300000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 12, 0, 145000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 13, 0, 145000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 14, 0, 280000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 16, 0, 435000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 18, 0, 235000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 11, 0, 225000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 19, 0, 150000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 20, 0, 165000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'), + ('0', 17, 0, 150000, 1549643682, '0', 'img/247.png'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `owned_shops` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. owned_vehicles +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `owned_vehicles` ( + `owner` varchar(40) NOT NULL, + `security` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Alarm system level', + `alarmactive` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Alarm system state', + `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'etat du véhicule', + `garageperso` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Garage Personnel', + `volee` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'vehicule volé', + `plate` varchar(12) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, + `vehicle` longtext DEFAULT NULL, + `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'car', + `job` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + `stored` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `garage_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cubes', + `health` float NOT NULL DEFAULT 1000, + `kms` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `lasthouse` int(11) DEFAULT 0, + `model` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`), + KEY `owner` (`owner`), + KEY `name` (`name`), + KEY `vehicle` (`vehicle`(3072)), + KEY `type` (`type`), + KEY `job` (`job`), + KEY `garage_id` (`garage_id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.owned_vehicles : ~1 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `owned_vehicles` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `owned_vehicles` (`owner`, `security`, `alarmactive`, `state`, `garageperso`, `volee`, `plate`, `name`, `vehicle`, `type`, `job`, `stored`, `garage_id`, `health`, `kms`, `lasthouse`, `model`) VALUES + ('9dad3f34917e6057a448b26b0352dbd5ddc87310', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '82LEL249', NULL, 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'car', '', 0, 'cubes', 998.5, 2684, 0, NULL); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `owned_vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. pawnshop_vehicles +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pawnshop_vehicles` ( + `owner` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, + `security` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Alarm system state', + `plate` varchar(12) NOT NULL, + `vehicle` longtext DEFAULT NULL, + `price` int(15) NOT NULL, + `expiration` int(15) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.pawnshop_vehicles : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pawnshop_vehicles` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pawnshop_vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. phone_app_chat +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phone_app_chat` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `channel` varchar(20) NOT NULL, + `message` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=289 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.phone_app_chat : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone_app_chat` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone_app_chat` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. phone_calls +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phone_calls` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `owner` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Num tel proprio', + `num` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Num reférence du contact', + `incoming` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Défini si on est à l''origine de l''appels', + `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), + `accepts` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Appels accepter ou pas', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18146 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.phone_calls : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone_calls` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone_calls` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. phone_messages +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phone_messages` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `transmitter` varchar(10) NOT NULL, + `receiver` varchar(10) NOT NULL, + `message` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), + `isRead` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `owner` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=46716 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.phone_messages : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone_messages` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phone_messages` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. phone_users_contacts +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phone_users_contacts` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `identifier` varchar(60) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL, + `number` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL, + 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int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `identifier` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `clothe` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + KEY `name` (`name`), + KEY `clothe` (`clothe`(768)), + KEY `identifier` (`identifier`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6125 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.player_clothe : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `player_clothe` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `player_clothe` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. position_drugs +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `position_drugs` ( + `identifier` varchar(40) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `x` double(8,2) NOT NULL, + `y` double(8,2) NOT NULL, + `z` double(8,2) NOT NULL, + `percent` double(8,2) DEFAULT 0.00 +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.position_drugs : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `position_drugs` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `position_drugs` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. position_plante +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `position_plante` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `identifier` varchar(40) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `x` double(8,2) NOT NULL, + `y` double(8,2) NOT NULL, + `z` double(8,2) NOT NULL, + `percent` double(8,2) DEFAULT 0.00, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=292 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.position_plante : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `position_plante` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `position_plante` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. properties +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `properties` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `label` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `entering` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `exit` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `inside` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `outside` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `ipls` varchar(255) DEFAULT '[]', + `gateway` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `is_single` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `is_room` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `is_gateway` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `room_menu` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `garage` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.properties : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `properties` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `properties` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. rented_vehicles +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rented_vehicles` ( + `vehicle` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `plate` varchar(12) NOT NULL, + `player_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, + `base_price` int(11) NOT NULL, + `rent_price` int(11) NOT NULL, + `owner` varchar(22) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.rented_vehicles : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rented_vehicles` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rented_vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. shipments +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `shipments` ( + `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `identifier` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, + `label` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `item` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `price` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `count` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `time` int(20) DEFAULT NULL, + KEY `identifier` (`identifier`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.shipments : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `shipments` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `shipments` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. shops_players +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `shops_players` ( + `ShopNumber` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + `src` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `count` int(11) NOT NULL, + `item` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL, + `price` int(11) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL, + `categorie` enum('boisson','nourriture','consommables','divers') DEFAULT NULL, + KEY `shopnumber` (`ShopNumber`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.shops_players : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `shops_players` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `shops_players` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. stolen_vehicles +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stolen_vehicles` ( + `owner` varchar(40) NOT NULL, + `state` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, + `plate` varchar(12) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, + `vehicle` longtext DEFAULT NULL, + `garage_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cubes', + `health` float NOT NULL DEFAULT 1000, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`), + KEY `owner` (`owner`), + KEY `name` (`name`), + KEY `garage_id` (`garage_id`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.stolen_vehicles : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stolen_vehicles` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stolen_vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. top_votes +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `top_votes` ( + `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, + `votes` mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, + KEY `name` (`name`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.top_votes : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `top_votes` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `top_votes` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. trunk_inventory +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `trunk_inventory` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `plate` varchar(8) NOT NULL, + `data` text NOT NULL, + `owned` int(50) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `plate` (`plate`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=4575 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.trunk_inventory : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `trunk_inventory` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `trunk_inventory` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. twitter_accounts +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `twitter_accounts` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `username` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + `password` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + `avatar_url` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=371 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.twitter_accounts : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `twitter_accounts` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `twitter_accounts` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. 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'sports'), + ('Stirling GT', 'feltzer3', 65000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Fixter (velo)', 'fixter', 225, 'motorcycles'), + ('FMJ', 'fmj', 185000, 'super'), + ('Fhantom', 'fq2', 17000, 'suvs'), + ('Fugitive', 'fugitive', 12000, 'sedans'), + ('Furore GT', 'furoregt', 45000, 'sports'), + ('Fusilade', 'fusilade', 40000, 'sports'), + ('Gargoyle', 'gargoyle', 16500, 'motorcycles'), + ('Gauntlet', 'gauntlet', 30000, 'muscle'), + ('Gang Burrito', 'gburrito', 45000, 'vans'), + ('Burrito', 'gburrito2', 29000, 'vans'), + ('Glendale', 'glendale', 6500, 'sedans'), + ('Grabger', 'granger', 50000, 'suvs'), + ('Gresley', 'gresley', 47500, 'suvs'), + ('GT 500', 'gt500', 785000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Guardian', 'guardian', 45000, 'offroad'), + ('Hakuchou', 'hakuchou', 31000, 'motorcycles'), + ('Hakuchou Sport', 'hakuchou2', 55000, 'motorcycles'), + ('Hermes', 'hermes', 535000, 'muscle'), + ('Hexer', 'hexer', 12000, 'motorcycles'), + ('Hotknife', 'hotknife', 125000, 'muscle'), + ('Huntley S', 'huntley', 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'minivan', 13000, 'vans'), + ('Monroe', 'monroe', 55000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('The Liberator', 'monster', 210000, 'offroad'), + ('Moonbeam', 'moonbeam', 18000, 'vans'), + ('Moonbeam Rider', 'moonbeam2', 35000, 'vans'), + ('Nemesis', 'nemesis', 5800, 'motorcycles'), + ('Neon', 'neon', 1500000, 'sports'), + ('Nightblade', 'nightblade', 35000, 'motorcycles'), + ('Nightshade', 'nightshade', 65000, 'muscle'), + ('9F', 'ninef', 65000, 'sports'), + ('9F Cabrio', 'ninef2', 80000, 'sports'), + ('Omnis', 'omnis', 35000, 'sports'), + ('Oppressor', 'oppressor', 3524500, 'super'), + ('Oracle XS', 'oracle2', 35000, 'coupes'), + ('Osiris', 'osiris', 160000, 'super'), + ('Panto', 'panto', 10000, 'compacts'), + ('Paradise', 'paradise', 19000, 'vans'), + ('Pariah', 'pariah', 1420000, 'sports'), + ('Patriot', 'patriot', 55000, 'suvs'), + ('PCJ-600', 'pcj', 6200, 'motorcycles'), + ('Penumbra', 'penumbra', 28000, 'sports'), + ('Pfister', 'pfister811', 85000, 'super'), + ('Phoenix', 'phoenix', 12500, 'muscle'), + ('Picador', 'picador', 18000, 'muscle'), + ('Pigalle', 'pigalle', 20000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Prairie', 'prairie', 12000, 'compacts'), + ('Premier', 'premier', 8000, 'sedans'), + ('Primo Custom', 'primo2', 14000, 'sedans'), + ('X80 Proto', 'prototipo', 2500000, 'super'), + ('Radius', 'radi', 29000, 'suvs'), + ('raiden', 'raiden', 1375000, 'sports'), + ('Rapid GT', 'rapidgt', 35000, 'sports'), + ('Rapid GT Convertible', 'rapidgt2', 45000, 'sports'), + ('Rapid GT3', 'rapidgt3', 885000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Reaper', 'reaper', 150000, 'super'), + ('Rebel', 'rebel2', 35000, 'offroad'), + ('Regina', 'regina', 5000, 'sedans'), + ('Retinue', 'retinue', 615000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Revolter', 'revolter', 1610000, 'sports'), + ('riata', 'riata', 380000, 'offroad'), + ('Rocoto', 'rocoto', 45000, 'suvs'), + ('Ruffian', 'ruffian', 6800, 'motorcycles'), + ('Ruiner 2', 'ruiner2', 5745600, 'muscle'), + ('Rumpo', 'rumpo', 15000, 'vans'), + ('Rumpo Trail', 'rumpo3', 19500, 'vans'), + 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+ ('Stinger GT', 'stingergt', 75000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Streiter', 'streiter', 500000, 'sports'), + ('Stretch', 'stretch', 90000, 'sedans'), + ('Stromberg', 'stromberg', 3185350, 'sports'), + ('Sultan', 'sultan', 15000, 'sports'), + ('Sultan RS', 'sultanrs', 65000, 'super'), + ('Super Diamond', 'superd', 130000, 'sedans'), + ('Surano', 'surano', 50000, 'sports'), + ('Surfer', 'surfer', 12000, 'vans'), + ('T20', 't20', 300000, 'super'), + ('Tailgater', 'tailgater', 30000, 'sedans'), + ('Tampa', 'tampa', 16000, 'muscle'), + ('Drift Tampa', 'tampa2', 80000, 'sports'), + ('Thrust', 'thrust', 24000, 'motorcycles'), + ('Tri bike (velo)', 'tribike3', 520, 'motorcycles'), + ('Trophy Truck', 'trophytruck', 60000, 'offroad'), + ('Trophy Truck Limited', 'trophytruck2', 80000, 'offroad'), + ('Tropos', 'tropos', 40000, 'sports'), + ('Turismo R', 'turismor', 350000, 'super'), + ('Tyrus', 'tyrus', 600000, 'super'), + ('Vacca', 'vacca', 120000, 'super'), + ('Vader', 'vader', 7200, 'motorcycles'), + ('Verlierer', 'verlierer2', 70000, 'sports'), + ('Vigero', 'vigero', 12500, 'muscle'), + ('Virgo', 'virgo', 14000, 'muscle'), + ('Viseris', 'viseris', 875000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Visione', 'visione', 2250000, 'super'), + ('Voltic', 'voltic', 90000, 'super'), + ('Voltic 2', 'voltic2', 3830400, 'super'), + ('Voodoo', 'voodoo', 7200, 'muscle'), + ('Vortex', 'vortex', 9800, 'motorcycles'), + ('Warrener', 'warrener', 4000, 'sedans'), + ('Washington', 'washington', 9000, 'sedans'), + ('Windsor', 'windsor', 95000, 'coupes'), + ('Windsor Drop', 'windsor2', 125000, 'coupes'), + ('Woflsbane', 'wolfsbane', 9000, 'motorcycles'), + ('XLS', 'xls', 32000, 'suvs'), + ('Yosemite', 'yosemite', 485000, 'muscle'), + ('Youga', 'youga', 10800, 'vans'), + ('Youga Luxuary', 'youga2', 14500, 'vans'), + ('Z190', 'z190', 900000, 'sportsclassics'), + ('Zentorno', 'zentorno', 1500000, 'super'), + ('Zion', 'zion', 36000, 'coupes'), + ('Zion Cabrio', 'zion2', 45000, 'coupes'), + ('Zombie', 'zombiea', 9500, 'motorcycles'), + ('Zombie Luxuary', 'zombieb', 12000, 'motorcycles'), + ('Z-Type', 'ztype', 220000, 'sportsclassics'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vehicles` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. vehicle_categories +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicle_categories` ( + `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + `label` varchar(60) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`name`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.vehicle_categories : 11 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vehicle_categories` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `vehicle_categories` (`name`, `label`) VALUES + ('compacts', 'Compacts'), + ('coupes', 'Coupés'), + ('motorcycles', 'Motos'), + ('muscle', 'Muscle'), + ('offroad', 'Off Road'), + ('sedans', 'Sedans'), + ('sports', 'Sports'), + ('sportsclassics', 'Sports Classics'), + ('super', 'Super'), + ('suvs', 'SUVs'), + ('vans', 'Vans'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vehicle_categories` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. vehicle_sold +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicle_sold` ( + `client` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `model` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `plate` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `soldby` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + `date` varchar(50) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`plate`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.vehicle_sold : 0 rows +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vehicle_sold` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vehicle_sold` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. whitelist_license +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `whitelist_license` ( + `identifier` varchar(40) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`identifier`) +) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.whitelist_license : ~2 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `whitelist_license` DISABLE KEYS */; +INSERT INTO `whitelist_license` (`identifier`) VALUES + ('steam:110000135032e49 '), + ('steam:1100001358524a9'); +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `whitelist_license` ENABLE KEYS */; + +-- Listage de la structure de la table fantastic. zones +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `zones` ( + `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `points` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL, + `center` text COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL, + `maxLength` int(10) NOT NULL, + `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL, + `cat` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT; + +-- Listage des données de la table fantastic.zones : ~0 rows (environ) +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `zones` DISABLE KEYS */; +/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `zones` ENABLE KEYS */; + +/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_SQL_MODE, '') */; +/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=IF(@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS IS NULL, 1, @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS) */; +/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; diff --git a/fantastic.png b/fantastic.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e283300 Binary files /dev/null and b/fantastic.png differ diff --git a/permissions.cfg b/permissions.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15ef078 --- /dev/null +++ b/permissions.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,509 @@ +############################################################################################# +# vMenu CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # +# For help, see https://docs.vespura.com/vmenu/configuration # +############################################################################################# + +# WARNING, if you set "use_permissions" to false, a 'default' permissions system will be used. +# this makes sure that EVERYONE on the server can do EVERYTHING, besides, banning, unbanning, +# kicking and killing using the Online Players menu. +setr vmenu_use_permissions true + +# WARNING, if you enable the option below, then only players with the "vMenu.Staff" +# permission will be able to use vMenu. Not recommended. +setr vmenu_menu_staff_only true + +# Any valid control ID can be used here. +setr vmenu_menu_toggle_key 288 +setr vmenu_noclip_toggle_key 83 + +# Keeps spawned vehicles from de-spawning if 'replace previous vehicle' is disabled. +setr vmenu_keep_spawned_vehicles_persistent false + +# Enable weather sync? +setr vmenu_enable_weather_sync false + +# Enable dynamic weather changes? +setr vmenu_enable_dynamic_weather false + +# Dynamic weather timer sets the delay in minutes between dynamic weather changes (default: 10) +setr vmenu_dynamic_weather_timer 10 + +# Default weather type for when the resource starts. +setr vmenu_default_weather CLEAR + +# Allow random blackout enables/disables the random 1/5 chance of a 1 minute blackout during +# thunderstorms. +setr vmenu_allow_random_blackout false + +# Enable time sync? +setr vmenu_enable_time_sync false + +# Freeze the time by default when the server starts? +setr vmenu_freeze_time false + +# Enables smooth time transitions. +setr vmenu_smooth_time_transitions true + +# Default time hour for when the resource starts. (0-23) +setr vmenu_default_time_hour 9 + +# Default time minute for when the resource starts. (0-59) +setr vmenu_default_time_min 0 + +# The option below indicates how many milliseconds in real time it takes for 1 in-game minute +# to pass. by default, GTA V minutes take 2 seconds in real life (2000ms). +setr vmenu_ingame_minute_duration 2000 + +# Automatically ban cheaters? This feature is not 100% reliable so that's why it's disabled +# by default. +setr vmenu_auto_ban_cheaters false +setr vmenu_auto_ban_cheaters_ban_message "Vous avez été automatiquement banni. Si vous pensez que cela a été fait par erreur, contactez le propriétaire du serveur pour obtenir de l'aide." + +# Log ban actions to the "vmenu.log" file? +setr vmenu_log_ban_actions false + +# Log kick actions to the "vmenu.log" file? +setr vmenu_log_kick_actions false + +# Notify players when vMenu is outdated? +setr vmenu_outdated_version_notify_players false + +# This option will enable compatibility mode for els and other siren-control scripts by +# disabling vMenu's control over vehicle sirens completely. +setr vmenu_use_els_compatibility_mode false + +# When you set this to true, it will leave the current game session if a player uses the +# rockstar editor button in the recording options menu. (false by default). +setr vmenu_quit_session_in_rockstar_editor false + +# Here you can set some info about your server which will be displayed in the "About Menu". +# The first one is just a small description message where you can tell the user about your community. +# Keep it short though, because the description box's size is limited. +# The second convar is for the url/domain name of your community, which will be displayed as a label on +# the right side of the info button. examples: https://www.vespura.com/hi/i/2018-12-09_23-43_9b003_349.png +setr vmenu_server_info_message "About this server, discord: vespura.com/discord" +setr vmenu_server_info_website_url "www.vespura.com" + +# Set the keybind that will be used for the 'teleport to waypoint' keybind +# Only used if enabled in the menu by the user, and if the user has permission +# to use the Teleport to Waypoint button in the Misc Settings submenu. This will +# only be active when the keyboard is being used. Controllers will not trigger this +# keybind unless the keyboard/mouse is being used at the same game frame. +setr vmenu_teleport_to_wp_keybind_key 168 # 168 / F7 by default + +# If you set this to true, then players will not be able to spawn as their default +# saved multiplayer character whenever they join or respawn. This includes all staff members as well. +# This does NOT disable the "restore player appearance" option for non-mp peds. +setr vmenu_disable_spawning_as_default_character false + +# When set to true, then the update checks that automatically happen every 24 hours will be disabled. +# Update checks will still occur whenever (re)starting the server/resource, regardless of this setting. +setr vmenu_disable_daily_update_checks false + +# Recommended to leave this disabled, but if you REALLY want to use animals as player peds then go ahead and enable this. +# You have been warned, this WILL cause game crashes to occur regularly. +setr vmenu_enable_animals_spawn_menu false + +# Sets the PVP mode, 0 = do nothing, 1 = enable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone, 2 = disable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone. +# Note this is only set ONCE when the player joins. This is not forced every tick, other resources or client mods are able to override this. +# Default: 0 +setr vmenu_pvp_mode 0 + +# Set this to true if you don't want vMenu to use any server information convars. +setr vmenu_disable_server_info_convars false + +# Distance for playerblips to showup. This is using "game units" as measurement. It's unknown +# what this is in relation to meters or something similar, but 500.0 seems fine in most cases. +setr vmenu_player_names_distance 500.0 + +# Disables the entity model outlines, model hashes, entity handles development tools section. +setr vmenu_disable_entity_outlines_tool false + + +####################################################################################################################################################### +# Database (SQLite) player bans storage options. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, DON'T TOUCH IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. NO SUPPORT WILL BE PROVIDED. + +# If you put a folder location here, then the filepath must end with a '/'! Leave this field empty if you don't know what you're doing. +# For example either use "" or "resources/vMenu/". Filepath will start relative from the same folder that contains your server.cfg. +setr vmenu_bans_database_filepath "" + +# Set this to true if you want to use SQLite for storing banned players instead of the bans.json, this will improve performance. +# Set this to false if you already have a bans.json with banned players in it, then type 'vmenuserver migrate' in the server console. +# Then make a backup of your bans.json file, and delete the original. After that stop the server and set this to true, then restar the server. +# You should now have a working SQLite database setup for your banned players. +setr vmenu_bans_use_database false +####################################################################################################################################################### + +############################################# +# SETTING UP GROUP INHERITANCE # +############################################# +## Setup group inheritance, it's probably best you don't touch this unless you know what you're doing. + + + +#################################### +# GLOBAL PERMISSIONS # +#################################### +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.Everything" allow # (Don't touch this, unless you're stupid or you know what you're doing :^) !) + +# Prevent staffs from getting banned/kicked from the server. +#add_ace group.staff "vMenu.DontKickMe" allow +#add_ace group.staff "vMenu.DontBanMe" allow + +# If the menu is set to menu_staff_only, then this will allow staffmods and staffs to use the menu. +add_ace group.staff "vMenu.Staff" allow + +# Allow anyone to use noclip. +add_ace group.staff "vMenu.NoClip" allow + +############################## +# ONLINE PLAYERS MENU # +############################## +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Menu" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.All" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Teleport" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Waypoint" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Spectate" allow + +# staffmods & staffs only: +add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Summon" allow +add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Kill" allow +add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Kick" allow +# Tempban allows bans up to 30 days, which is enough for staffmods. +# Mods can also see the banned players list but will not be able to unban players. +add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.TempBan" allow +add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.ViewBannedPlayers" allow + +# staffs are allowed to ban players permanently and also unban players. +add_ace group.staff "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Identifiers" allow +add_ace group.staff "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.PermBan" allow +add_ace group.staff "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Unban" allow + +# This is not allowed for anyone by default, but if you really want it enabled then +# I suggest you only enable this for the server owner/head of your staff team. +# add_ace group.staff "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.SeePrivateMessages" allow + +#################################### +# PLAYER OPTIONS MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.God" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.Invisible" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.UnlimitedStamina" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.FastRun" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.FastSwim" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.Superjump" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.NoRagdoll" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.NeverWanted" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.SetWanted" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.Ignored" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.StayInVehicle" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.MaxHealth" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.MaxArmor" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.CleanPlayer" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.DryPlayer" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.WetPlayer" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.VehicleAutoPilotMenu" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.Freeze" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerOptions.Scenarios" allow + +#################################### +# VEHICLE OPTIONS MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.God" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.KeepClean" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Repair" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Wash" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Engine" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.BikeSeatbelt" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.SpeedLimiter" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.ChangePlate" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Mod" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Colors" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Liveries" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Components" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Doors" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Windows" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Freeze" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Invisible" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.TorqueMultiplier" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.PowerMultiplier" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Flip" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Alarm" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.CycleSeats" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.EngineAlwaysOn" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.NoSiren" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.NoHelmet" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Lights" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.FixOrDestroyTires" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Delete" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.Underglow" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.FlashHighbeamsOnHonk" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.DisableTurbulence" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.InfiniteFuel" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.VOFlares" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleOptions.VOPlaneBombs" allow + +#################################### +# VEHICLE SPAWNER MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.DisableReplacePrevious" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SpawnByName" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Addon" allow # allows you to spawn an addon car from the Addon Vehicles list. +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Compacts" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Sedans" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SUVs" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Coupes" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Muscle" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SportsClassic" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Sports" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Super" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Motorcycles" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.OffRoad" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Industrial" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Utility" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Vans" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Cycles" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Boats" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Helicopters" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Planes" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Service" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Emergency" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Military" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Commercial" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Trains" allow + +#################################### +# SAVED VEHICLES MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.SavedVehicles.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.SavedVehicles.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.SavedVehicles.Spawn" allow + +#################################### +# PERSONAL VEHICLE MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ToggleEngine" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ToggleLights" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.KickPassengers" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.LockDoors" allow # This grants both locking and unlocking the doors. +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.SoundHorn" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ToggleAlarm" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.AddBlip" allow # Adds a blip for your personal vehicle only. +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ExclusiveDriver" allow # Allows you to become the exclusive driver of this vehicle. + +#################################### +# PLAYER APPEARANCE MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerAppearance.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerAppearance.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerAppearance.Customize" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerAppearance.SpawnSaved" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerAppearance.SpawnNew" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.PlayerAppearance.AddonPeds" allow + +#################################### +# TIME OPTIONS MENU # +#################################### +# Restricted to staffmods/staffs by default. +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.TimeOptions.Menu" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.TimeOptions.All" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.TimeOptions.FreezeTime" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.TimeOptions.SetTime" allow + +#################################### +# WEATHER OPTIONS MENU # +#################################### +# Also restricted to staffmods/staffs by default. +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.Menu" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.All" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.Dynamic" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.Blackout" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.SetWeather" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.RemoveClouds" allow +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.WeatherOptions.RandomizeClouds" allow + +#################################### +# WEAPON OPTIONS MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.GetAll" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.RemoveAll" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.UnlimitedAmmo" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.NoReload" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Spawn" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SpawnByName" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SetAllAmmo" allow + +### WEAPON-SPECIFIC PERMISSIONS +# If you remove the "vMenu.WeaponOptions.All" permission, you can specify specific +# weapons that players can access using the weapon options menu by granting permissions +# for every weapon that you want to allow below. "vMenu.WeaponOptions.All" automatically grants all weapons. + +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.APPistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.AdvancedRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultRifleMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultSMG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.BZGas" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Ball" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Bat" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.BattleAxe" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Bottle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.BullpupRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.BullpupRifleMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.BullpupShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CarbineRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CarbineRifleMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatMG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatMGMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatPDW" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatPistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CompactGrenadeLauncher" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.CompactRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Crowbar" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Dagger" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.DoubleAction" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.DoubleBarrelShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.FireExtinguisher" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Firework" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Flare" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.FlareGun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Flashlight" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.GolfClub" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Grenade" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.GrenadeLauncher" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.GrenadeLauncherSmoke" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Gusenberg" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Hammer" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Hatchet" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavyPistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavyShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavySniper" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavySniperMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.HomingLauncher" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Knife" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.KnuckleDuster" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Machete" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MachinePistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MarksmanPistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MarksmanRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MarksmanRifleMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MicroSMG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.MiniSMG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Minigun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Molotov" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Musket" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.NightVision" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Nightstick" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Parachute" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PetrolCan" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PipeBomb" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Pistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Pistol50" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PistolMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PoolCue" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.ProximityMine" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PumpShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PumpShotgunMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.RPG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Railgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Revolver" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.RevolverMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SMG" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SMGMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SNSPistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SNSPistolMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SawnOffShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SmokeGrenade" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SniperRifle" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Snowball" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SpecialCarbine" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SpecialCarbineMk2" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.StickyBomb" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.StunGun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SweeperShotgun" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.SwitchBlade" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Unarmed" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.VintagePistol" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.Wrench" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PlasmaPistol" allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604) +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PlasmaCarbine" allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604) +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.PlasmaMinigun" allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604) +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponOptions.StoneHatchet" allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604) + +#################################### +# WEAPON LOADOUTS MENU # +#################################### +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.Menu" allow +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.All" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.Equip" allow +# add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.EquipOnRespawn" allow + +#################################### +# MISC SETTINGS MENU # +#################################### +# There is no vMenu.MiscSettings.Menu permission on purpose, some options in the misc settings menu +# should *ALWAYS* be allowed, so you can't restrict the opening of this menu! +add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.ClearArea" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportToWp" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.ShowCoordinates" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.ShowLocation" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.JoinQuitNotifs" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.DeathNotifs" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.NightVision" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.ThermalVision" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.LocationBlips" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.OverheadNames" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.PlayerBlips" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportLocations" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.ConnectionMenu" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.RestoreAppearance" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.RestoreWeapons" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.MiscSettings.DriftMode" allow + +#################################### +# VOICE CHAT OPTIONS MENU # +#################################### +# To disable vMenu's voice chat options, simply remove this section completely and vMenu won't touch voice chat at all. +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VoiceChat.Menu" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VoiceChat.All" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VoiceChat.Enable" allow +#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VoiceChat.ShowSpeaker" allow + +# Staff voice channel is restricted to staffmods/staffs by default. +#add_ace group.staffmod "vMenu.VoiceChat.StaffChannel" allow + + +###################################################################### +# OTHER PERMISSIONS IMPORTANT FOR DEBUGGING AND VERSION CHECKS # +###################################################################### + +# This permission below is required for vMenu to do proper version update checks. +# Please do not remove it. It only allows vMenu to SET a specific variable named vMenuUUID which is used to track +# versions on the serverlist and other backend services. +add_ace resource.vMenu command.sets allow + +# Remove the comments here if you want me to be able to help you debug issues in case you have any. +# Leaving it like this will not allow me to help you debug vMenu issues in case you have any. +# add_ace identifier.license:4510587c13e0b645eb8d24bc104601792277ab98 command.vmenuserver allow +# add_ace identifier.license:4510587c13e0b645eb8d24bc104601792277ab98 command.vmenuclient allow +# add_ace identifier.license:4510587c13e0b645eb8d24bc104601792277ab98 vMenu.Dev allow + +add_principal group.staff +add_principal identifier.steam:ID group.staff #NAME +add_principal identifier.license:LICENSE group.staff #NAME + + + diff --git a/server.cfg b/server.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..133c3a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/server.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +exec permissions.cfg +endpoint_add_tcp "" +endpoint_add_udp "" + +set mysql_connection_string "" +sv_hostname "^3[^7FR^1] ^3FANTASTIC RP ^7- ^1V2 ^7- ^3WHITELIST ^7| ^1discord.gg/fantastic" +sv_master1 "" +#=Fantastic-CFG=# +sv_scriptHookAllowed 1 +sets DEV "DVR/MrJekylle/Morow" +sets tags "" +sets locale "fr-FR" +sets discord "https://discord.gg/fantastic" +set temp_convar "ESX" + + +#=Fantastic-ADMIN=# +add_ace group.superadmin easyadmin allow +add_ace group.superadmin command allow # allow all commands +add_principal identifier.steam:ID group.superadmin # NAME + +#==Fantastic-TOOLS==# +sv_endpointprivacy true +set onesync_enabled 1 +sv_maxclients 128 +set steam_webApiKey "" +set sv_licenseKey "" +load_server_icon fantastic.png + +setr voice_use3dAudio true +setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true + +#### VMENU #### +ensure vMenu + +#=Fantastic-FIVEM# +ensure mapmanager +ensure chat +ensure spawnmanager +ensure sessionmanager +ensure fivem +ensure NativeUI +ensure warmenu + +#=Fantastic-CORE# +add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_ace allow +add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_principal allow +ensure es_extended +ensure gcphone +ensure vdk_call +ensure esx_addons_gcphone +ensure bob74_ipl +ensure EasyAdmin +ensure vSync +stop webadmin + +#Fantastic-MENUS==# +ensure esx_menu_default +ensure esx_menu_dialog +ensure esx_menu_list +ensure krz_personalmenu +ensure esx_truck + +#Fantastic-BASE=# +ensure esx_skincc +ensure skinchanger +ensure esx_identity + +#Fantastic-ESX=# +ensure coffre +ensure esx_addonaccount +ensure esx_addoninventory +ensure esx_datastore +ensure esx_status +ensure esx_basicneeds +ensure esx_optionalneeds +ensure esx_addonneeds +ensure esx_factures +ensure esx_service +ensure esx_society +ensure garages +ensure mrw_clothes +ensure mrw_chest +ensure mrw_utils +ensure esx_doorlock2 +ensure esx_holsterweapon +ensure esx_license +ensure esx_vehiclelock +ensure esx_discord_bot +ensure location +ensure esx_thief +ensure jek_weaponshop +ensure dvr_announce +ensure esx_carwash +ensure esx_sit +ensure esx_police_cad +ensure mhacking +ensure esx_mask +ensure esx_acce +ensure esx_kmsveh +ensure esx_legacyfuel +ensure esx_barbershop +ensure jek_shops +ensure jek_elecshops +ensure Weaponry +ensure esx_whitelist +ensure jek_firemenu +ensure report +ensure esx_cartief + +# GANG +ensure GangsBuilder +ensure dvr_gangmenu + +#mumble# +ensure mumble-voip +ensure rp-radio + +#Fantastic-JOBS==# +ensure esx_ambulancejobnew +ensure jek_policejob +ensure esx_autoecolejob +ensure izone +ensure mrw_agriculture +ensure mrw_banking +ensure esx_vehicleshop +ensure esx_bikershop +ensure esx_nightclub +ensure esx_unicornjob +ensure esx_taxijob +ensure esx_mecanojob +ensure esx_lscustom +ensure esx_fbijob +ensure mrw_gasoline +ensure esx_psyjob +ensure esx_gouvjob +ensure esx_journalistejob +ensure esx_flashjob +ensure esx_yellowjob +ensure esx_comedyjob +ensure esx_armyjob +ensure prl_civilJobs +ensure cuisine +ensure jek_inspecteurjob +ensure esx_crucialjob +ensure police + +# MOD MENU # +ensure DVR_Menu + + +# CAM SPAWN # +ensure mrw_spawncam + +##CATALOGUE## +ensure esx_motoshowroom +ensure esx_carshowroom + +#Fantastic-ILLEGAL=# +ensure dvr_foodeffects +ensure eden_weed +ensure blackmarket +ensure esx_drogues +ensure salty_crafting +ensure craftlegacy +ensure weaponshops + +ensure mrw_prop +ensure esx_property +ensure esx_realestateagentjob + + +#==Fantastic-UTILS==# +ensure esx_hifi +ensure core +ensure jsfour-idcard +ensure pNotify +ensure sac +ensure SirenOnOff +ensure weapon_acc +ensure litter +ensure interact-sound +ensure Pawnshop +ensure dvr_editor +ensure acidtrip +ensure CarryPeople +ensure sh_cni +ensure dpemotes +ensure dvr_load +ensure t0sic_loadingbar +ensure helicam +ensure weazelcam +ensure xnTattoos +ensure dvr_force +ensure jek_jumelles +ensure alert +ensure craft +ensure craftbaraking +ensure acidtriraking +ensure acidtrip2 +ensure acidtrip3 +ensure np-alerts +ensure mrv_propsedit +ensure map-proxies +ensure progressBars + +